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Newb-Friendly and Accessible GUI and UX Standardization

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    Click image for larger version

Name:	28_Build_Armory_Sell-Alert.png
Views:	275
Size:	207.1 KB
ID:	102557
    No thanks to the “fat-finger syndrome” (specially on mobile screens), the Sell button (on the bottom frame) needs to launch this alert popup whenever an item being sold meets the following conditions:
    • It has an embedded Gemstone (as requested by Lulero ).
    • It is a Gemstone.
    • It is better than the equipped gear.
    • It is an equipped gear (as requested by XxYOLOSWAGxX ).
    • It is a Set item.
    • It is a Named item.

    For the benefit of newbs, following are the suggested alert messages in such cases:
    • Would you like to sell this item along with the socketed Gemstone? You can unsocket it before selling.
    • Would you like to sell this Gemstone? You can store up to 100 in a single slot or fuse them into larger ones.
    • Would you like to sell this gear item? It seems to be better than the hero’s equipped gear.
    • Would you like to sell this gear item currently equipped on the hero?
    • Would you like to sell this Set item? It can offer additional stats in combination with another Set item.
    • Would you like to sell this Named item? It can offer special abilities to the hero when equipped.



      Click image for larger version

Name:	29_Build_Armory_Buyback.png
Views:	246
Size:	214.9 KB
ID:	102559
      Launched by the Buyback button on the bottom frame, this wide popup features 2 panels on the content area.

      The left panel presents a scrollable list of sold items. The buttons on this list can be pressed to view the details of the corresponding item.

      The right panel displays the comparative details of the sold item vis-à-vis the corresponding equipped item on the hero. This comparison enables players to buyback any better item that was accidentally sold.

      The instruction text below the popup title gives a helpful hint about buyback expiry. A Buyback button enables buying back the item, mentioning its price.

      Caution: The buttons on the left panel need to be large enough to accommodate long gear titles and localization expansions.



        Click image for larger version

Name:	30_Build_Armory_Expand-Inventory.png
Views:	231
Size:	204.0 KB
ID:	102561
        On pressing the Increase Inventory Slots button below the Inventory, this alert is displayed. Notice the redesign to accommodate a sixth row in the Inventory.



          Click image for larger version

Name:	31.0_Build_Armory_Champion-Level.png
Views:	252
Size:	251.0 KB
ID:	102563
          The image illustrates the Hero’s Armory tab featuring a champion hero. The previous non-interactive hero-level indicator (which had a plaque border) has morphed into an interactive champion-level indicator with a rounded-rectangle border (indicating that it is a button).

          Notice the fully expanded Inventory with 6 rows.


          Click image for larger version

Name:	31.1_Build_Armory_Champion-Points.png
Views:	205
Size:	212.0 KB
ID:	102564
          On pressing the champion-level indicator button above the hero, this popup is displayed.

          The 3 sections of Offense, Defense, and Utility (which are currently presented as tabs) are displayed via buttons. Each section’s stats are tabulated with clear table headers. In addition to the Increase buttons, a set of Decrease buttons are also provided (as suggested by Coda , et al).

          The instruction text provides a helpful hint for new players. The Reset button is placed out of the way of the player’s thumbs to prevent an accidental trigger. If needed, an alert may be displayed on pressing Reset.

          Notice the change in font size of section buttons at the bottom to distinguish the displaying button from its counterparts.



            Click image for larger version  Name:	32.0_Build_Stash.png Views:	1 Size:	255.3 KB ID:	102566
            Storage space is an eternal demand in Eternium. So, the Storage Stash suggested here enables infinite expansion of stash pages. Just pay the price and press the Increase Stash Pages button, and a new page is opened. To accommodate for such unlimited expansion, the current tab design is replaced with page navigation buttons. The current design of buying stash pages with Gems and slots with Gold continues here as well.

            As mentioned earlier, note that the Inventory now displays a different newb tip below the Increase Inventory Slots button.


            Click image for larger version  Name:	32.1_Build_Stash-Expand-Alert.png Views:	1 Size:	201.6 KB ID:	102567
            Triggered by the Increase Stash Pages button, this is the alert prior to increasing the Shared Stash slot pages. If the server has no issues with it, and if the player has Gems to splurge, let’s make these expansions infinite. Perhaps, this might increase action in the Support Eternium page .
            Last edited by PGB; 05-29-2018, 06:07 AM.


