liana, or who ever is 1st to read this on team.. please read entire scroll... it might take an eternity to read, and might be painful to endure, but i assure you it took my shadow far longer to type.
this is extremely important, and will get to the point eventually.
for some time now, the possibility of a dual server system, separating both mobile and pc play, has been rejected. due to the potential for abusers to use an emulator to disguise ther pc play as mobile, and fool the server... now 1st off, would like to clarify that im not here to argue about whether or not this would be an issue, but instead to request a similar idea.. with hopes that something will be done to make things legitimately fairer, 1 way or another.
i.e. mobile vs. pc play, and low fps devices are two separate issues... it would be truely wonderful to fix all these issues, and make a more real competition, of course.. but am not here for that either, am just hoping fps is addressed as much as possible, and aware this fps problem has already been brought up a bit, lately. with this thread, i instead would mainly like to discuss mobile vs. pc, and address the fairly terrible conditions that mobile only bh/mage players must endure, to compete in the now fps fueled button smashing eventium, that eternium has become. especially us poor little ipad users, whom must suffer the dreaded 'horizontal alignment' bug.
just saying.. poor travis must have to down entire bottles of tums, trying to keep everyone happy and avoid the ulcers of pain, and he does a great job, btw!.. tells people to keep playing, and enjoying eternium... and as much as the new content is greatly appreciated. (idk about others, but that usually gets a reflected thank you, of some new purchases from players like me) but it just will not be enough for (me)competitive mobile players to stick around much(longer)... reason being that by doing nothing at all, it creates an atmosphere where mobile must either accept ther fate and buy nice nvidia computers, (which is lots of $$$ that is getting spent on game, not going into your pockets) quit eternium altogether, take the back seat ramming and just not complete much, or switch to darkside cheater tactics out of frustration... (which sadly does happen as well)
what would get players like me to stay, continue purchases and making youtube videos, is addressing the competition fairness before this "soon" unreal port.
nothing flashy is needed, should be fairly simple to make fairer changes without causing too much chaos, especially since your "automatic detection" has been implemented.. again, just saying... some things are completely understandable here, some are just simply not.
examples, yes.. yes, we must have examples.. here are a few to highlight..
-not being able to fix certain bugs due to marmalade sdk is completely understandable, even if it happens to be dreadful ones... like the ipad 'horizontal alignment' bug.
-not being able to make 30fps and 240fps completely even in play, no matter what is implemented, is also completely understandable.. hopefully it can be much closer than what is current, but is very much understandable.
-not doing anything to make things fairer in your "mobile" game, for "mobile" users, while also ramping up more competition. making top medals completely out of reach to "mobile" users, now this is an example of something that is not understandable, not at all..
infact it causes extreme frustrations... and instead of seeing how hard you have made things for mobile users, it seems you views us as whiners instead. should we just be happy with what we get, while you continue to reward high fps pc players?.. honestly must question how little this dev team cares about whether its even remotely fair for mobile bh/mage, or not... why would mobile users be anything but pissed about this? honestly, kinda feels as though you are just using mobile players to help grow the game, and once large enough base, you will just drop mobile play and become pc only.. headache all gone now... the same way pc play was added in the 1st place, to gain more player base.
now you have added extreme competition, as main focus if eternium, (which is fine) but you never changed anything to address this problem, to begin with... seriously?.. not trying to be a jerk here, but wtf?!? do you secretly enjoy making nvidia more $$$?? do you secretly hate mobile and especially ipad users?.. has it really not been complained about that much, and i am truly wrong to be complaining here?.. players that are top10 mobile bh/mage are lucky to get top 25-50 spots in lb's, and this will only get worse as base continues to grow, and nothing is changed... is this not a "mobile" game like you have been asked before?..
lol its time for change, time for more fair system... but unfortunately just like life, ther is no perfect answer here, is ther?.. but ther is several very good options to choose between, as well as 1 option that is probably optimal, due to the existence of android emulators. as talked about somewhere wayy, way up at the top.. now to highlight some reasons why this is necessary, as has been brought up soo many times before.
-mobile users have fairly consistently lower fps than pc players
-mobile users have to draw symbols, while pc gets to press buttons... bad enough, but many symbols such as blink are heavily bugged for registering the symbol, and pc does not suffer from this problem
-mobile players must play with hand in way, as well as possible accidental symbol activation. affecting things like apples, potions, and ability to dodge... pc has none of these problems...
.................................................. ....................................
( IPAD users suffer from a bevy of bugs) including...
.................................................. ....................................
-playing while paused in map or inventory, if exited to apple home screen
-slowly degrading toon movement around rocks and small puddles of liquid, similar to bridge navigation
-the dreaded 'horizontal alignment' bug (this is a serious problem, and far worse than just less screen to see... causes strange happenings like magnetic trap and smoke screen not work properly, decreased range of attack against enemies, as well as increased enemy movement speed... making the game appear as chaos at trials 130+ that cause so much more dodging required for survival) please check out my new 133 mobile bh vid that will be posted soon, as well as "coming soon" mobile arcanist vid for visuals of gameplay... the difference between the play on my ipad vs. android is staggering, can survive 10× easier on android... but due to far less fps, do far less dmgs than on ipad.. shouldn't be possible, but it is.. sad to see how much easier i can pull maps and survive/not get shot at, at 30fps, vs 115fps
that just shouldn't be possible!...
now after this long winded speech, lets get to what i propose...
obviously, the best way to handle this would be to just seperate mobile and pc straight up. lets just be honest here, no android will outperform any ios device, when it comes to gaming... plain and simple, people have different skill lvls, but android is inferior in gaming.. but this would require scrutiny trying to manage android players from ios numbers.
the truth is that ios is a closed source, so it is not possible to emulate games from apple store, period. not now, not ever... no one running ios device can be using an emulator, its not possible... simulators yes, but they can't play games from apple store, ever!!! so you can literally guarantee all ios devices are legit, in eternium.
this is what i propose.. if you are truly unwilling to separate mobile vs. pc into 2 distinct servers because of android emulator potential, then how about we at least be fair to the ios users that you could easily do this for... make an ios ipad/iphone server, and and android/pc server with same setup for prizes.. although this is not ideal for android users, ther is not much that can be done about it, unless you are willing to scrutinize at least some. but it would at least take some of ther competitors away as well... so that instead of fighting other android, iphone, ipad, and pc users; they would just be fighting other androids and pc users.. again not ideal, but it would create so much more room for players, without having to create new medals and such.. and you would nvr have to worry about emulators, this way. every ios device would be guaranteed 100% legit...
damn, think i set myself another new record in speech length
lol my head hurts now, back to dabs, bronze league, and planting more vft's lol... please consider being nice to mobile players, 1 way or another, it would be greatly appreciated!..
liana, or who ever is 1st to read this on team.. please read entire scroll... it might take an eternity to read, and might be painful to endure, but i assure you it took my shadow far longer to type.

