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Change BOM crafting to reflect that of jewelry, allow random mastery or choose the one you want.

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  • Guest
    Guest commented on Guest's reply
    It is a pain as you seem to lose track of how many resources you're spending. Rinsed through most during Beta. Now I just craft during AnB to save the pain and cost on main.

  • papa jim
    commented on Guest's reply
    I still haven't crafted a keeper 77, have a 76 beam on push. Crafting for mage both lily and cr/cd, but what a waste of resources and almost no return on salvage.

  • Guest
    Guest commented on Guest's reply
    I'm embarrassed by how many mats I wasted trying to get the correct lv77 BoM.

  • papa jim
    commented on Guest's reply
    It would be nice if they included something like I suggested in the update but I think the odds are remote for it in this release. Although, BOM crafting has been criticized a great deal both here and in Discord. Perhaps when they look at suggestions in the future. I would rather go back through getting to crafting level 50 than continue to try the crafting roulette involved in BOM crafting.
    Last edited by papa jim; 11-14-2020, 07:47 PM.

  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Big update coming soon, watch this space.

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  • Wolf86PL
    Right. To much nonsense is to much!

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  • Change BOM crafting to reflect that of jewelry, allow random mastery or choose the one you want.

    Update BOM crafting to allow selection of the mastery attribute such as is available with jewelry. The attribute value would still be determined by rng. An option you must sacrifice resources for, glory or gems, both? Two BOMs to go please, frost beam and arc lightning.