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Deflect, explained?

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    Deflect, explained?

    First off I know I've asked a bunch of questions last few days just some things I don't find obvious answers to... The responses have been much appreciated.

    So I really like the shield warrior build and I was looking at the top guy and noticed he has deflect rolled on some of his pieces which I know at his level is not by accident.

    It is one stat that I do not really understand at all. It's some damage reflect correct? I can't imagine that is why it is in the build though. The build seems to obliterate packs, but really struggle on the boss...

    I think I read that it works against 'special attacks'... Can anyone elaborate on that?


    I see deflect as the hedgehog tactic: If I hit you, it will hurt me too. But the thing is, if you're up against a mob with low attack speed, low damage, and a ton of health points, the resulting damage will lie somewhere between a tickle and a itch. I believe you need a highly specialized build to make this work efficiently, and I wouldn't know how to do it for a warrior (or else, for that matter). Special attacks are those of the bosses, like Magroth's meteor, or Kara's swords.
    Last edited by Mxtof; 12-15-2023, 02:21 PM.


      When I ran my SW build last ANB, I kept my deflect rate @10-11%, something hadn't experimented with yet, and it seemed to have an effect on the lower level farming trials, but maybe not so much at the higher ones. I'm thinking that equals around one out of every ten hits, you reflect 60% of the damage from an individual target. The higher the damage received, the more reflected. And really, to me, more than 10-12% is a waste of slots


        For mage, deflect is pretty much nearly always inferior to other stats so hardly ever gets used except in very specific situations (Stormcaller build, high trial Magroth) and even then probably more for the fun of it than an actual advantage.
        I presume it is similar for warrior builds simply because in general enemies have huge toughness but "relatively low dmg" and therefore the damage reflected is also "relatively low". [[ Magroth's meteors are the exception here and for Kara, deflect may be used to kill minions quicker]]
        Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
        [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


          Originally posted by Zizzle72 View Post
          When I ran my SW build last ANB, I kept my deflect rate @10-11%, something hadn't experimented with yet, and it seemed to have an effect on the lower level farming trials, but maybe not so much at the higher ones. I'm thinking that equals around one out of every ten hits, you reflect 60% of the damage from an individual target. The higher the damage received, the more reflected. And really, to me, more than 10-12% is a waste of slots
          I see. The thing is I am assuming the Byklova guy (misspelled probably but I'm not logged in). He is like rank 60 on trials and the only shield character anywhere near that, and I checked again yesterday and he has a decent amount of items with deflect on it. The shield slam seems to clear packs pretty nice, but as I push higher (I think I've done up to low 130s) the build is just doing so little damage to the boss... Whereas my ANB juggernaut build could one shot the boss at 130, lol.

          This makes me think it is somehow helping kill the bosses, since that seems to be where the major weakness is of the build. I just don't have extra resources to really test it out myself. Seems pretty hard to test though but I imagine people do some more extensive testing if playing on a PC.

          I haven't been playing long so I have no idea how active the devs are on trying to balance stuff but hoping they buff the shield build a bit since that's what I started putting resources into gearing for now...


          • Zizzle72
            Zizzle72 commented
            Editing a comment
            Yeah. I noticed that, too. It's about the boss fight for sure, since the damage is reflected to an individual target, and if your deflect rate is 35-45%, I can see how reflecting one out every one or two hits, it would be a huge difference in the boss fight. And yes, buffing the shield Warrior build would be nice, like one more shield block charge, and/or reduced cool down...


          i also wonder should used deflect as one of my attribute?
          at the moment i just put 2-3 gears with it (deflect)
          why?It is plain and simple:

          "Those who are better than me in playing shield warriors" (their ranking is higher than mine) put deflect as one of their attributes.

          Now at the moment i can't seems to see any difference yet i'm afraid (deflect or not, yes or no, yes or no i dunno? hahaha)
          I have a very big problem:

          it's a bit hard to put so many thing on a shield warrior (Cr/CD considered permanent attribute). The rest?:

          1.Block. A must. (with this new type of Shield warrior with what on earth that thing called? a liberator shield? -how many block is sufficient? 93% or more or less is ok?).Mine always .> 110%
          2..Vitality. Less vitality means i'm dead meat
          3. Attribute (compulsory). The higher the better/ Mine now (>50%)
          4. Now deflect( o my God what next?). How much deflect? how many gears for deflect? a one or a two or 3 or .......(fill up the blank)

          Now come the question: can anybody give some idea/suggestion/recommendation:

          Can i JUST NEGLECT/NOT USED "deflect" as an attribute for Shield warrior??. In other word: No deflect for Shield Warrior

          Thank you

          hv a nice day
          Last edited by TheExorcist; 01-15-2024, 07:26 AM.
          Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
          trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

          brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

          Hv a nice day


            Hip hip hooray
            Good news:
            try and error
            Just now my timing better when i get rid off all deflect on my gears
            i went up one trial from 163 to 164
            trial 163 (in 9:56 min)
            trial 164 -Garm (in 8:58 min)

            Based on this deflect not necessary be an attribute of a shield warrior
            aint that sweet
            Last edited by TheExorcist; 01-15-2024, 08:35 AM.
            Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
            trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

            brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

            Hv a nice day


              At first glance, Deflect looks like a defensive stat, but I don't think it's meant to be one. This attribute is a little weird, because apparently you can even deflect dodged, parried or blocked attacks. Still, TheExorcist nailed it: How can you put enough of them on a specialized build to make it count? I sure don't know. But if you're looking for a defensive stat, better use Vitality instead.


                Guys deflect is not a good choice for shield warrior. Top guy is top despite this stat choice, not necause of it He's just a very good player. Try to maximize block rating (3800 sheet block rating, so with shield block it is 7800). This means 95% crit block. 1 block rating also adds 1 power with 6D and shield block. As a second defensive stat choose vitality
                Mage: Anba
                Bounty Hunter: Gemma


                • TheExorcist
                  TheExorcist commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Bojack, thanks for the recommendation etc

                Deflect I'm using on my gear is simply because it adds another defensive attribute to my warrior, deflect reduces 60% damage of incoming hit. It's not about how much damage deflect itself deals, but about survivability... As someone mentioned here, u can put your attributes in vitality instead, deflect right now is hardly reachable and needs buff

