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Season Rankings

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    Season Rankings

    Has any thought been given to changing reward levels to percentage positions rather than counts?

    For instance I have a warrior ranked in the top 5% and still ranked #1255 which is so far from hitting the top 500 needed to win a title and badge that I have given up and am asking "How many people are playing freaking warriors in this game?" My result is with a lot of cash and time spent and I'm hoping I'm not that poor a player compared to everyone else.

    I would love to see rewards for ranks 1-10 then positions by percentage ranking points such as top 2%-5%. It would sure make this player happier about his cash and time invested in Eternium. Cheers!

    Originally posted by Tin Man
    Umm, are you saying ANB rankings in your title but actually referring to Season rankings? Either that or you have a typo in your ranking. The top 5% for warriors for Bronze #6 was around rank #169 or better. So, if you were top 5% for ANB, you qualified for three medals.

    Just to let you know, the percentage rankings are relatively meaningless since deleted heroes, even from deleted accounts, are not removed from the leaderboard.
    Thanks. Will edit.

