Bounty Hunter - Mobile
Most players might not notice certain gameplay issues that become readily apparent about the time skeleton soldiers instantly kill your 230k HP hero. I've accepted the fact that enemies get stronger and have more HP at higher levels. There are some reasonable requests to be made, however, about enemies and other field elements.
1) Before I permanently muted my hero, I recall his constant rallying cry "get the healer!". That's a difficult ask - our main crowd control element groups them into an incomprehensible mass, and singling out any unit becomes a challenge. If I am successful, well, it's not a strategic boost since they seem to have more HP than some other units.
Suggestion #1: Healers shouldn't be able to heal themselves, only allied units. This would make targeting them somewhat worth the targeting foreplay.
2) Elite units can add challenge to the game, but there's a point where it's no longer challenging and more like pure masochism. The main offender is the flame trapper type, which would be ok except for the times where it casts the flames on top of your head, killing you instantly, and then over and over again the split nanosecond you respawn. Next is the vanishing blink lich & skeleton archer. They can blink wherever they damn well please & murder you well before human reflexes can kick in.
Suggestion #2: Have a small bubble around the hero where flames can't be laid down and where they can't blink. Give us a fair chance to dodge these.
3) The cave level is rage-inducing. I get that it's a cave & caves are dark, but that's real life & this is a game. I guess I wouldn't mind as much since I usually TP out of these levels, but a couple of these levels are mandatory. Plus enemies aren't wearing bright red uniforms - no, they use the same color palette as the terrain, so I constantly need to stare at the minimap when pulling them lest I suicide into a group of zombies.
Suggestion # 3: Make cave lighter by a few shades. Even under perfect lighting conditions it's too dark, and if there's even a hint of sunlight hitting the screen, then forget it.
4) My number one peeve - I have died or lost an opportunity so many times due to those stupid status effect symbols on the edge of the screen because they are clickable and interrupt my immaculate drawings when they are needed most, or prevent me from shooting something. Then my hero stands there like a paralyzed mime, the embodiment of uselessness. Who really needs to click the season statistics badge during a trial, anyway? No, no, no, NO. The only thing worse is accidentally pulling down my phone's notifications menu, but that's not your turf.
Suggestion #4: Make status effects & season badge optional through the settings menu - or better yet, allow my drawings to continue or begin unimpeded. Once we know what they do I don't need to be reminded again that the cup boosts my movement speed by 5 - currently it's making it zero.
I'll leave it there for now. Thanks.
Most players might not notice certain gameplay issues that become readily apparent about the time skeleton soldiers instantly kill your 230k HP hero. I've accepted the fact that enemies get stronger and have more HP at higher levels. There are some reasonable requests to be made, however, about enemies and other field elements.
1) Before I permanently muted my hero, I recall his constant rallying cry "get the healer!". That's a difficult ask - our main crowd control element groups them into an incomprehensible mass, and singling out any unit becomes a challenge. If I am successful, well, it's not a strategic boost since they seem to have more HP than some other units.
Suggestion #1: Healers shouldn't be able to heal themselves, only allied units. This would make targeting them somewhat worth the targeting foreplay.
2) Elite units can add challenge to the game, but there's a point where it's no longer challenging and more like pure masochism. The main offender is the flame trapper type, which would be ok except for the times where it casts the flames on top of your head, killing you instantly, and then over and over again the split nanosecond you respawn. Next is the vanishing blink lich & skeleton archer. They can blink wherever they damn well please & murder you well before human reflexes can kick in.
Suggestion #2: Have a small bubble around the hero where flames can't be laid down and where they can't blink. Give us a fair chance to dodge these.
3) The cave level is rage-inducing. I get that it's a cave & caves are dark, but that's real life & this is a game. I guess I wouldn't mind as much since I usually TP out of these levels, but a couple of these levels are mandatory. Plus enemies aren't wearing bright red uniforms - no, they use the same color palette as the terrain, so I constantly need to stare at the minimap when pulling them lest I suicide into a group of zombies.
Suggestion # 3: Make cave lighter by a few shades. Even under perfect lighting conditions it's too dark, and if there's even a hint of sunlight hitting the screen, then forget it.
4) My number one peeve - I have died or lost an opportunity so many times due to those stupid status effect symbols on the edge of the screen because they are clickable and interrupt my immaculate drawings when they are needed most, or prevent me from shooting something. Then my hero stands there like a paralyzed mime, the embodiment of uselessness. Who really needs to click the season statistics badge during a trial, anyway? No, no, no, NO. The only thing worse is accidentally pulling down my phone's notifications menu, but that's not your turf.
Suggestion #4: Make status effects & season badge optional through the settings menu - or better yet, allow my drawings to continue or begin unimpeded. Once we know what they do I don't need to be reminded again that the cup boosts my movement speed by 5 - currently it's making it zero.

I'll leave it there for now. Thanks.