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Include research books as a Event Value Pack option.

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    Include research books as a Event Value Pack option.

    Having a pack that would shave off some of the hundreds of hours it takes to upgrade a new hero's abilities would be awesome.
    Then you'd have the choice to use the event for pure gem/exp farming or perhaps starting that new hero you've been thinking about doing for ages but the mere thought of going through the whole process of upgrading all those abilities again for the 10th time literally makes you nausious.
    This would be a great addition, and there is even a spot open in the bottom right corner that looks perfect for a Research booster pack. Mmkay.

    Obviously I know you can use gems to speed this process up, but at 15 000 + ? Gems (I've never added it up) it's a bit much.
    Even living in a country where the currency is weak against the Dollar at around 14 to 1 making all these packs really expensive Id still likely pay for books, if they were priced within reason.
    For me to purchase 15 000 gems though you'd almost expect it to come with a shares certificate in Making Fun Inc.

    I know its not cheap but have u thought of unlocking another ability upgrade slot a 2nd is 400gems. If you want to level up AB,s quickly


      Yes as I mentioned ive done this a number of times! However this being a special event, where "value packs" are available. And time being of particular value to me I feel it would be nice. It doesn't even have to be available every time. Two slots open and some research books works even faster.

