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ANB Bronze League #17

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    ANB Bronze League #17

    Starts at 17:00 UTC. Good luck to all participating!
    “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb

    Good luck to all of us
    Attached Files
    Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
    trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

    brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

    Hv a nice day


      This is lovely. Thank you! Not sure how new, but it's new to me lol
      (normally required lvl 50+ on these last ones)
      QUJI GUFE GOKO 2635
      Hacker, not to be confused with cheater or cracker


      • WarriorSeven
        WarriorSeven commented
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        This lower level ability "buy" became available when the Eternium instance was modified to run on PC via Steam late last year.

      • Skyla
        Skyla commented
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        Feels like only a couple anbs ago it was still at 51 and 55, but I prob wasn't watching and just waited until then to look

      • Skyla
        Skyla commented
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        Ahh, that makes sense. Small part of me was waiting on someone to say it was dif league thing. Thanks Tin Man!

      Tally Ho / good luck !
      Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
      [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


        First weekend out the way, hope all is going well for everyone

        good luck everyone

        KEPE WUMA TOXE 3576….. Warrior (2210),
        WELE QEBU VUYO 4842….. Mage (2210),
        WOQI ZOBA WUGA 9469….. BH (2242)


          And have fun ……..


            One hour into the event, and I am pretty much tracking my normal progress. Playing FireLily BH with Havoc gear. Got an unexpected level 77 on the Belt of Ordnance, so I decided to keep it even though it is really better for farming than end game. Maybe some day they will nerf Molten Belt and this one will become valuable. I collected all of the season rewards already, so I am pretty much just farming XP and materials now, so I can craft better weapons [currently 73 and 75]. I got a Heatseeker BoM the easy way using Antikythera, but I may try to upgrade it if I have a higher level craft that aligns with another HS BoM prediction. Lately, I haven't had much time to play, so I am not even sure if I will have time for a push. Luckily, I mainly used this event to collect the season rewards, so anything else will be icing on the cake...

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Victoria 1hr.jpg
Views:	471
Size:	131.5 KB
ID:	213924


            • chessmaster58
              chessmaster58 commented
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              Interesting play ... using AR as one of your passives ... Does it help that much ?

            • Ozymandius
              Ozymandius commented
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              chessmaster58 It mostly helps out when CLs are low and you have little to no points in AR. Fire Lily BH does not equip AR on gear, so you need an IM and some AR on jewelry. Also, I never have enough gemstones to craft really great [4 stat] farming jewelry. If I save ephemeral jewelry for pushing, then I usually only have enough resources for Power, Haste, and AR as a third stat on XP jewelry. Usually it is enough to avoid having to farm gold and to build CLs.

            worst anb real life time...could not even manage a usable 77....time to take a serious break & maybe just do dailies a couple of weeks/months...
            on the up side: snorkeling at the local reef this avo, had a whole group/ family of 4 or 5 ocellated eagle rays suddenly appear out of the blue
            ; managed to keep up for about a minute at 2~4m range, the 2 large ones had a wingspan of at least 2 metres just flying over the reef in mesmerizing beauty ..
            ​​​​​​keep enjoying Eternium and see you some time in the future
            Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
            [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]


            • Ozymandius
              Ozymandius commented
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              It is always good to have a real life outside of Eternium. I too am finding it challenging to get enough playing time to make events really worth the gem expense. After this event, I am downshifting back to my Veteran league account where even a minimal effort can get you to TL119.

            • WarriorSeven
              WarriorSeven commented
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              Snorkeling in rapture at the sight of a fever of ocellated rays in the wild (I'm jealous) vs suffering through an Eternium ANB event? Why, that's a no brainer!

              Bali_Lenni has his R/L priorities in order!

            cheers friends...
            ...since its the weekend ,trying to snuggle in a minimal silver, just warrior only get a 77 or 2 for xpwarriorbuild , no jewelries no strategies, to take home...even missed 50 calender jewels + dailies last week, first time in over a year I guess...but it is good to have a break...
            enjoy eternium at the right dosage and come down for a snorkel some day
            Backyard FireLily (gloriosa superba)
            [ BrokenGarm , LenniGold , LenniXP ]