              (1/3) BUILD > GEAR SMITHY > NEW GEAR PICKER

              Click image for larger version

Name:	33.1_Build_Smithy_Gear-Picker.png
Views:	271
Size:	260.7 KB
ID:	102569
              The Gear Smithy is redesigned by presenting the forging instruction upfront, in addition to the Forge (previously, Craft) and Cancel buttons. Also, the visual appeal of the display is increased. The Cancel button triggers an alert (with the refund message).

              Triggered by the Pick New Gear button on the left panel, the New Gear Type Picker popup has a scrollable list (like Reforging) of gear to select from. The first gear on the list is selected by default, its plaque border with opaque fill (to distinguish from the background), and text highlighted in Blue with increased font size. The plaque border is opaque. The unselected gear are shown in Green font, indicating their availability. A soft button at the bottom of this soft popup enables the gear selection.

              Note here that the term “Headgear” is used, instead of Helm. Depending on the hero class, an appropriate headgear—such as a helm or hood (not hat or any face-covering gear)—can be generated.

              The soft popup can be closed by tapping/ clicking outside it.


              Click image for larger version

Name:	33.2_Build_Smithy_Forging-Preview.png
Views:	202
Size:	265.2 KB
ID:	102570
              The image illustrates how the Gear Smithy appears when 3 gear items are placed in the forging slots. After placing the items and selecting the gear type, a preview of the result of gear forging is displayed in a plaque border, with key features of the resulting gear highlighted in Blue text.

              The Forge button at the bottom shows the cost of forging. On pressing this button, the procedure begins.

              Notice the changed newb tip below the Inventory.

              (3/3) BUILD > GEAR SMITHY > FORGING W.I.P.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	33.3_Build_Smithy_Forging-WIP.png
Views:	195
Size:	287.7 KB
ID:	102571
              This image shows the state of the Gear Smithy when gear forging is in progress. A message layer overlaps the gear type button, disabling it (i.e., gear type cannot be changed mid-forging). This message also presents the countdown timer. An animation on the 3 lightning illustrations would be cool.

              The hard button at the bottom has morphed into a Finish button.

              In the current interface, gear can still be reforged during forging, but this has no effect whatsoever. So, to prevent this wasteful exercise, equipping, reforging, and socketing are disabled during forging. Note that during the forging procedure, the player can only view the stats of the gear being forged.


                (1/3) BUILD > TALISMANS > CRAFTING

                Click image for larger version  Name:	34.0_Build_Talismans_Main.png Views:	1 Size:	272.6 KB ID:	102576
                The Talismans crafting interface presents the Craft and Fuse sub-tabs as buttons (thereby saving space). So, their font sizes change as per their active/ inactive states.

                The button of the first talisman type is selected by default. A suggestion to change Necklet to Collar is discussed next.

                Presented as a hard button to distinguish from all the other soft buttons (thus, violating consistency), the stat picker button has an instruction as its name. So, as an exception, this hard button has Title Casing.

                A new functionality to “Sort Crafted Talismans by Stat” is introduced as a soft button (its action is discussed later).

                An instruction text presents the cost of random crafting and custom crafting.

                Notice the changed newb tip below the Inventory.

                Click image for larger version  Name:	34.0a_Build_Talismans_Collar.png Views:	1 Size:	202.0 KB ID:	102577
                This is the (crude) illustration of the suggestion on changing Necklet to Collar. The royal collar is an ornamental neck clasp/ brace that also protects the neck of the wearer. It is essentially a bigger Necklet. Unlike the Ring, it is broad and open, visually distinct from a ring even at small sizes. A prominent socket holds a Gemstone.

                A collar would be more visible on the hero displayed in the Gallery and Armory. As talismans are the only gear on the hero that the player creates from scratch, an animated glitter on it could be quite appealing to its creator.


                Click image for larger version  Name:	34.1_Build_Talismans_Stat-Picker.png Views:	1 Size:	275.5 KB ID:	102578
                Triggered by the “Pick Stat of New Talisman” button, this soft popup presents a scrollable list of stats with a Select soft button at the bottom. The design of the Custom Stat Picker popup is the same as the New Gear Type Picker popup on the Gear Smithy tab.

