Youtube playlist - bronze play through finished, 35 vids, uncut 
Eternium v1.30.4 - Android Mobile gameplay
Attempting to show new players how to tackle ANB, no I'm not starting a fresh profile, so there are a few things on mine that are already unlocked:
Things to note for ANB:
Gameplay strategy:
Defender build only works once you have ALL 6 Defender pieces and a decent Shield, preferably The Liberator for the boost to Deadly Throw. So just keep any of the armor set in your stash until you have the key 7 items. You can use the trinkets as you find them, just don't equip 2 Talismans at the same time. Emblem of Ascendance is great because it means you get 2 free levels for you Skills, so only need to get the key Skills (Whirlwind, Sword and Board) to level 8, which saves a lot of time.
I'm uploading directly from my phone's recording for now, may look back into it later, but probably won't be doing much editing (I don't know how yet, haha) Note also that I'm currently not uploading the numerous "start game, upgrade skill, close game" vids, yes I have them all too haha, maybe if there's a request for them
Managed to clear TL 130, CL 1690 - with just under 7 hours of gameplay time left. Which means there's potential room to go further, or offset the drops luck, as I feel that I got very lucky with the Emblem of Ascendance & Deadly Throw Bracers - limitting factor for TL 130 was damage output, these 2 boost it a fair bit...

I'm setting a conservative Glory achievement at 60, which is at TL 120 - if you're planning to stay in Veteran League, then that drops to 45, which is low and will delay Fire Lily unlock...
If you've been doing daily Bounties, you could have potentially got to level 22, so that's another 10 Glory. So that leaves 20 for now - unlocked Belt of the Whirling Storm, Talisman of Doom & Vial of the Wind Spirit for Silver.
Edit 2: Final results
Dropped a few places after others finished their push, ended at #409

War Supplies is on, so that's another 15 Glory - not counting the crafting ones, new players wouldn't have the mats nor recipes to do those. Still, that means we're good for Fire Lily in Gold - current balance is 35, after clearing WS milestones.

Eternium v1.30.4 - Android Mobile gameplay
Attempting to show new players how to tackle ANB, no I'm not starting a fresh profile, so there are a few things on mine that are already unlocked:
- Extra Stash & Gemstones inventory - highly recommended if you like the game and plan to play long term, makes inventory management a LOT easier and apply to ALL future ANB too
- Crafting Mastery is at level 50 - which means I will be benefiting from extra salvage and potential item level boosts, hopefully impact isn't too much since I will not be crafting Set items anyway...
- No, I do not have any Medals applied, so no issues there...
Things to note for ANB:
- Leverage real time for Skills leveling
- You have 10 days to use the gameplay time, 12 hours in this case. Consider stopping every now and then to let your Skills upgrade, once you have enough Gold that is. You'll benefit from the extra damage and boosts from Synergy
- Stick to items with Experience, unless new one is a LOT higher level - consideration for weapons, where levels matters because it'll help with damage output.
- Craft Exp Rare/Epic gear when you can
- Potentially unlock cheap Trinkets to help
- Do NOT push to higher level trials too early
- TL 1 - 7 are at level 10, 20, ... 70 respectively
- TL 7+ - only consider moving up if you clear in under 4 minutes, each level has increased damage, hp & exp
- Once you reach level 70, you'll start skipping trials based on how quickly you clear, consider doing 5 level jumps to face your favourite boss to make things easier. I usually jump to the highest unlocked Kara trial (x0, x5) - unless it's that highest unlocked: unlocked 21, jump to 20; but if unlocked 25, still only do 20.
- Once you have you Exp gear, trial 60 (or 70 for the necklace) settle into the "repeat until clear in under 1 minute" pattern - it's a volume game, focus on farming Exp and the rest will take care of itself.
- Some leave 2-3 hours of gameplay time to do the "push highest possible" run, up to you...
Gameplay strategy:
- I'm going to try a minimal approach, so no spending Gems like crazy... lol
- Gear to look for while leveling, check Gornathan's shop too, the earlier you get the full set of gear, the better. The actual level of the items doesn't matter that much, except for the shield, we're more interested in the special effect.
- Any Defender piece, just keep the best one if you get duplicate
- Whirlwind Axe
- The Liberator shield (preferrably with Armor stat)
- Belt of the Whirling Storm
- Cape of Ancestral Spirits
- Trinkets, order of preference
- Emblem of Ascendance (+2 Skills level)
- Fire Lily (boost attack, but cannot crit)
- Talisman of Doom (boost Physical damage)
- Vial of the Wind Spirit
- Talisman of Power
- Talisman of Storms
- Initial leveling with Rare Experience gear, just craft normal items since you're going to be swapping them out every now and then. Stick with 2 weapons for the damage boost - socket Emeralds for extra health and you should be fine if you're not pushing too far ahead...
Defender build only works once you have ALL 6 Defender pieces and a decent Shield, preferably The Liberator for the boost to Deadly Throw. So just keep any of the armor set in your stash until you have the key 7 items. You can use the trinkets as you find them, just don't equip 2 Talismans at the same time. Emblem of Ascendance is great because it means you get 2 free levels for you Skills, so only need to get the key Skills (Whirlwind, Sword and Board) to level 8, which saves a lot of time.
I'm uploading directly from my phone's recording for now, may look back into it later, but probably won't be doing much editing (I don't know how yet, haha) Note also that I'm currently not uploading the numerous "start game, upgrade skill, close game" vids, yes I have them all too haha, maybe if there's a request for them

Managed to clear TL 130, CL 1690 - with just under 7 hours of gameplay time left. Which means there's potential room to go further, or offset the drops luck, as I feel that I got very lucky with the Emblem of Ascendance & Deadly Throw Bracers - limitting factor for TL 130 was damage output, these 2 boost it a fair bit...
I'm setting a conservative Glory achievement at 60, which is at TL 120 - if you're planning to stay in Veteran League, then that drops to 45, which is low and will delay Fire Lily unlock...
If you've been doing daily Bounties, you could have potentially got to level 22, so that's another 10 Glory. So that leaves 20 for now - unlocked Belt of the Whirling Storm, Talisman of Doom & Vial of the Wind Spirit for Silver.
Edit 2: Final results
Dropped a few places after others finished their push, ended at #409

War Supplies is on, so that's another 15 Glory - not counting the crafting ones, new players wouldn't have the mats nor recipes to do those. Still, that means we're good for Fire Lily in Gold - current balance is 35, after clearing WS milestones.