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Renaissance of Demo

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    Renaissance of Demo

    As of now top of the LB has been taken over by a demolitionist.
    As much as I love to see that more fun and eye pleasing playstyle is emerging and we might be able to have an option, I also hate idea of my newly gained CT items going to thrash ;D
    What do you think, it's a single outlier or a sign of a new trend?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210118-144806.jpg
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Size:	151.6 KB
ID:	190540Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210118-152904.jpg
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ID:	190541

    Originally posted by Kalanch View Post
    As of now top of the LB has been taken over by a demolitionist.
    As much as I love to see that more fun and eye pleasing playstyle is emerging and we might be able to have an option, I also hate idea of my newly gained CT items going to thrash ;D
    What do you think, it's a single outlier or a sign of a new trend?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210118-144806.jpg
Views:	1059
Size:	151.6 KB
ID:	190540Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210118-152904.jpg
Views:	967
Size:	82.1 KB
ID:	190541
    what snipe dot? i dont get it how come? i cant check my Eternium, did they change the 6pcs?


      Originally posted by Eternium2020 View Post

      what snipe dot? i dont get it how come? i cant check my Eternium, did they change the 6pcs?
      Nothing changed, it's just the bleed part of his Snipe ability (he didn't use Stalker so instead of using bleed from both Stalker proc and Snipe ability he only used the ability one). The bleeds are identical and interchangeable (except for a 9000% and 7000% damage multiplier and the possibility that proc gets boosted 350% from Rapid Fire)


        A couple of notes of interest. First, it is a hybrid Demolitionist build with the Havoc hood and gloves to pick up those extra bonuses. Second, he has a BoM with Snipe bonus damage, so that explains why he added Snipe. Third, he died 21 times during the trial, so even though he socketed mostly emeralds, the build still needs more toughness (or armor). Fourth, the Incinerate damage is coming from a pistol enchantment, which I have not tried yet but maybe I will during the current ANB.

        My conclusion is that what you are seeing is mostly a really talented player. His stats and gear are not particularly impressive compared to others on the LB (i.e., not much higher than my own hybrid Demo build). Most of the damage is coming from Sticky Bombs, which means he is doing a great job of pulling large mobs using Vortex from three healers instead of Magnetic Trap to get really dramatic chain reaction explosions. That is definitely a more challenging way to go, which again speaks to player skill.


        • Kalanch
          Kalanch commented
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          Very interesting point of view.

          I am also wondering, how much of a factor was talent here and how much the build itself. The death count definitely is a hint towards the build ;D If I ever get overflow if Demo gear I will give it a run. At the moment it's pointless- it's 5-6 ilvls lower than my stalker

        • Ozymandius
          Ozymandius commented
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          Eternium2020 Most of the early results leaned toward using Slayer as one of your weapon enchants. There was some concern about a second Slayer enchant not stacking, so I have avoided that. I am leaning toward trying Incinerate as my second weapon enchant on my hybrid Demo BH to see if you get an enhancement from the Fire Damage side of the build.

          Kalanch I have the same issue with my hybrid Demo build being as many as 10 levels lower than my Stalker BH. As a result of that, however, I haven't really tried pushing the hybrid Demo build to see what it can do. Given the similar stats to this build in #1 slot, I am guessing now that I have underestimated the celling of that build.

        • Kalanch
          Kalanch commented
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          EDIT: Nevermind. I forgot he used weapojgs, not the belt Another guy did that, and this one definitely does not work well

          //Fake news below this line ________

          I've just got lucky and got a drop of the bomb belt (Assassin's I guess) for me in ANB. Similar stats to my Molten.
          I gave it a couple of runs in TL100. It gave a minor boost to mobs phase, I'd say +10% dmg. Then we get to the boss, which takes 2-3 times longer without increased damage taken from Molten Belt. Any death from lag or any stupid mistake on boss makes it heal which elongates fight by a lot, when there are no stacks from Molten in it.