                Derived from the suggestion made by ZiPouet et al, the same 12 stats provided in Champion Points popup could be provided on the custom stat picker too so that the player can make 1 Offensive necklet, 1 Defensive ring, and 1 Utility ring.

                Note that, in case the player chooses to invest Gems for custom-stat crafting, the resultant value on the chosen stat need to be quite near-perfect, not RNG-picked from a wide range (Suggestion credit: Sindyr ).

                (3/3) BUILD > TALISMANS > CRAFTING > ITEM SORTER

                Click image for larger version

Name:	34.2_Build_Talismans_Item-Sorter.png
Views:	209
Size:	285.6 KB
ID:	102580
                This image illustrates the action of the “Sort Crafted Talismans by Stat” soft button in the earlier image. Here comes that programming wizardry again!

                Requested by numerous players, this button rearranges (in alphabetical order) the crafted talismans in the Inventory, first by type (Collar/ Ring) and then by stat. All non-talisman items are pushed to the end of the sequence (but not sorted).

                Once triggered, the button text morphs to “Crafted Talismans Sorted by Stat”. The button itself remains pressed down until the player shifts the position of any one sorted talisman.

                As suggested by Coda , the newly crafted 1-stat jewel could have a unique color (not its background, which is as per the jewel’s grade of Green always) as per its stat to visually distinguish it from another jewel with a different stat. You will need 12 unique, contrasting colors to define this (good luck with accessibility here ).

                Notice the morphed hard button to “Selected Stat: Random”.
                Last edited by PGB; 05-29-2018, 06:58 AM.


                  (1/2) BUILD > TALISMANS > FUSING (slots for fusing)

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	35.1_Build_Talismans_Fusing1.png
Views:	217
Size:	266.2 KB
ID:	102582
                  On pressing the Fuse button on the Talismans tab, this interface is displayed. Similar to the Gear Forging interface, this interface also features 3 empty slots for placing the items to be merged.

                  Placed within a non-interactive plaque border, an instruction text explains the fusing procedure.

                  Instead of fusing the talismans in the Inventory itself, the items need to be placed manually in the fusing slots. This additional effort for the player is to prevent accidental fusing (which is irreversible).

                  Notice the changed newb tip below the Inventory.

                  (2/2) BUILD > TALISMANS > FUSING > RESULT PREVIEW

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	35.2_Build_Talismans_Fusing2.png
Views:	193
Size:	259.8 KB
ID:	102583
                  For fusing talismans, the player cherry-picks 3 preferred ones from the sorted talismans in the Inventory and places them in the fusing slots. Promptly, a preview of the fusing result (like that of Gear Forging) is displayed below the slots, within the plaque border that now behaves like a soft popup with a scroll.

                  The Fuse button now shows the cost of fusing as well.

                  Notice the fully expanded Inventory on the right panel.


                    (1/5) BUILD > COMBAT SKILLS

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	36.0_Build_Skills_Main.png
Views:	237
Size:	270.3 KB
ID:	102585
                    This is the current Abilities tab, redesigned with a popup bypass to shunt out the space-hogging, repetitive Finish and Cancel buttons.

                    It is very important for the player to know what impact each skill has on the Damage-Toughness-Recovery indicators. So, these indicators are placed here too, right on top of the left panel.

                    The Equipped Skills panel is placed near the player’s left thumb. The Skills Gallery is placed near the player’s right thumb.

                    The Upgrading Slots feature a helpful instruction and the 3 slots. The Synergy Level indicator-button is also available, with a Purple border.

                    Notice that the Sell and Buyback buttons have disappeared for this build accessory tab.

                    (2/5) BUILD > COMBAT SKILLS (skill description)

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	36.1_Build_Skills_Description-Popup.png
Views:	200
Size:	273.5 KB
ID:	102586
                    The image illustrates the presentation of a skill description popup on pressing a skill icon.

                    All skills on the right half of the content area display their popups on the left half, and vice versa. So, it is preferable to divide the content area into 2 equal halves.

                    Tapping/ clicking outside this soft popup closes it.

