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    Is there a post past page 8 that maybe explains how ANB works? I see silver bronze gold platinum but it's unsure what order they are in also what regular TL levels get us to a different status in anb. Maybe a sticky somewhere I missed that belongs here?

    I apologize for all the questions, I really am trying not to be the lazy guy who doesn't look things up.

    The current cycle is Bronze --> Silver --> Gold --> Platinum --> Bronze --> ...

    A new ANB typically starts every other Friday at 17:00 UTC.

    Seems that the plan is to replace Platinum ANBs with the Survive the Land event starting with the new season or possibly as soon as after this current Gold #30. A target date for the first Survive the Land event on 14 June but that is not firm because of all the work that they have to do. So, we will either have a Platinum ANB on the 14th or the new Survive the Land event.

    What decides the division that you participate in?

    Beat Trial Level (TL) 80+ and you will be in Veteran Division the next ANB.

    Beat TL 120+ and you will be in Master Division the next ANB.

    That is if you beat TL 80/120 with during ANBs or outside of ANBs with your regular heroes.

    Edit: I suggest not jumping divisions outside of ANBs. At least get a benefit for making the jump like a Celestial Transform or a better chance for a medal.
    Last edited by Tin Man; 06-04-2024, 12:44 AM.


      Thank you, how many hours are in each?


      • Tin Man
        Tin Man commented
        Editing a comment
        Bronze = 12 Hours of Event Timer
        Silver = 9 Hours of Event Timer
        Gold = 6 Hours of Event Timer
        Platinum = 3 Hours of Event Timer
        Survive the Land = Unknown

      Nice info, Tin Man. Thank you!

      I still don't know what I'm doing.


        Thanks Tin Man now to get it set as a sticky.


          This is not 100% correct. I was transferred from veteran to master, mid ANB Silver during my first season (this past Late Winter Season), when I went past TL 120. However that may have just been a glitch in the Eternium cogs.


          • Tin Man
            Tin Man commented
            Editing a comment
            You did not go above TL 119 with your non-ANB heroes?

            The promotion is truly for the next ANB. Otherwise, you would not see any TL 80+ rankings on the Contender leaderboards or TL 120+ rankings on the Veteran leaderboards.

            Definitely a bug of which I have not heard of before if it happened to you.

            Are you sure that your device is not cursed?

          Yeah.....I hit like 138 after last anb


            Now… I am not, but that is not to say that my phone is not. With the amount of pain I have caused Apple, it wouldn’t surprise me…


              I've only held a apple phone like twice in my life.

