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Farming anything higher than TL100

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    Farming anything higher than TL100

    Now that the bar is raised and TL100 outside of the short ANB events is kind of on the easy side, why not adjust some factors to provide an incentive for farming higher TLs?

    For example, the XP cap; right now, it makes no sense to farm anything higher than TL100, even on a toon that can easily do 120s.
    Also, the 3 drops; all the way from TL80 to TL150+, you get 3 legendary drops. Whether you sell or salvage them, there is little to no difference between farming TL80s or TL120s.

    Surely the benefits from farming TL80s in 45 seconds, TL100s in 1.5 minutes and TL120s in 5 minutes should scale accordingly, no?
    I'm assuming that the Dev was wrong.

    +1 for this


      Primus posted a similar proposal with a CL 2500 cap. I think both of you have excellent ideas. “The Grind” needs a serious revamping.


        I'd like to provide a counter point which I think is the reason it works the way it works. Alright, so the issue in question is, why not always make higher TLs give more rewards, seems obvious, right? Well, there are two main problems with this, both that it makes it.much harder for casual players or beginners to stay competitive. First, it makes it so people higher on the power spectrum gain much more when farming, leading to them being more powerful, which means they will gain even more etc. This loop tends to spiral out of control quickly. Second, keeping the trial reward cap low allows more.casual players to earn more similar rewards since they have access to the lower trials levels, and although they may do them much slower, they still can gain comparable rewards.
        im basing this off of my experience with D3. In that game, they have scaling XP and rewards that get out of control quickly and greatly widens the gap between competitive and casual.
        i guess the bigger problem with Eternium non-ANB is that new players need to compete with accounts that could be quite built up and several years old. I mean, how is that even supposed to be possible? Imagine people farming T140s and you can barely do a T80? Are you really sticking with the game or is that too high of a mountain to overcome?
        also, personally I guess I don't really have that much time to farm and play and I like that I can still do well on the boards! It makes it fun. Although, at this point I could stand T110+ to be the new T100 I suppose, but my over a year old.
        Last edited by Terranisaur; 07-23-2019, 03:10 AM.
        Mainly Mobile, Mainly Mage
        Teran - CL2000


          That would be a gift to krollers and botters


            Terranisaur, I guess this answers the question we were discussing in Discord. Apparently, there isn't a benefit to running TL 110 over TL 100.
            BH: Shade
            Mage: Muse
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