                    (3/5) BUILD > COMBAT SKILLS > SKILL UPGRADE

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	36.2_Build_Skills_Upgrade.png
Views:	195
Size:	229.2 KB
ID:	102587
                    Launched when a skill icon is dropped in an empty upgrading slot, this wide popup presents the skill description and a scrollable list of descriptions for each upgrade. These descriptions are soft buttons, which are in 3 different states as follows:
                    • When a skill level is ready for upgrade, it is in the regular state.
                    • When a skill level is already upgraded, it is in a pressed-down state.
                    • When a skill level is not ready for upgrade, it is in the regular state, but with a lock icon on it.

                    The player presses the only available button to proceed with the upgrading procedure.

                    A wide arrow displays the cost and time needed for the specific upgrade.

                    (4/5) BUILD > COMBAT SKILLS > FINISH/ CANCEL ALERT

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	36.3_Build_Skills_Finish-Abort-Alert.png
Views:	187
Size:	205.1 KB
ID:	102588
                    On pressing the timer of an upgrading skill, this alert is launched, offering 2 hard choices as hard buttons. The cost/ benefit of each choice is also clearly mentioned on the buttons.

                    A Close button enables exit without making either choice.

                    (5/5) BUILD > COMBAT SKILLS > SYNERGY LEVEL

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	36.4_Build_Skills_Synergy-Level-Popup.png
Views:	189
Size:	264.7 KB
ID:	102589
                    On pressing the Synergy Level indicator button, this soft popup is displayed. As the launching button is on the left half of the content area, the popup is displayed on the right half.

                    After a brief description of the concept of synergy level, the current synergy level out of the total available levels is displayed. The benefits of the current synergy level is listed (in Green text), and that of the next level is presented below this list (in Gray text).


                      (1/4) BUILD > BATTLE TEAM > COMPANIONS

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	37.0_Build_Team.png
Views:	466
Size:	253.0 KB
ID:	102591
                      In this presentation of the Team tab, a 2-word title gives more clarity. A section separator is placed between the companion’s description and the upgrading info sections. The leveling up stats are presented in Green text.

                      HERO'S MOUNT

                      This “Hero’s Mount” suggestion is an alternative to the Battle Team. Following are the rationale:
                      • Small-sized companions get lost in the melee during mob combat.
                      • Larger mounts are more visually appealing than smaller companions. A mount looks spectacular with the hero on the Hometown page.
                      • Mounts are easier to control, as companions often independently provoke attacks (especially problematic during stealth/ ganking maneuvers, as pointed by francisco_r ).
                      • Specific mounts could be appropriately empowered in stages and geared to suit the hero (as suggested by Machiavel , Suzy.Bae ).

                      When viewing on a 4.7”-screen with max zoom out and low brightness (to save battery while traveling), the microscopic companions (and even the hero, sometimes) just blend into the melee. It does help to know where the friendlies are during combat. With a single and prominent hero-cum-mount combatant, tracking the character is easier.

                      While sitting on the mount, the hero can keep flipping front and back, effectively handling a 360-degree attack. The mount only attacks forward, but the hero can attack in all directions.

                      Note that the mount just replaces the companions, retaining their powers and possibly gaining some extra ones. Better still could be gear drops for the mount as well, thereby improving the loot and adding a whole new dimension of “mount builds” to renew the game.

                      Like that of the hero, the mount’s own Damage-Toughness-Recovery stats are displayed. The mount’s equipped skills and skills gallery are presented on the left panel.

                      Each hero class has its specific mount class. The 3 mount classes are:
                      • Aztrak Mauler—for Warrior
                      • Centaur Archer—for Bounty Hunter
                      • Arcane Dragon—for Mage

                      The mount’s skills are auto-upgraded and unlocked as the mount levels up. However, its skills are not the same as the hero’s. The 3 skill classes for the mount are:
                      • Attack (round buttons)—player-controlled. Here, the first 2 of 3 skills are for crowd-control and common to all mounts. The third skill is offensive.
                      • Utility (plaque buttons)—skills that benefit only the mount. Here, the first 3 of 4 skills are for defense (1 for Block/ shield, 1 for Parry, 1 for Dodge) and common to all mounts. The fourth skill is offensive that the mount intermittently casts on its own.
                      • Passive (star buttons)—auras that benefit both the mount and the hero. Here, all 4 skills are common to all mounts, with 1 for Movement Speed, 1 for Armor, 1 for Haste, and 1 for Skill Rating.

