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ANB #35 - "No recipe" Warrior run

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    ANB #35 - "No recipe" Warrior run

    Youtube playlist - bronze play through finished, 35 vids, uncut

    Eternium v1.30.4 - Android Mobile gameplay

    Attempting to show new players how to tackle ANB, no I'm not starting a fresh profile, so there are a few things on mine that are already unlocked:
    • Extra Stash & Gemstones inventory - highly recommended if you like the game and plan to play long term, makes inventory management a LOT easier and apply to ALL future ANB too
    • Crafting Mastery is at level 50 - which means I will be benefiting from extra salvage and potential item level boosts, hopefully impact isn't too much since I will not be crafting Set items anyway...
    • No, I do not have any Medals applied, so no issues there...

    Things to note for ANB:
    • Leverage real time for Skills leveling
      • You have 10 days to use the gameplay time, 12 hours in this case. Consider stopping every now and then to let your Skills upgrade, once you have enough Gold that is. You'll benefit from the extra damage and boosts from Synergy
    • Stick to items with Experience, unless new one is a LOT higher level - consideration for weapons, where levels matters because it'll help with damage output.
    • Craft Exp Rare/Epic gear when you can
    • Potentially unlock cheap Trinkets to help
    • Do NOT push to higher level trials too early
      • TL 1 - 7 are at level 10, 20, ... 70 respectively
      • TL 7+ - only consider moving up if you clear in under 4 minutes, each level has increased damage, hp & exp
      • Once you reach level 70, you'll start skipping trials based on how quickly you clear, consider doing 5 level jumps to face your favourite boss to make things easier. I usually jump to the highest unlocked Kara trial (x0, x5) - unless it's that highest unlocked: unlocked 21, jump to 20; but if unlocked 25, still only do 20.
      • Once you have you Exp gear, trial 60 (or 70 for the necklace) settle into the "repeat until clear in under 1 minute" pattern - it's a volume game, focus on farming Exp and the rest will take care of itself.
      • Some leave 2-3 hours of gameplay time to do the "push highest possible" run, up to you...

    Gameplay strategy:
    • I'm going to try a minimal approach, so no spending Gems like crazy... lol
    • Gear to look for while leveling, check Gornathan's shop too, the earlier you get the full set of gear, the better. The actual level of the items doesn't matter that much, except for the shield, we're more interested in the special effect.
      • Any Defender piece, just keep the best one if you get duplicate
      • Whirlwind Axe
      • The Liberator shield (preferrably with Armor stat)
      • Belt of the Whirling Storm
      • Cape of Ancestral Spirits
      • Trinkets, order of preference
        • Emblem of Ascendance (+2 Skills level)
        • Fire Lily (boost attack, but cannot crit)
        • Talisman of Doom (boost Physical damage)
        • Vial of the Wind Spirit
        • Talisman of Power
        • Talisman of Storms
    • Initial leveling with Rare Experience gear, just craft normal items since you're going to be swapping them out every now and then. Stick with 2 weapons for the damage boost - socket Emeralds for extra health and you should be fine if you're not pushing too far ahead...

    Defender build only works once you have ALL 6 Defender pieces and a decent Shield, preferably The Liberator for the boost to Deadly Throw. So just keep any of the armor set in your stash until you have the key 7 items. You can use the trinkets as you find them, just don't equip 2 Talismans at the same time. Emblem of Ascendance is great because it means you get 2 free levels for you Skills, so only need to get the key Skills (Whirlwind, Sword and Board) to level 8, which saves a lot of time.

    I'm uploading directly from my phone's recording for now, may look back into it later, but probably won't be doing much editing (I don't know how yet, haha) Note also that I'm currently not uploading the numerous "start game, upgrade skill, close game" vids, yes I have them all too haha, maybe if there's a request for them

    Edit: RESULTS

    Managed to clear TL 130, CL 1690 - with just under 7 hours of gameplay time left. Which means there's potential room to go further, or offset the drops luck, as I feel that I got very lucky with the Emblem of Ascendance & Deadly Throw Bracers - limitting factor for TL 130 was damage output, these 2 boost it a fair bit...

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    I'm setting a conservative Glory achievement at 60, which is at TL 120 - if you're planning to stay in Veteran League, then that drops to 45, which is low and will delay Fire Lily unlock...

    If you've been doing daily Bounties, you could have potentially got to level 22, so that's another 10 Glory. So that leaves 20 for now - unlocked Belt of the Whirling Storm, Talisman of Doom & Vial of the Wind Spirit for Silver.

