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Please pretty please change/fix jewelry

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    Please pretty please change/fix jewelry

    I’m sure this’s not original but OMFG the jewelry crafting system is really really really really bad. I’m not being overly dramatic by using so many ‘reallys’. I have spent MILLIONS of gold over the past couple days trying to get a single ring of 180 armor. And the gold usage is fine, can farm it by playing, no biggie, I like actually playing. It’s the time and monotony of crafting a shitload of rings, checking each one INDIVIDUALLY, and then selling them INDIVIDUALLY. It’s a bad system already to make that necessary but why is there no bulk sell option? No filter for your inventory? And why is the RNG so bad that at this point it’s defying statistics? I’m talking I’ve crafted almost 20,000 rings so far in the pursuit of a single 180 armor ring. I have SO MANY 90 stat rings of various other stats, don’t need them. But that one armor ring just won’t drop. I’ve been sticking with this game because it’s pretty good but ready to quit over this. It shouldn’t take this much to get a single item. If I spend more (way more) time clicking repetitively than playing the game it’s turned into a bad game.

    Before people chime in with “armor is a bad stat” I’m trying something out.

    Armor isn’t a bad stat anymore! And yes, the jewelry crafting issues are horrendous now with the shortage of stash space. They’ve talked about revamping jewelry for the last year or so.


      I’ve been looking at Armor for a couple of reasons, but people don’t use it and I’ve seen people saying it’s not great. What makes it not bad anymore? I’d love to hear what you think about it


        Also some clarification so people don’t think I’m just whining:

        im not a rich or terribly experienced player, but I spent a few weeks grinding out gemstones to have enough to use perfect ones in my new set I’m crafting. Didn’t have a big stockpile because 1) I’ve not been playing too long, and 2) i used a good bit of what I had crafting a gold farming set and Exp farming set. I’ve got plenty of patience to pay my dues. But I am also familiar with good vs bad crafting requirements, and what makes a player feel productive and rewarded. The current jewelry system feels bad like games from the 1990s.


          The devs made an adjustment to armor with this update:

          “Damage reduction from armor has been increased, making armor a worthwhile defensive attribute now.
          - Life drain damage from ghosts is now reduced by your armor.”

