I have a very unusual situation regarding an ANB Gold character. It shows up on the newly added 2nd page of the character selection screen. Unfortunately there is a lock (a keyhole, really) icon over it and a message appears which says 'Do you want to unlock this hero slot for a thousand gems (you only have 833 gems)'? Lol! I had played this character for about an hour when I switched to one of the regular season ones to collect bounties, upgrade skills, etc. And now I can't go back to playing the current ANB as my mage is now trapped. 
If this is answered elsewhere I apologize but I couldn't find any information about it.
First post but a long time player. This is my second go-around with ET. Just couldn't stay away.
Thanks for your time,

If this is answered elsewhere I apologize but I couldn't find any information about it.
First post but a long time player. This is my second go-around with ET. Just couldn't stay away.
Thanks for your time,