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    power 60.0
    criticalRating 60.0
    criticalDamage 40.0
    attackSpeed 9.6
    extraGold 30.0
    abilityRating 60.0
    experience 30.0

    Champion Lv Farming:
    The severed moutain (stage 10.) legendary with warrior, 425 % exp. Use 2 skill is battle rage and whirlwin
    .when stop whrirwin , u need out and run again.
    Do u understand me?


    My conjecture is that the fusion rating is based, at least partially, on achieving an optimal spread of stats on each tier of ring. An uncommon has 1 stat, rare has 2, epic has 3, and legendary has 4. To create a perfect legendary ring, simply socket a gem that has not been added into the mix in each tier, starting from uncommon.