    Edit 2: Final results

    Dropped a few places after others finished their push, ended at #409
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    War Supplies is on, so that's another 15 Glory - not counting the crafting ones, new players wouldn't have the mats nor recipes to do those. Still, that means we're good for Fire Lily in Gold - current balance is 35, after clearing WS milestones.
    Last edited by Nhat; 02-17-2025, 07:53 PM.
    Eternium Files - links and details

    Reserved for upcoming Silver run - assumption will be that player has gotten enough Glory to unlock the following:
    • Belt of the Whirling Storm - 10
    • Talisman of Doom - 20
    • Vial of the Wind Spirit - 20
    • Cleared TL 130 - but being conservative, so total Glory is 20 - see above.
    • This also means that total after Silver will be 90 - +60 up to TL120 and +10 from Season up to level 40.
    Edit: 21 Feb 2025
    Luckily, we had War Supplies in between, which gave another easy 15 Glory - I don't count the Unique Legendary crafts, no recipe or mats (for new players)
    This bring us to a total of 35 right now, and at least 105 in Gold, so we're set for Fire Lily run.
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    Technically Emblem of Ascendance is MUCH better, due to the +2 level boosts - meaning you only need to level skills to level 8, which saves a LOT of time. But it's extremely rare to get the Mark of the Oracle needed to craft it, so don't waste your initial limitted Glory on it... Save for Fire Lily.

    Will run a similar approach to Bronze, no crafting set items - recipes are too random to assume anything, so simplest to assume new player won't have access to it yet. I'll be unlocking the 2nd upgrade slot to speed up Skills leveling a bit, players should be doing Dailies to boost their Gems stockpile...

    Another thing I learnt from the Bronze run: I will not be using any special trinkets or bracers found - similar to recipes, drops are pure luck... and the intent is to attempt to show what's possible for the majority of players, so minimise luck's influence where I can.

    YOUTUBE Playlist

    Edit: results 5:41:38.6 left on event timer - so after 3:20 of map/trial times, cleared TL 130, CL 1640, ranked #380

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    Last edited by Nhat; 03-03-2025, 11:53 PM. Reason: results
    Eternium Files - links and details


      YouTube playlist of Survive the Land run

      Result: Almost 9 and a half hours left, so that's 2 and a half hours of event map/trial time used - yeah, was a bit busy during the week... CL 843 - Cleared TL 105 - Ranked 545

      Planning for Gold run, at this point I'm going to "flip" it and try to show a "quickest to 70", based on adolf_2003's ANB 6 Fury guide

      Recipes required:
      - Fire Lily (100 Glory)
      - Vial of the Wind Spirit (20 Glory)
      - Belt of the Whirling Storm (10 Glory)
      - Fury - 4 pieces (40 Glory)

      These will be for extra Experience farming/push, will mainly use the Ephemeral boxes:
      - Defender
      - The Liberator
      - Integralas Mantle

      I've always talked about the 3 keys for ANB, so here they are again:
      1. Know your class: What gear, stats and skills to focus on
      So, from the above, initial Gear will be Fury for immediate damage boost, which means Charge, Leap & Whirlwind. Will then switch to Defender for Exp grind, not really worth trying for Shockwave hybrid since I'm not going to be pushing trials.

      2. Know your path: How are you going to get to where you want, and the milestones along the way
      a) Initial crafting of Fire Lily & Vial of the Wind Spirit, along with Rare Exp normal gear - I want the immediate boost, so going with Legendary... will means more materials needed, but you'll need to buy crafting crates either way.
      b) Level 10 crafting of initial 2 Fury (helmet & chest) for Storm of Swords to do trials leveling, again, will need to purchase crates, but here can just craft Rare/Epic don't need to waste mats for Legendary - upgrade Exp gear, leave Pants and Boots as normal Exp gear, so they can be upgraded for extra movement speed.
      c) Level 25 crafting of another 2 Fury (shoulder & gloves) for Tornadoes with Whirlwind & upgrade Exp gear

      Those should hold until I get all the Ephemerals needed to switch over to Defender, upgrading normal Exp gear along the way, every 10 or 15 should be ok... more often would mean more mats, the general gain wouldn't be that much anyway... Will also be using 200% Exp boosters to really speed things up, let's see how short I can make it - will try to do "to 70" in 1 sitting too...

      3. This is Luck - nothing you can really control, just hope
      As you saw in the Bronze run, I got lucky with the Ascendance trinket. Just play and keep an eye out for useful drops...

      Well, that's the plan anyway, will see how things turn out... Good luck all, and have fun.

      YouTube Gold Playlist

      Initial leveling to 70 done, a lot of "whaling" Gems spent, most likely more than is necessary but I'm too lazy to try and figure out an "optimal" path, given that I'm unlikely to ever run a similar strategy in the future...

