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Loot "magnet" to character is too slow

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  • XtinctionEvent6
    All good ideas. I have left early a few times, but probably should do that more.

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  • Alica2122
    I usually only wait 1-2s for items/gemstones and the big stream of golds, then go to portal when seeing the stream of golds getting smaller. It is not worth to wait for the last golds. You can make experiments: go to main course, note the amount of golds then go back to the level, waiting for all golds. According to your data, you can decide when is the best time to leave.

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  • Outlaw
    The gold needs the most time. All other items are very quick. The more gold you earned in a level, the longer it will last until you collected everything.

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  • XtinctionEvent6
    Yaddab could be right, but it seems like most of the delay is due to the gold, and this gets worse with a booster on. I have over 10 million gold now; given the choice, I’d rather save the booster/event time and not get the gold.

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  • yaddab
    + Love the fact that all loots goes to char
    - Hate the amount of time it takes
    = Are the devs trying to balance the convenience of not losing loot over the slight time delay of getting it all to our inventory.

    Musing on it - I think it is intentional that we do not lose anything but we pay a penalty for not stopping to loot ... I think probably Debs have balance right

    Just throwing it out there

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  • aveanjinx
    There was really a delay , and sometimes you think that all loot was received already and quit to the hometown . It would be good if its not posible to speed up the loot is to stop the timer for boosters, or the minions(robin/endar ) to pick up the loot , or even just making the magnet for loot active from the beginning .

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  • XtinctionEvent6
    Originally posted by Jagang View Post
    I dont pick anything up, when i finish the level everything gets drawn into my bag.
    That’s what I meant; at the end of the level it takes too long for everything to be “drawn into my bag.” With a gold farming loadout and a 200% gold booster active, it can take 15 seconds to get all of the loot. We can quit the level before the loot flows to the gold/gem counters (and save a second or two) but if we exit before it flows to the character then we don’t get credit for it.

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  • Outlaw
    Originally posted by Spyclown View Post
    Give this a go: Turn "ON" Framerate limit in the settings options. This helps a boat load in PC (and maybe other platforms). It'll limit the FPS at 60.
    Framerate On is active in my account, but with a booster, the „gold magnet“ is really tooo slow. So +1 for this topic.

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  • Jagang
    I dont pick anything up, when i finish the level everything gets drawn into my bag.

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  • XtinctionEvent6
    Thanks for the suggestion. In normal play the loot collection doesn’t seem much faster (if at all), possibly because I play on an iPad. But I’ll try it when gold farming, too.

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  • Spyclown
    Give this a go: Turn "ON" Framerate limit in the settings options. This helps a boat load in PC (and maybe other platforms). It'll limit the FPS at 60.

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  • XtinctionEvent6
    started a topic Loot "magnet" to character is too slow

    Loot "magnet" to character is too slow

    This was really noticeable during the Silver League when I was gold farming. I was using a set of fairly complete +gold% gear. The stat page said I had +1074% gold at the time. I spent more time waiting for the loot to flow to my character than actually playing the level (Severed Mountain). Very annoying when boosters are active and there is limited event time. Can this be accelerated somehow?
    Last edited by XtinctionEvent6; 03-08-2019, 08:33 PM.