for some time now, the possibility of a dual server system, separating both mobile and pc play, has been rejected. due to the potential for abusers to use an emulator to disguise ther pc play as mobile, and fool the server... now 1st off, would like to clarify that im not here to argue about whether or not this would be an issue, but instead to request a similar idea.. with hopes that something will be done to make things legitimately fairer, 1 way or another.
i.e. mobile vs. pc play, and low fps devices are two separate issues... it would be truely wonderful to fix all these issues, and make a more real competition, of course.. but am not here for that either, am just hoping fps is addressed as much as possible, and aware this fps problem has already been brought up a bit, lately. with this thread, i instead would mainly like to discuss mobile vs. pc, and address the fairly terrible conditions that mobile only bh/mage players must endure, to compete in the now fps fueled button smashing eventium, that eternium has become. especially us poor little ipad users, whom must suffer the dreaded 'horizontal alignment' bug.

just saying.. poor travis must have to down entire bottles of tums, trying to keep everyone happy and avoid the ulcers of pain, and he does a great job, btw!.. tells people to keep playing, and enjoying eternium... and as much as the new content is greatly appreciated. (idk about others, but that usually gets a reflected thank you, of some new purchases from players like me) but it just will not be enough for (me)competitive mobile players to stick around much(longer)... reason being that by doing nothing at all, it creates an atmosphere where mobile must either accept ther fate and buy nice nvidia computers, (which is lots of $$$ that is getting spent on game, not going into your pockets) quit eternium altogether, take the back seat ramming and just not complete much, or switch to darkside cheater tactics out of frustration... (which sadly does happen as well)
what would get players like me to stay, continue purchases and making youtube videos, is addressing the competition fairness before this "soon" unreal port.

examples, yes.. yes, we must have examples.. here are a few to highlight..
-not being able to fix certain bugs due to marmalade sdk is completely understandable, even if it happens to be dreadful ones... like the ipad 'horizontal alignment' bug.