      As noted in the vid's description:
      Recipes required:
      • Fire Lily
      • Vial of the Wind Spirit
      • Fury: Helmet, Tunic, Shoulder Pads, Gauntlets

      Total Gems spent: 1,864 (including the jewelries below)
      • Inventory: 15 (2 rows)
      • 2nd Skill Upgrade: 400
      • Skills slots: 105
      • Gold: 50
      • Skills boosts: 36 (18 each to lvl 4)
      • Boosters: 275 (200% Exp & Gold)
      • Resource Crates: 650 (one of each of the ones that costs Gems, haha)
      Jewelries: 9 uncommons : 333 total
      • lvl 2: 1 each == 9
      • lvl 14: 3 each == 27
      • lvl 30: 7 each == 63
      • lvl 49: 12 each == 108
      • lvl 58: 14 each == 126

      Thoughts from the run:
      • Crafting Fury early means you're stuck with the lower stat boosts, unless you're recrafting them later on... which kinda sucks.
      • You can reduce the Gems for Jewelries and only make 1 Uncommon Exp piece each time, I did 2 Exp + 1 Gold for Rare Exp/Gold pieces, because I can, haha
      • Overall, this saved me roughly 15 minutes compared to my old method, which can find at:
      • And given what I've found during the initial "no recipe" Bronze run, even dropping those to Rare and crafting only as I get mats doesn't make that much of a difference in the long run - I still managed to get to CL 1600 after 4 hours even with taking 1 of that to get to level 70.
      • It comes down to how efficiently you manage your Exp grind in the mid-end stages of your gameplay, the early stages' impact is small.
      • Will probably do one more round next season to show my "ideal run" with Rare craftings...

      Edit: Results, almost 70 minutes used over the week, didn't have much time, CL 1515, cleared TL 110 for all items milestones, ranked #532

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      Last edited by Nhat; Today, 08:25 PM. Reason: added results
      Eternium Files - links and details


        Thought I expand the details of "Know your path" a bit, there are multiple stages in a typical ANB run, each with their own target. Note that this is obviously for Warrior, and is purely based on how I play, others will have different strategies...

        While you're playing, keep an eye out for drops of any of the following special items:
        • Defender set gear
        • Fury set gear
        • The Liberator shield
        • Whirlwind Axe
        • Sanguinarius sword
        • Belt of the Whirling Storm
        • Special Trinkets:
          • Emblem of the Everbound
          • Emblem of Ascendance
          • Fire Lily
          • Talisman of Doom
          • Vial of the Wind Spirit
          • Talisman of Storms
        You can equip the items if they have Experience on it, or are much better than what you currently have. But even if they're not, keep them in stash for later - just keep the "best" one of each specific item is fine, you don't need duplicates.

        1. Start to level 10

        Here, your Hero starts with nothing - ok fine, you have the Glory, Gems, Medals and Crafting Mastery level & unlocks from your main account, but the point is you're starting at level 1, with the starting gear and Skills. The main focus for most of ANB is Experience, use gear that give you the most of that, unless you get another that is significantly better... Until told otherwise, use TWO Weapons, not Shield - we're focusing on normal attacks damage output at this stage.

        For a newish account, there's not much you can do at this point... just run through the Story maps, keeping an eye out for any Exp gear that you get and use the best weapons you can get your hand on. Also highly recommend to take breaks as you unlock new Skills to get them to level 3, that's just 25 minutes each - it'll increase the damage and also adds to your Synergy boost for some extra Ability Rate & Vitality, which makes a big different at the start.

        If you have a lot of Gems and don't mind spending them, you can buy the various crafting crates and craft Legendary Fire Lily, Vial of the Wind Spirit, craft Experience Jewelries (select with Gem) and/or Gem your abilities for immediate boosts. I wouldn't craft any set item at this point, no need for them - Rare/Epic weapons will get you through to level 10 just fine. And obviously 200% experience boosters will help too. Budget and plan according to what you have and are willing to spend to achieve your goal.

        If crafting gear, aside from the special Legendary trinkets above, at most I would go for Epic normal for the rest.
        • Legendary Trinkets: Experience, Physical Damage, Haste, Power <= if you're crafting at level 1/2, it's not going matter much what you choose, the boost is from the trinket's special anyway, also, you'll be keeping these all the way to level 70.
        • Trinkets, Belt & Bracers: Experience, Physical Damage
        • Pants & Boots: Experience, Movement Speed
        • Chest: Experience, Vitality
        • Cape: Experience, Life on Hit
        • Weapons: Experience, Haste <= doesn't matter which you choose, just make 2
        • others: Experience, Power
        Skill wise, just stick to Rending Slash and use Charge & Deadly Throw for your attacks, equip Lightning Reflexes & Endurance when they unlock.