                      The skills gallery features the same skills for all mounts. Skills in the gallery unlock only after the hero reaches champion level. It has 6 slots with 2 skills for each skill class as follows:
                      • Attack—1 Silence and 1 stealth. Unlocks as the mount levels up.
                      • Utility—1 healing and 1 LOH.
                      • Passive—1 Power and 1 Endurance. These passive skills are always locked and need to be opened by buying booster tokens from the In-Game Shop.

                      Leveling up is different for the 3 mounts, and matches that of the hero class. The 3 stats for mount leveling up are:
                      • Power—low for Warrior, moderate for Hunter, high for Mage.
                      • Vitality—high for Warrior, moderate for Hunter, low for Mage.
                      • Life On Hit—high for Warrior, moderate for Hunter, high for Mage.

                      The leveling-up stats are presented in Green text.

                      Considering that many of the mount’s skills are also hero’s skills, the hero’s skill set need to be optimized to avoid repetition/ overlap.

                      A Mount/ Unmount button on the interface enables the hero to mount and unmount its battle companion.

                      (2/4) BUILD > MOUNT > WARRIOR'S MOUNT

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	37.1_Build_Mount-for-Warrior.png
Views:	215
Size:	260.0 KB
ID:	102592
                      The image illustrates the mount for the Warrior hero. The heavily armored Aztrak Mauler is low on DPS but high on survivability. Like its hero, it attacks in close range. Its actions are:
                      • Bites and claws (poisonous) enemies, causing DOT.
                      • Bludgeons enemies with a tail swipe.
                      • Crushes enemies by stamping on them.

                      The skills shown are for representation only. Notice the locks on the passive skills in the gallery.

                      (3/4) BUILD > MOUNT > BOUNTY HUNTER'S MOUNT

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	37.2_Build_Mount-for-Hunter.png
Views:	216
Size:	262.3 KB
ID:	102593
                      The image illustrates the mount for the Bounty Hunter hero. The moderately armored but agile Centaur Archer is moderate on both DPS and survivability. Like its hero, it attacks in medium range. Its actions are:
                      • Shoots poison arrows at enemies, causing DOT.
                      • Launches missiles on enemies.
                      • Parries incoming arrows with the bow.

                      The skills shown are for representation only. Notice the lock on a passive skill in the gallery. The unlocked passive skill indicates that it is activated for 30 minutes using a booster token from the In-Game Shop.

                      (4/4) BUILD > MOUNT > MAGE'S MOUNT

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	37.3_Build_Mount-for-Mage.png
Views:	199
Size:	266.1 KB
ID:	102594
                      The image illustrates the mount for the Mage hero. The weakly armored but highly agile Arcane Dragon is high on DPS but low on survivability. Like its hero, it attacks in long range. Its actions are:
                      • Shoots fiery and frosty bolts at enemies, causing instant damage.
                      • Launches cluster bombs on enemies, causing AOE damage.
                      • Dodges incoming arrows as much as possible.

                      The skills shown are for representation only. Notice the lock on a passive skill in the gallery. The unlocked passive skill indicates that it is activated for 30 minutes using a booster token from the In-Game Shop.


                        BUILD > DICTIONARY

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	38_Build_Dictionary.png
Views:	201
Size:	241.6 KB
ID:	102597
                        The Dictionary is a new functionality that significantly enables new players to understand Eternium better, and thus reduce newb attrition. The content area has buttons on the left and descriptions on the right. Both the panels are scrollable. The only interactivity on this tab is the selection of the left-panel buttons to view their descriptions.

                        On opening this tab, the first button is selected by default. This presents the information currently displayed via the Legend button. Other newb-enabling buttons include (but not limited to):
                        • Stat Descriptions
                        • Hero Classes
                        • Boss Skills
                        • Set Items
                        • Named Items
                        • Talismans Crafting

                        The colors of Epic and Legendary gear are switched in this image as per accessibility specs discussed earlier.

