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Primary attack only

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  • Raingold
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks for your insights, @Tinman. It's good to gain more understanding of top-player strategies and the attack option differences between classes. My experience with BH is limited, and I haven't used the meta. With my Havoc/Demo build for mobile, equipping Scattershot with Lethal Shot or Explosive shot seems useful with mobs in Trials. My speed and aim with BH are far from the best, and my fps in Trials is about 19. Still testing build options and experimenting with Charm of Quol to see if I can maximize attack with less stress on my hands.

    Again, I play mobile only and constantly seek ways to make bulids that are fun and efficient on a small touchscreen.
    Last edited by Raingold; 05-03-2022, 01:01 PM.

  • Raingold
    @rickhall, I wondered about the single primary attcks, too. Maybe because I'm still fairly new (took a year off), and play mobile only, I use both primary attacks on all heroes. I like having multiple attack options. I'm testing Charm of Quol and Versatile belt, and I'll try Blackhole's suggestion. I'm always looking for ways to make Eternium mobile-friendly--and easier on my hands.

    For ANB, I'll test upgrading the top attack first. In the last one, I discovered I had been prioritzing Synergy too early, and too much speed upgrading messed up my progress on a low gem budget. So many details.

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  • Blackhole
    Actually I play using a stylus ( having butter finger syndrome, lol). I have found that using 2 attacks is quite easy and helpful, especially against boss characters. Just hold the stylus, or your finger, steady on them. The game will go back and forth between attacks until they die. And it's even faster than tapping away.

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  • WarriorSeven
    commented on 's reply
    The secondary is activated by mouse (right click) on PC or by double-finger tap on mobile. It simply adds complication if the primary attack is superior to any other.

    Depending on your style of play (me, sometimes), you may find secondary attack more suitable than the primary, in which case you swap positions.

    Then there is the instance of the Mage where Arc Lightning is actually useful as a secondary to keep mobs at bay while you gather them up for an AOE.
    Last edited by WarriorSeven; 04-24-2022, 01:29 AM.

  • ricklhall
    Again, thx for the clarification. I was not sure if the second always proc’d if equipped. I was just equipping it because it was there.

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  • ricklhall
    started a topic Primary attack only

    Primary attack only

    I see in the leaderboard most at the top have only explosive shot with second slot empty. Why? I have not found anything discussing this.