I have several of these. Snipe 62% snipe 68% Explosive 99%, Frozen Trap 4x %.
I actually feel the difference more with the 99% boost to explosive shot
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BH Unique Belt descriptions?
I am a long way from opening the recipe, but most players that have commented share your concern that you won't be able to select the attribute that you want. At least each class has only a limited number of options for the Bracers of Mastery, so I doubt that you would roll an attribute that cannot be used by the hero crafting it, which sort of ups the odds a bit.
I don't even know when it dropped. I was just doing multiple runs on T90 for salvage. Saw it when I looked before doing wholesale salvage. I couldn't believe my luck, I immediately reforged off Life Regen for Haste. In one of my six runs on T105 I also got a L70 BoM with Rapid Fire as well, but not nearly as nice as the Snipe.
One question I have about the Bracers of Mastery, which I think was already posted elsewhere, is will we be able to select which attribute we want enhanced when we craft it, or will it be a crapshoot as to what you get? It also appears that the bonus % you get is tied to piece level, with higher level pieces having higher percentages, along with higher Armor values, as they should.
RockDoc Thanks for the advice. I still haven't had a drop of Assassins or Ordnance belts yet. I am still just playing Stalker with a medium belt. I do like the idea of getting sticky bombs from Assassins belt, and I am seriously jealous over the Bracer of Mastery with increased Snipe damage. So far the only Bracer of Mastery that has dropped for me has increased damage on Rapid Fire.
As a follow up I tried a little experiment. I ran T105 six times, 3 times with full Stalker + SA and no belts, trinkets or bracers, then 3 times with full Stalker + SA and Assassins belt, and 2 trinkets (Qol + Talisman of Unbridled Fury) and a bracer (69% increased Snipe damage).
My results, without belt, trinkets, bracer, the finishing times were 3.5 - 4.0 min. With belt, trinkets & bracer finishing times were 2.5 - 2.75 min.
So even though there may not be many new items specific for Stalker, the build can still take advantage of some of the new gear pieces for improved performance.
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Ozymandius I'm using Assassins Belt with my full Stalker with SA weapons. I typically combine Lethal Shot with Explosive as secondary. Using Charm of Qol and Assassin Belt lets additional sticky bombs help clear out mobs faster than just SA guns. I also have a Bracer of Mastery with 69% increased Snipe damage. Sticky bombs do help me clear trials faster than without.
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OK, it looks like the unique BH belts are all for Demolitionist or Havoc builds. They all buff Explosive Shot, Traps, or Heatseekers. I am not seeing anything helpful for a Stalker BH, unless you run Stalker with an Igniters pistol set and switch to Explosive Shot as primary attack. Oh well, something new to try...
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Tin Man Thanks very much for your assistance on this! I never knew that was an option. I always just looked up the descriptions in the update notes, thus my original post asking for these belts to be added to the notes. This is far better because it even provides the attribute ranges.
Click on the icon, the image of the item. The description will be shown as well as the attribute value ranges for the selected attributes.
I was unaware of this for longer than I care to admit, out of embarrassment, and was very happy to find out about the feature. Saved me lots of time trying to figure out the attribute ranges for the various levels.
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Originally posted by Tin Man View PostEverything in the images that you attached is given via the crafting screen.
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Just making sure here, you mean more of a description than is shown when you click in the icon when you are on the crafting screen? Everything in the images that you attached is given via the crafting screen.
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BH Unique Belt descriptions?
Adrian (Developer) Could you add the descriptions for the unique BH belts (molten, trappers, assassins, special ordnance). These were somehow left off of you original announcement post.
I got two unique BH belt drops (see below), but I am curious about the descriptions for the others. Can anyone add their unique BH belt descriptions? Trying to decide which recipe to open for a Stalker BH.
p.s. - both of these belts seem more suited to a Havoc or Demolitionist build. I do not use traps or explosive shot with Stalker.Tags: None
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