No thanks to the “fat-finger syndrome” (specially on mobile screens), the Sell button (on the bottom frame) needs to launch this alert popup whenever an item being sold meets the following conditions:
For the benefit of newbs, following are the suggested alert messages in such cases:
No thanks to the “fat-finger syndrome” (specially on mobile screens), the Sell button (on the bottom frame) needs to launch this alert popup whenever an item being sold meets the following conditions:
- It has an embedded Gemstone (as requested by Lulero ).
- It is a Gemstone.
- It is better than the equipped gear.
- It is an equipped gear (as requested by XxYOLOSWAGxX ).
- It is a Set item.
- It is a Named item.
For the benefit of newbs, following are the suggested alert messages in such cases:
- “Would you like to sell this item along with the socketed Gemstone? You can unsocket it before selling.”
- “Would you like to sell this Gemstone? You can store up to 100 in a single slot or fuse them into larger ones.”
- “Would you like to sell this gear item? It seems to be better than the hero’s equipped gear.”
- “Would you like to sell this gear item currently equipped on the hero?”
- “Would you like to sell this Set item? It can offer additional stats in combination with another Set item.”
- “Would you like to sell this Named item? It can offer special abilities to the hero when equipped.”