                        Note that the Dictionary is not a “how-to” tutorial. It only provides the “what-is” info on interface elements. It essentially consolidates, augments, and extends the JIT instructions presented on various interfaces across the game.


                          BUILD > NOTES

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	39_Build_Notes.png
Views:	189
Size:	229.6 KB
ID:	102870
                          The Build Notes tab here is almost the same as that on the Hometown page, except for the editing buttons shifted above the content area. This variant is provided for those who prefer to have more space for editing when the intrusive virtual keyboard pushes the whole interface upward.


                            (1/5) THE "GAMEPLAY" SCREENS

                            Click image for larger version  Name:	40.0_Gameplay-Modes.png Views:	1 Size:	175.2 KB ID:	102873
                            Entered via the Play button on either the Hometown or Build pages, the Gameplay Modes screen is the portal to the 2 modes of Eternium gameplay—Story and Trials.

                            The interface displays the 2 gameplay modes in the scrollable content area. A brief description (in Gray text) gives an overview of each mode. Two buttons to enter the 2 modes are provided separately. On the bottom frame, an Exit button takes the player to the Hometown page whereas a Build button leads to the Build tabs (i.e., Hero’s Armory tab). The non-interactive currency indicator is also present here.

                            On the Story panel, the 3 planet icons are selection buttons. The player selects a planet and then presses the Enter Story Mode button to open that specific planet’s maps (with the first map selected). Unavailable planets are locked out. The planet icons are connected by visible, curved arrows.

                            On the Trials panel, galaxy icons representing individual trials are presented as selection buttons. Here, note that instead of a circle, an oval is used for the galaxy’s shape in these icons (planets are round and galaxies are oval, in popular perception). The player selects a galaxy (trial) and then presses the Enter Trials Mode button to open the general Trials page (with the selected trial centered).

                            Trials already played (i.e., conquered galaxies) are displayed in Bluish-White glow. Available but unconquered galaxies are displayed in Red. Unavailable trials are grayed out. The galaxy icons are connected by visible, curved arrows.

                            The background of this interface is just dark, star-filled space. This gives a sense of space travel, apt for the game context.

                            (2/5) GAMEPLAY > STORY MODE

                            Click image for larger version  Name:	40.1_Gameplay_Story-Mode.png Views:	1 Size:	236.0 KB ID:	102874
                            Launched by the Enter Story Mode button, the Story Mode interface resembles the viewscreen of a starship looking down on a planet’s surface. As mentioned earlier, the first story is selected by default on entry. The oval shapes here are for representation only.

                            The selected map displays a short introduction to the story in a plaque with a Start button to commence battle. The plaque is scrollable to accommodate for localization expansions. The story-map icons are connected by visible, curved arrows.

                            The Difficulty Level panel is bordered by a plaque enclosing a hard button. The Enemy Level panel is also bordered by a plaque enclosing the increase and decrease buttons. Here, note that the [+] icon is not used, as it resembles a similar button on the Hero’s Armory page executing a different action. The position of these 2 panels are fixed on the interface and do not shift when scrolling.

                            The subtitle identifies the displayed planet. Here, note that term “Act” is replaced with “Chapter” as the former is apt only when there are 3 parts to the saga. As we anticipate a fourth planet soon (and many more over time), “chapter” is more accurate. A straightforward “Planet” is even better.

                            A Close button takes the player back to the Gameplay Modes portal.

                            (3/5) GAMEPLAY > STORY SEQUENCING
                            ​​​​​​Click image for larger version  Name:	40.2_Gameplay_Story-Sequencing.png Views:	1 Size:	174.6 KB ID:	102875
                            Just like friction and politicians, grinding is a necessary evil . It is OK as long as the scenery changes frequently. In Story mode, if a new player wants to get all 1140 Gems, s/he needs to grind the 38 maps (excluding Training Grounds and The Gauntlet) 570 times in 3 modes. In sum, the scenery changes only once every 15 runs, which could zombify even the most ardent Eternian. Let’s be kind…

