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Silver 25
Well that went better than expected. Made it to TL 136 and just made top 50. Failed miserably to beat TL 137 though. The trash mobs kept on refusing to die and the hidden dragon kept on one shotting me. Still time to rest the fingers now I think. Takes a while to get used to the rythym of running a mage. Don't think I could do it every ANB though
Testing Arcanist farming with 5 x XGold instead of the usual 3, taking it to 2300ish% XG.
Play is smoother and trial times more stable (90-70 seconds most runs and even bad runs still under 100sec.) after dodging Lightfooted for PowerInfusion.
Running lower Vit. (<900) but the usual 34% AR.
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Success! I managed to complete TL110 and collect the two CTs in just over 3 hours of event time, using only the level 70 Epic box Arcanist set with no enchantments. I probably could have done it faster, but I randomly decided to reach 1200 CLs before ending the challenge, and I wasted a half hour farming gold. Not sure what to do next, maybe see if I can push the Fire Lily build up to TL120.
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Haha, whish I had seen your post earlier & I might have joined in. Too late now since already crafted some gold gear...
I am playing an Epic box gear challenge with Arcanist Mage. Not sure how far that I will get; mostly just wanting to see if you can reach both CTs using only the Epic gear boxes. I managed to to that in the last ANB with a Havoc BH, but BH is more in my comfort zone than Mage. Aside from the two trinkets, I have only had enough resources to craft Epic cape, bracer, and belt. The Acamar and Eradanus are both level 70 drops with questionable stats, but it gets me the set bonus. Hopefully, I will manage to craft better ones once I farm more materials.
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Been a while since my last ANB silver. Normally a Warrior player but I do have a Mage and he is complaining about the poor quality of his kit. So running a mage in ANB silver. This will be fun...
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