You can buy unlimited amounts of:
- gems (with money)
- gold (with gems)
- gemstones (with gems)
- crafting resources (with gems)
- XP & currency boosters (with gems)
- the equivalent of research books = level up attacks/utilities/passives (with gems)
- you only get 6 Epic ephemeral pieces of gear which are of limited use vs. Legendary ; plus a toon uses 9 pieces of gear+weapons, not 6
- Legendary gear/weapons can only be crafted (crafted gear is mediocre) or it can be farmed (so RNG is a factor)
- however XP gear can be reforged to DPS/push gear -- with significant gems
- you only get 2 Celestials
- you only get 3 ephemeral pieces of jewelry (2 rings, 1 necklace)
- you only get 3 P-Rare jewelry boxes
- to reach the highest levels you have to craft one set of either XP jewelry or DPS/push jewelry or a combination ; this takes a huge amount of gold (or gems) & gemstones
- you can buy a limited number of research books ; however these are equivalent to gems
- immediately buy & run XP and currency boosters for the entire event
- immediately buy 2 Endars, or, don't even bother rescuing Robin from TBD and buy 3 Endars (500 gems each)
- immediately unlock all attacks, utilities and passives (unlock the third utility and passive when you can)
- as soon as a new attack/utility/passive unlocks, pay gems to immediately level it up (if you do this, you only need one research slot)
- if you're not going to pay to level everything to L10 with gems, then pay to unlock all the research slots
- purchase gear from the blacksmith often on your way up to level 70 (you'll have to buy gold with gems)
- craft gear on your way up to level 70 (you'll have to buy resources with gems)
- craft XP jewelry every 10-20 levels, on your way to level 70. At least pure Epic XP jewelry, if not full legendary (using gems + possibly gemstones)
- as soon as you reach level 70, craft legendary gear + weapons (replace/skip the Epic ephemerals)
- if you're slightly patient, use the ephemeral jewelry once you get it, for your XP set ; then later, craft a full replacement DPS set
- I'm sure I am missing some things you would do if you had an unlimited budget.
So, the key to doing "ok" in these events, is how to do all this "efficiently" while spending a "modest" amount of gems.
... continued ...
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