-not being able to make 30fps and 240fps completely even in play, no matter what is implemented, is also completely understandable.. hopefully it can be much closer than what is current, but is very much understandable.
-not doing anything to make things fairer in your "mobile" game, for "mobile" users, while also ramping up more competition. making top medals completely out of reach to "mobile" users, now this is an example of something that is not understandable, not at all..
infact it causes extreme frustrations... and instead of seeing how hard you have made things for mobile users, it seems you views us as whiners instead. should we just be happy with what we get, while you continue to reward high fps pc players?.. honestly must question how little this dev team cares about whether its even remotely fair for mobile bh/mage, or not... why would mobile users be anything but pissed about this? honestly, kinda feels as though you are just using mobile players to help grow the game, and once large enough base, you will just drop mobile play and become pc only.. headache all gone now... the same way pc play was added in the 1st place, to gain more player base.
now you have added extreme competition, as main focus if eternium, (which is fine) but you never changed anything to address this problem, to begin with... seriously?.. not trying to be a jerk here, but wtf?!? do you secretly enjoy making nvidia more $$$?? do you secretly hate mobile and especially ipad users?.. has it really not been complained about that much, and i am truly wrong to be complaining here?.. players that are top10 mobile bh/mage are lucky to get top 25-50 spots in lb's, and this will only get worse as base continues to grow, and nothing is changed... is this not a "mobile" game like you have been asked before?..

-mobile users have fairly consistently lower fps than pc players
-mobile users have to draw symbols, while pc gets to press buttons... bad enough, but many symbols such as blink are heavily bugged for registering the symbol, and pc does not suffer from this problem
-mobile players must play with hand in way, as well as possible accidental symbol activation. affecting things like apples, potions, and ability to dodge... pc has none of these problems...
.................................................. ....................................
( IPAD users suffer from a bevy of bugs) including...
.................................................. ....................................
-playing while paused in map or inventory, if exited to apple home screen
-slowly degrading toon movement around rocks and small puddles of liquid, similar to bridge navigation

-the dreaded 'horizontal alignment' bug (this is a serious problem, and far worse than just less screen to see... causes strange happenings like magnetic trap and smoke screen not work properly, decreased range of attack against enemies, as well as increased enemy movement speed... making the game appear as chaos at trials 130+ that cause so much more dodging required for survival) please check out my new 133 mobile bh vid that will be posted soon, as well as "coming soon" mobile arcanist vid for visuals of gameplay... the difference between the play on my ipad vs. android is staggering, can survive 10× easier on android... but due to far less fps, do far less dmgs than on ipad.. shouldn't be possible, but it is.. sad to see how much easier i can pull maps and survive/not get shot at, at 30fps, vs 115fps

now after this long winded speech, lets get to what i propose...
obviously, the best way to handle this would be to just seperate mobile and pc straight up. lets just be honest here, no android will outperform any ios device, when it comes to gaming... plain and simple, people have different skill lvls, but android is inferior in gaming.. but this would require scrutiny trying to manage android players from ios numbers.
the truth is that ios is a closed source, so it is not possible to emulate games from apple store, period. not now, not ever... no one running ios device can be using an emulator, its not possible... simulators yes, but they can't play games from apple store, ever!!! so you can literally guarantee all ios devices are legit, in eternium.

this is what i propose.. if you are truly unwilling to separate mobile vs. pc into 2 distinct servers because of android emulator potential, then how about we at least be fair to the ios users that you could easily do this for... make an ios ipad/iphone server, and and android/pc server with same setup for prizes.. although this is not ideal for android users, ther is not much that can be done about it, unless you are willing to scrutinize at least some. but it would at least take some of ther competitors away as well... so that instead of fighting other android, iphone, ipad, and pc users; they would just be fighting other androids and pc users.. again not ideal, but it would create so much more room for players, without having to create new medals and such.. and you would nvr have to worry about emulators, this way. every ios device would be guaranteed 100% legit...
damn, think i set myself another new record in speech length