        2. Level 10 to 25

        From here, the path diverge depending on the "state" of your account, how "hard" do you want to push and how much are you willing to spend. You unlock Trials at this point, and depending on your gear, it's the best place to gain levels quickly - as long as you do it properly!

        The monster levels is linked to the Trial level, it's always Trial level x 10 - all the way up to Trial 7, and then they gain HP & Damage boosts, but also gives more Experience as you go higher. This is both good and bad, depending on where your Hero is at...

        For a newish account, or if you're not crafting, your damage output isn't going to be great for running trials.. Do Trial 1, since they're at your level, until you get to level 11 or 12, then switch back to Story maps until you get to about 18, then Trial 2 to about 22, switch... and repeat. Story maps in ANB is special in that the monsters in them will always match your Hero's level when you start it, so will make leveling more smooth than fighting those lower level in Trial 1, or too high in Trial 2. You'll also get some resource crates at level 15, which you can use to craft better weapons and gear, use the stats listed above...

        For those who crafted, you should be clearing Trial 1 relatively quick, so Trial 2 should also be fairly easy, if using Fire Lily you can consider going to Trial 3, but I wouldn't... no point wasting too much time fight overpowered mobs. Recraft weapons if they're 10 levels or more lower than your Hero's level, I tend to redo the other gear every 15 levels or so, up to you.

        For those wanting a BIG boost, craft Fury shoulder & gloves to get Storm of Swords (triggered with Charge and Leap) and blast your way through trials. The Cleaver Axe may also be useful as a damage boost...

        Depending on how you're going, can consider switching Passives to Fleet Footed & Celerity as they unlocks. Also potential to switch to Frenzy attack, but only if you upgrade it to level 3 first - it gives Attack & Movement speed boosts from level 3 onwards.

        Once you get to level 25, Whirlwind unlocks and you need to make another decision:
        • Do you want to keep playing, or pause to let Whirlwind upgrade first?
        Whirlwind is considered as one of the key Skill for Warriors, especially while leveling and Experience farming, this is because at level 10, it will pull all the mobs nearby to your Hero, so less time needed running around. This can be a problem if you don't have appropirate gear, because your Hero is taking more hits from the mobs... Either way, I recommend pausing until it's level 3, there's a damage reduction debuff on target hit with Whirlwind. Keep Whirlwind upgrading from now on, you want this to get to 10 as soon as possible.

        Also keep Sword and Board upgrading too, this will help your Defender build later... can leave it if you're upgrading another Skill that you're using - although I would only upgrade the following past 5 or 6, in order of priority:
        • Whirlwind - pulls in nearby mobs at level 10
        • Sword and Board - doubles Shield Armor at level 10
        • Frenzy (to level 7, for Heal chance)
        • Battle Rage (to level 7 for damage boost)
        • Shield Block
        • Tough As Nails
        • Battle Rage (to level 10 - rush to targetted mob)
        • Frenzy (to level 10 - chance of 2nd hit)

        3. Level 25 to 70

        I would use Deadly Throw & Whirlwind at this point... and if possible, craft the Belt of the Whirling Storm, even a Rare will do (Exp & Physical Damage) - the special is the same regardless, reduces current cooldown by 2 seconds each time you cast Whirlwind, allowing you to use your Skill more often, as well as an area damage effect. Will be keeping this for a while...

        Continue as before, mix of Story & Trials for those with low gear.. or just push Trials if you're clearing in about 2-3 minutes.
        For the "hard push" group, craft Fury Helmet & Chest pieces for Tornadoes special with Whirlwind - I'm leaving Pants and Boots for periodic recrafting to get better Movement Speed boosts. Unless you have a LOT of Gems, I wouldn't be recrafting the Fury pieces...

        Remember to socket any gear that have slots, Emeralds help with survival, and mix of Sapphires and Rubies depending on which is better. Fill the slots you have before fusing the gemstones, eg. 3 teardrops (level 3) gives 60 vs 1 radiant (level 4) which only gives 30, even 2 teardrops are better at +40.

        Either way, check your gear and recraft as appropriate, and remember to pause every now and then to level up your newly unlocked Skills a bit (1 or 2 levels will do) for extra Synergy boosts - you have 10 days in total to use up your gameplay time, do NOT rush it all in the first few days... Also, don't forget your Daily Quests and Season Bounties - do these on your main Heroes...

