Decided to give Platinum a whirl on a pretty tight gem budget to see what was possible. Started the event with 860 gems total. By collecting dailies and playing I've farmed additional gems and have spent a total of 1515 gems:
245 - basic unlocks
15 - buying gold at the start of map 1-1
8 - leveling fireball to 3 at the start of map 1-1
400 - 2nd upgrade slot
150 - crafting crates (1 apprentice for 50, 1 expert for 100)
500 - Maggie
80 - 4 reforges changing exp to a usable stat for push (chose armor on 2 for lack of better options, LoH on 1, and AR on the other)
117 - 2 sockets, belt and trinket (it's definitely worth noting, for those unaware, that adding sockets to belts, bracers, trinkets, and capes is cheaper than set armor and weapons)
To start I ran story up to Eileen with no booster until the mushroom stew (stew after until lvl 40, replacing stew with 200%), I didn't buy an MoT crate so I ran fireball with VotWS and Firelily. Made it to 70 in a little under 20 minutes but already had Eileen. Farmed with dfa up 80, then switched to beam. Had decent luck with bracer crafting at first, managed a 467% beam epic 73 early on and incredible luck later on with a 466% leg followed by a 486% leg on back to back crafts! But that's basically as far as my crafting luck extended because I had a pitiful start chasing staffs and an early 74 that rolled with the worst possible dmg
, I finally did get a decent 75 on my 11th craft and eventually crafted a 76 tome on craft 19, but with my budget approach it took a lot of farming with pretty bad gear before I was even able to craft those. My crafts so far have gone: 2342322324522532326242233224322
The gameplay itself however has been great with the addition of spirit stones, and I'm really feeling their impact in this low-budget, bad-gear approach I'm taking, mixing and matching them provides a lot of nice flexibility too. I used 1 ephemeral and 2 crafted jewelry pieces for farming with exp/eg and for Push I crafted 1 decent ring and used 2 ephemerals, I might skip this next platinum (if I play) because it left me with some tough gemstone choices and not enough amethysts to craft an obfuscation
Still, I would call this anb a huge success so far overall, I've managed to farming 1720 cls and have now pushed through 145 in good time. I have just under 22 minutes of event timer left, my 145 run opened 147 and if everything goes right I should have a shot at 150 (because as most of you know, if you start a trial before your event timer runs out the trial will still count if you clear it successfully even if your timer expires during the trial). That is all, hope you all have a wonderful anb!
245 - basic unlocks
15 - buying gold at the start of map 1-1
8 - leveling fireball to 3 at the start of map 1-1
400 - 2nd upgrade slot
150 - crafting crates (1 apprentice for 50, 1 expert for 100)
500 - Maggie
80 - 4 reforges changing exp to a usable stat for push (chose armor on 2 for lack of better options, LoH on 1, and AR on the other)
117 - 2 sockets, belt and trinket (it's definitely worth noting, for those unaware, that adding sockets to belts, bracers, trinkets, and capes is cheaper than set armor and weapons)
To start I ran story up to Eileen with no booster until the mushroom stew (stew after until lvl 40, replacing stew with 200%), I didn't buy an MoT crate so I ran fireball with VotWS and Firelily. Made it to 70 in a little under 20 minutes but already had Eileen. Farmed with dfa up 80, then switched to beam. Had decent luck with bracer crafting at first, managed a 467% beam epic 73 early on and incredible luck later on with a 466% leg followed by a 486% leg on back to back crafts! But that's basically as far as my crafting luck extended because I had a pitiful start chasing staffs and an early 74 that rolled with the worst possible dmg