          I have no idea how he dealt with boss. I didn't have +physical damage item, but even with them I can't see how it's worth

          My verdict: Absolutely not worth to move away from a standard, boring Stalker. For now.
          Last edited by Kalanch; 01-19-2021, 10:36 PM.

        Beware, it seems there is a bug in the amount of damage reported for the Sticky Bombs, at least when running with only Assassin's Belt as a source of Sticky Bombs.
        Mobile Only (iPhone 5 / iPad Air 1st gen / iPad Pro 11" 2nd gen)
        Eternium Files


          need recommendation
          i had play stalker. luv it and made it at the BH ANB LB
          i had play havoc. luv it very much (the heatseekers especially). not made it at the BH LB whether normal or ANB's. It's ok.
          now i had "300 somethin of glory"
          think would try to open this set: dunno how to pronounce: demono/logist/litionist? etc etc
          first time tryin to play "demo" i'm afraid

          "as a first time user": should it be 6/6 or 4 demo/2 havoc?
          Last edited by TheExorcist; 01-19-2021, 10:25 PM.
          Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
          trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

          brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

          Hv a nice day


          • Kalanch
            Kalanch commented
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            Yes, please.
            I enjoyed playing it before I found this forum , crafted Stalker and realized how much more efficient it is currently

          • Grand_Wazoo
            Grand_Wazoo commented
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            Thanks for the explanation make me want to try it.

          • Stusmith50
            Stusmith50 commented
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            I pronounce the 'o' in demo in the same way as in 'orange' when saying demolishonist.
            When saying 'demo' it becomes 'oa' - dem'oa'. As in 'boat'
            The 'on' takes many forms - un, earn, on, depending on location - all I think are acceptable.

          LodWig Is this the bug you mentioned? Tested with crappy items and 500k sheet damage:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210120-135433__01.jpg
Views:	800
Size:	42.5 KB
ID:	190737

          All around, with better stats in gear, ilvls and +physical dmg stuff it might be comparable to Stalker. The main difference was a shorter mobs phase and slower boss phase. And more fun watching everything explode even when you don't line them up for your snipe.

          It's very difficult to assess the damage precisely with these bugged combat stats.

          BUWU PEGO FEFE 4758


            at the moment i'm practisin this wat do you call err: 2 havoc/4 demo at the Story mode 5 star
            using maggie then follow by magnetic trap blast with expl shot: kaboom!!
            or maggie then magnetic trap folow by heatseekers: mobs dead here dead over there
            a bit strange: i search one by one but i can't seem to find at the BH top 100 LB (normal playin) people using: Magnetic trap with 2 havoc/4 demo?

            only full stalker used: magnetic trap. Any special reason for this? (no magnetic trap for 2 havoc/4 demo? - at the moment)
            thank you
            Last edited by TheExorcist; 01-22-2021, 11:36 AM.
            Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
            trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

            brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

            Hv a nice day


            • Ozymandius
              Ozymandius commented
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              My guess is that is because Magnetic Trap becomes less useful at higher trials. I am wondering if it was nerfed in the latest update. I am noticing in ANB trial runs that it does not prevent certain elites from being able to charge now. I have had them charge directly from the middle of an MT, which never used to happen. In general is seems that its ability to trap and hold mobs is reduced, and now you only get 2 MTs per cooldown instead of three.

            i tried full havoc i can finish trial 93in a minute plus my havoc sets are from trials that i loot, lvl72-75 i have no fire damage on my trinkets same to my bracer that increases the heetseeker damageadamage for 97% belt ordinance 50% rest no fire damage do u have a full sets of havoc and has fire damage stats each in your trinket and belt/bracer, if anyone here does can i see your best damage and how much it can deal if the talisman of storms trigger mine can deal 4-7billion damage if my talisman triggers so i have to wait for it every time for me to use the heetseeker. I dont know if this build can go higher trials even though all items are lvl 77 im curious because it is super fast to clear mobs unlike demo i have to lure them first and gather in mid then thats it, unlike havoc build u can cast it like everytime u see a mobs or lure a few then thats it it was easy not that much work.
            Attached Files