                            Factoring in suggestions from many players (including Qeltar , SoulGaming2 , Dyoma , et al), may I suggest a re-sequencing of the stories (with some additional stories & bosses) as outlined in the image. Here:
                            • Story 0 is the “Training Grounds“, a branch from Story 3 to be opened up only after completing Story #3 and just before entering the arena for the first time with the first companion. Note that after completing Story 3, the button for Story 0 blinks, but Story 4 is NOT opened. Only after completing Story 0 does Story 4 open. This forced navigation helps the player to experience the zeroth story (which I missed in all the confusion while playing Act 1 as a newb).
                            • The “arena-style“ stories (in suggested sequence #4, #9, #14, #19, #24, #29, #34, #39, #44) are “The Gauntlet“, which would prepare the player for the Boss story coming up immediately thereafter. Here, it’s a deathmatch for the hero—it fights until death, which is the finishing point, not defeat. The series of Summoner Champions will test the hero’s build till breaking point. Like the current design, arena-style maps neither yield Gems for completion, Gem drops, Gemstones, nor much gear. However, these maps should be good for prolonged XP grinding.
                            • The Boss maps are effective checkpoints for hero-build quality. So, they always appear at regular intervals—as the fifth map in the sequence. Gorgona, Xenodon Giant, and Gorlak could man Stories 10, 25, and 40. So, only 3 new, named bosses (less tougher than Gorgona, etc.) need to be created for Stories 5, 20, and 35.
                            • Dungeons could be used to insert surprises (like Easter eggs, traps, new monster, etc.) in gameplay. So, they appear once every 15 maps. Super-bosses like Magroth (Story 15), Broken Dragon (Story 30), and Elban (Story 45) could lord over these 3 dungeons.

                            With this even-spacing and alternating of story styles, the grinding gets less tedious for the repeat performance in Heroic and Legendary difficulties.

                            (4/5) GAMEPLAY > TRIALS MODE
                            ​​​​​​​Click image for larger version  Name:	40.3.0_Gameplay_Trials-Mode.png Views:	1 Size:	196.1 KB ID:	102876
                            Launched by the Enter Trials Mode button, the Trials Mode interface resembles the view of a telescope peering at multiple galaxies across space. As mentioned earlier, the selected galaxy is displayed in the center on entry.

                            The selected map displays a short introduction of the trial in a plaque with a Start button to commence battle. As trial bosses suddenly appear and given that gear and skill changes are disallowed during trials, it would be better to identify the trial boss (in Red text) in this intro message. This way, the player can equip the hero accordingly, prior to starting battle.

                            Like Story mode, the introductory plaque is scrollable to accommodate for localization expansions. The galaxy icons are connected by visible, curved arrows (reinforcing the impression of circuitous travel).

                            The fixed Leader Board panel is bordered by a plaque enclosing an icon that launches the Leader Board popup.

                            A Close button takes the player back to the Gameplay Modes portal.

                            Notice the presentation of trial names as shortened surnames of developers and top players.

                            (5/5) GAMEPLAY > TRIALS > LEADER BOARD
                            ​​​​​​​Click image for larger version  Name:	40.3.1_Gameplay_Trials-Mode_Leader-Board.png Views:	1 Size:	231.7 KB ID:	102877​​​​​​​On pressing the Leader Board icon on the Trials Mode page, this popup is displayed. Notice that this popup completely overlaps its parent and shrouds the projecting buttons and currency panel on the bottom frame of the parent, effectively disabling them.

                            Only the Close button can now take the player back to the Trials Mode page.
                            Last edited by PGB; 05-31-2018, 02:28 PM.


                              (1/3) GAMEPLAY > TRAINING GROUNDS > SCENARIO SELECTOR

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	41.1_Gameplay_Training-Grounds_Scenario-Selector.png
Views:	226
Size:	218.2 KB
ID:	102881
                              On entering Training Grounds in Story mode, this dialogue box is first displayed. This interface uses the standardized popup template. However, notice the absence of a Close button. Once entered, the player must select 1 of the 2 scenarios.

                              In the scrollable content area, a customized icon visualizes the purpose of the match. Instructions for how to use the gameplay is outlined. The 2 scenario buttons are given at the bottom on a separate layer.

                              Instead of 4 scenarios in the current design, only 2 scenarios are presented, because both DPS and Endurance stats are presented in the same scenario (discussed next).

                              As requested by Xatihr and Coda , booster tokens may please be disabled in Training Grounds.

