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Please display full quantity in item description tag!

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    Please display full quantity in item description tag!

    I would like to be able to keep track of my total crafting resources earned per farming run, but it's impossible to do so when I can't see the exact number of each resource I started with or ended with. I suggest displaying the full quantity of each resource in the item description tag.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Qty Info Request.png
Views:	326
Size:	207.6 KB
ID:	182713
    BH: Shade
    Mage: Muse
    Warrior: Shade

    For a list of guides I've created, click here.

    Wow, a million lesser essences! Mine never reached 300k


      I second the wow...I thought my 300k was alot as well. With that material bank and TheExorcist 's gold bank, one could craft a complete lvl 77 set from scratch.


        That is an epic humblebrag.
        WIZA KIZO YIJO 1935


        • kurtcabage
          kurtcabage commented
          Editing a comment
          i will also brag it if i have that much material. LOL hha

        This post is hilarious.. how am I supposed to know if I had 1.03 or 1.04 million Lesser Shadow essences before I farmed? I mean the audacity of these devs.

        I literally convert my lesser essences to regulars as soon as I have 1000 because I'm that hard up to craft my next attempt at overwhelming sadness. Thanks for the laugh in this Covid laden hell I find myself in.
        Last edited by DethStrike; 10-03-2020, 05:25 PM.


          DethStrike Yeah not sure what the point of keeping so many LE is. I only craft legendary gear so I convert all my essences to GE when I get a couple k of LE
          DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721


            I can definitely see the humor in this post, but perhaps Lesser Essences were a bad example. This is actually a problem for me, and I would like it to be fixed. What should I do about my Greater Essences which are affected by this issue?
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Qty Info Request 02.png
Views:	475
Size:	32.3 KB
ID:	182763
            How am I supposed to know how many of these I have?
            BH: Shade
            Mage: Muse
            Warrior: Shade

            For a list of guides I've created, click here.


              Sorry if my comment came off as dismissive, I was more or less lashing out at my own struggle with material shortage as a brand new player. I can fully understand your position, and I would also be annoyed by the lack of clarity in the game's systems.


                Well, the obvious problem with displaying the full amount is the limited space on the icon itself... perhaps a detail button (like the [...] ) in the upper left corner of the materials stash to show a listing with the full numbers instead...
                Eternium Files - links and details


                • Shade Glow
                  Shade Glow commented
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                  When you click the item, the description tag pops up. That would be a great place to display the full quantity. Although, your idea would be more handy.

                • Nhat
                  Nhat commented
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                  Ah... need coffee, missed that... yeah, that would work too... a full listing would reduce the number of clicks/taps though

                • Turgeon
                  Turgeon commented
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                  What about doing some gold farming and craft craft craft till you have less then 100 essence then youll beable to track the number you got by farming lolololol

                I'm still wondering why you would want to try farm more essences? If I did my math right, and assuming a bit on quantities, you have enough to craft enough times to get 5 complete sets of lvl 77 gear with greater essence alone...assuming you had the billion in gold you would need.


                • Shade Glow
                  Shade Glow commented
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                  I want to update my gold farming guide, but I need data first. I can't get the data if I can't see how much of anything I have.

                I'm sure this will get on the devs to do list, maybe in the "to be done soon" section ​​​​​​
                So in the meantime you could just ask the community to collect some data for you to analyze, sum up and share...
                Mobile only
                ZOBO NEVI CIXI 0314
                Warriors, BHs Argon
                Mages Tuca

