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ANB Silver League #16

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    ANB Silver League #16

    Official start time today July 1, at 19:00 UTC. Good luck to all!
    “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb

    Tally Ho !
    Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
    [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


    • Bali_Lenni
      Bali_Lenni commented
      Editing a comment
      ( alarm set to ohthreehundredhours / minus ten minutes \ to quickly stir up a "Balinese coffee" {=very finely ground pure coffee powder, from Banyuatis or Kayu Putih region in the mountains, straight in a mug or glass (oldschoolstyle) add sugar or not, boiling water , mix .....ready . P.S. it is recommended to let it sit awhile and give the coffee ground a chance to settle P.P.S. do not completely empty your glass or mug unless you want an extra wakeup boost} )

      P.P.P.S In German and French thus prepared coffee is called "turkish coffee".....any equivalent in English ?
      P.P.P.P.S. I do appologize for this little intermezzo of completely offtopic trivia & will not happen again once the timers are running ...

    • WarriorSeven
      WarriorSeven commented
      Editing a comment
      Good gawd ... I'm wide awake just reading about this.

    ​​​​Ready to 5-star my gold farmer BH and replace him with a fresh one after this ANB. It's been awhile since I played a BH. Likely 4H/2D set, as is my Main.
    Last edited by WarriorSeven; 07-01-2022, 01:51 PM.
    “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb


      This Anb I want to hv fun with the one on the far right.
      TRy to do it step by step:

      "I'm using Hegemony: ANB! Bounty Hunter to LV 70 part 1 (53:29 min) as a guide"

      Just finished 14 min watching; I follow the build slowly from the beginning : Now finished crafting at level 3 most of the gear rare with exp haste only one or two with power and one fire lilly at level 10 ( it seems BH fire lilly attribute differs from warrior fire lilly etc). Awesome.

      When reach level 70 I just follow Ozymandius recommendation for new players:

      RF Magnetic trap and Heatseekers
      3hrs left: Just reach Trial 120. Better rest for cookin abilities

      Attached Files
      Last edited by TheExorcist; 07-06-2022, 08:38 AM.
      Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
      trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

      brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

      Hv a nice day


        ...having another go at dual classing, but farming SoA instead of Morgenheim...
        Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
        [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


        • WarriorSeven
          WarriorSeven commented
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          For me, it's well worth the time to plow through Story to get to World 4 (I would say, especially with Warrior). You can avoid all the side channels and shoot straight for the end or last chest to save on time, or for me (not it in for the competition), I actually use time to farm ALL the side channels and chests for more loot and gold. With a good gold set (I use the Ephermeral Epic drops) and 200% booster, I average over 110K - 120K of gold per run. Farming gold at DC (and sometimes Morgenheim) is the absolutely the best and my main reason for doing it vs say SM during Bronze and Silver.

          Regarding the rumored, copious amounts of BoL drops at Morgenheim as a haven ... my comment is ... meh. Not much of a change at DC either. Besides, it's not a focus for me -- gold farming is. There seems to be some initial benefit in BoL drops up to the first 20 passes, but after that, they seem to dry up quickly and you only get a few on occasion. Don't recall if the Stat gurus on Discord studied this or not, but I certainly don't see a huge benefit. I rely on Trials for my BoL drops during Experience farming, which suits me quite well.

        • Bali_Lenni
          Bali_Lenni commented
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          In my case I need the BoLs for my upcoming pushmage - hopefully trials will be BoLfriendly // still waiting on WW10 to start serious xp farming...

          Silly question: do dual classers skip all the quests to make a faster story run?
          Second silly question: after dual classing, farmerWarrior then Pushmage - can you delete that Pushmage as well and make a warrior lvl70 to take home without losing ranking on LB ? - pretty sure this is not a problem, but would feel happier if I had a hands on confirmation before deleting ?

        • Bali_Lenni
          Bali_Lenni commented
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          P.S. how is your BHunter coming along ? Pure BH this ANB ?

        ((...."north of 2200." - is that googleTranslate@work ?))
        Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
        [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


          Trial 129
          I made it but how many time I died when facing the bos? (Garm) I laugh at myself:

          oops made a grave mistake at 129. One wrongly gear (shoulder) thus havoc 5 demo 1 supposed to be 4/2. Made adjustment at 131. Time better a bit
          Attached Files
          Last edited by TheExorcist; 07-06-2022, 10:56 AM.
          Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
          trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

          brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

          Hv a nice day


            First time made it with a BH at trial 139
            so many time dead (facing Garm) lastly success 1 hr 43 min left
            Game nearly over for me. made it at trial 143. 50 min left. Garm is difficult at 144.
            I'm very happy. Maybe I will be at BH anb top 100?. If yes it's the first time at BH LB. hihi
            Thank you
            Attached Files
            Last edited by TheExorcist; 07-10-2022, 03:56 AM.
            Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
            trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

            brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

            Hv a nice day


              ...just beat Garm 139, I think only because he spawned in a good spot & I could beam him 2 or 3 times in the yellow/blue overlap...1h left and if I can beat Kara that would already be a nice success in silver....happy bountyhunting
              Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
              [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


                Finished "okay" this event -- could have used more time, though. Will use this BH to replace my now deleted gold farmer.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image_21077.jpg
Views:	400
Size:	147.8 KB
ID:	213457

                I was also lucky to get 2 L77 drops (a first for me), a Firebug (after several reforges) and Demo Pants (w/CT). I also crafted near perfect L77 Demo boots (w/CT, not shown here), so I ended with 3 L77 items this Event, all useful for my main BH. All 3 items will get re-CT'd and be bound to my main after Event end.

                Click image for larger version  Name:	FB77.jpg Views:	0 Size:	52.3 KB ID:	213459Click image for larger version  Name:	DemoPants77.jpg Views:	0 Size:	56.2 KB ID:	213460

                I stopped crafting after this to refocus on push as an experiment to see how far I could go with the limited time I had.

                So, in the end, with this added L77 horsepower and the few days remaining in Season, I may try to push for medals with my main BH.
                “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb


                • Bali_Lenni
                  Bali_Lenni commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Good luck with season....

                • WarriorSeven
                  WarriorSeven commented
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                  Good chance for my first medals ever there.

                • Bali_Lenni
                  Bali_Lenni commented
                  Editing a comment
                  haha..same here...Garm 149 is a tough fellow, but might make centurion first time FireLily toon just lacks the power no matter what I try...