                              Note here that some players have requested a fixed battle time (as opposed to endless) in Training Grounds, so that the stats can be correctly compared for various builds.

                              (2/3) GAMEPLAY > TRAINING GROUNDS

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	41.2_Gameplay_Training-Grounds_Gameplay.png
Views:	215
Size:	229.7 KB
ID:	102882
                              The image illustrates the presentation of a Single-Enemy Training gameplay. The stat information is shifted to the top. The timer is highlighted in Blue font. The stats themselves are presented in Green text. The Armory icon blinks/ glows to indicate that it is available for gear/ skill changes.

                              A Pause button placed near the player’s left thumb allows gameplay to be frozen so that the player can make note of the stats. At that time, a “Gameplay paused” message flies in, and stays, while the Pause button morphs to an Unpause button. All other buttons are still available on a paused screen.

                              Like the current Details button, a DPS Stats button displays the Damage Stats (discussed next). An alerting Close button takes the player back to the Story Mode page.

                              To compare the hero’s build combinations, the player follows these steps:
                              1. Runs the simulation for a specific time period to get the stats—both for Endurance and DPS.
                              2. Pauses the combat and enters the Armory to change gear and/ or skills. This action automatically resets the stats.
                              3. Re-enters the simulation, runs it for the same time period, and gets the stats for the new build.
                              4. Compares the 2 sets of stats to identify the better build.

                              There is no Reset button as in the extant design, the Armory button does that job. Also, there is no need for a Map functionality in Training Grounds.

                              PS: The hero’s skill icons shown in the image are for representation only. Details of the other interface elements are discussed later.

                              (3/3) GAMEPLAY > TRAINING GROUNDS > D.P.S. STATS

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	41.3_Gameplay_Training-Grounds_DPS-Stats.png
Views:	182
Size:	229.9 KB
ID:	102883​​​​​​​
                              As mentioned earlier, on pressing the DPS Stats button on the Training Grounds gameplay screen, this popup is displayed. The tabulated content is scrollable, the table header and footer are not.

                              PS: The data presented in the table is just dummy text for representation only.


                                (1/2) GAMEPLAY > ARENA-TYPE STORIES

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	42.1_Gameplay_Arena-Story.png
Views:	301
Size:	236.8 KB
ID:	102885
                                Like the Training Grounds, this arena-style Gauntlet is a unique and useful map type. Here too, the stats are shifted to the top-center.

                                As the hero in arena-style maps keeps attacking enemies without much intervention from the player (save the occasional goading when the hero rests/ freezes), this story type is ideal for zooming in and viewing the hero’s performance in all its glory. It is then that the player begins to truly appreciate the developers’ breathtaking effort in creating and programming the game’s characters.

                                The player’s own effort in gearing up the hero is really visible here at maximum magnification.

                                So, given its use, arena-style maps also need to be given due attention on usability. Here too, the XP bar needs to be included. Scored points may not mean much to the player, so it is removed. The Next Wave info also may not be relevant, as the next wave usually comes in much earlier. However, the Survived Time and Defeated Waves count is quite relevant, so is retained.

                                Notice the position of the XP booster token on this screen. The booster tokens line up there. As pointed by adjacentengels , these icons should be programmatically transparent, i.e., on clicking/ tapping the booster icon, the hero should move to that location as if clicked/ tapped on the battlefield itself directly.

                                (2/2) GAMEPLAY > ARENA > FINISH

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	42.2_Gameplay_Arena-Finish.png
Views:	191
Size:	240.2 KB
ID:	102886
                                As mentioned earlier, arena battles are deathmatches, and the hero fights until death, gradually testing the extent of the build’s strength and breaking point.

                                When the inevitable happens, the end message is “Finished!”, not “Victory!”. This message flies in, stays on the screen for a few moments, and then flies away. Simultaneously, 2 new buttons—Combat Stats and Close—appear at the bottom corner (right or left as per accessibility setting of the player).

                                The Close button takes the player back to the Story Mode page, while a blinking Armory button affords the opportunity to go to the Build pages, and thereon, to the Hometown (for shopping). The action of the Combat Stats button is discussed later.

                                The current Replay and Continue options are removed.