        4. Up to Trial 70

        From here, Trials is where you want to focus, since monsters level max out at 70, running Story isn't good anymore because Trials monsters above Trial 7 gives boosted Experience, +5% per trial level - of course, they also hit harder and have more HP, but you should be able to keep up with it as you boost your Hero with Champion points.

        My usual Champion points allocation, maxing each before going to the next just to make it simpler:
        • Offense: Haste, (if no Fire Lily) Critical Rating, Critical Damage, Power <= ignore the 2 Critical stats if you have Fire Lily
        • Defense: Life on Hit, Armor, Life, Regen
        • Utility: Experience, Ability Rate, Movement Speed, Gold

        My general approach is to jump to the highest unlocked #0/#5 trial (Kara is easiest for me, choose your preferred boss) unless it's the highest one unlocked:
        • Trial 21 unlocked, I'll run 20
        • Trial 20 unlocked, I'll run 15 instead
        Keep an eye out for potentially useful gear, as noted at the top, but also for those with Critical Rating & Damage that you may use for your "final push" later. At this stage, I just keep using what I currently have already, maybe recraft level 70 normal Epic weapons for a bit of extra damage. The aim is to use the Ephemeral boxes to build/complete the Defender set - which needs 6 Defender pieces and The Liberator shield, so you need at least 1 drop of any of that, or craft it...

        Obviously, for those with a LOT of resources, just craft all the pieces you need and jump into the Experience Grind below, nothing much to do here... And those that are lucky with drops can start earlier, replacing the dropped piece with the Ephemeral as you get them, if you want to.

        The goal is, or better:
        • Epic The Liberator shield: Exp, Ability Rate, Armor
        • Epic Defender Pants & Boots: Exp, Ability Rate, Movement Speed
        • Epic Defender others: Exp, Ability Rate, Block Rating
        • Epic Whirlwind Axe: Exp, Ability Rate, Block Rating
        Note also that the Emblem of the Everbound reduces the Set requirement by 1, so if you're lucky enough to get one, or crafted one, then you can go ahead when you have 5 Defender pieces.

        What you do with the Ephemeral Jewelries also depends... some save it for the push, I just use it for my Experience farming:
        • Experience, Ability Rate, Block Rating, Vitality
        If you're getting stuck, can look to recraft your other gear for some boosts, use the special ones if you have access to them:
        • Trinkets (Fire Lily, Emblem of Ascendance), Belt (Whirling Storm) & Bracers (Deadly Throw): Experience, Physical Damage, Ability Rate, Block Rating
        • Cape: Experience, Ability Rate, Block Rating, Vitality <= Integralas Mantle if there's only 1 useful Spiritstone type, Ancestral Spirits if there are 2 or more, although the cooldown boost from the Mantle is probably more useful...

        5. The Experience Grind

        Once you have your complete Defender Experience set, regardless of how you did it, settle into "Experience farming mode": rerun the same trial until you cleared it in under 1 minute, or 1:30 if you're getting bored and wants some actual progress, and then jump up 5 trials and repeat... We're aiming for numbers here, the more runs per hour the better => more chances of getting something you can use (very low, but may happens), more mats from salvage to craft better items, and most importantly, more experience for Champion points to boost your Hero.

        Skills to use:
        • Frenzy, can alternate with Cleave as 2nd too if you want
        • Shield Block, Whirlwind - either Charge or Battle Rage
        • Sword and Board, Tough As Nails, Power Infusion or something else...

        Repeat this until you're bored or have achieved your target... ie. I generally stop once I've cleared TL110 for the 2nd Celestial Transform.

        You could craft better version of the gear you have to speed things up, or save the mats to craft a "push set" later... depending on your goal.

        6. The final trial push

        Once you're bored enough with the Exp grind, or getting near the end of your gameplay time limit, you can try to just go as high as you can...

        Most at this stage would be crafting a full Legendary Critical set:
        • Critical Rating, Critical Damage, Ability Rate on everything
        • Shield: Armor
        • Pants & Boots: Movement Speed
        • Trinkets, Belt & Bracers: Physical Damage
        • Mix of Block Rating & Vitality on the others
        The particulars of "how to push" as beyond the scope of this guide, I'm not that good at it compared to the other veteran players... Do what you can, note how you go and see if you can do better next time But the key is to enjoy the process, no point stressing and pressuring yourself for a game... unless you like those sort of things...

        That's pretty much my approach to ANB, and I think I've covered most of the details. Feel free to post any questions you have and I'll see what I can do, good luck and have fun
        Last edited by Nhat; 03-25-2025, 01:06 AM. Reason: minor cleanups...
        Eternium Files - links and details

