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Add Re-Forge / Re-Roll Bracer of Mastery % bonus ?

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  • Blingblingchaching
    Originally posted by Ozymandius View Post
    +1 I never understood why you could not select the attribute for a BoM. You can choose which gear set you want to craft and even which 4 attributes you want; RNG still controls item level and each attribute %. Even if crafting menu allowed you to select the attribute, RNG still kicks in for item level and attribute %s. Make the BoM crafting menu like the unique Belts menu where you pay Glory to open the different options that you want to craft.
    "What do you do when you get to the top and there's nowhere to go" - Van Morrison

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  • Oshisin
    It would even be worth spending glory or gems to narrow down the possible effects to two or three choices.

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  • Ozymandius
    +1 I never understood why you could not select the attribute for a BoM. You can choose which gear set you want to craft and even which 4 attributes you want; RNG still controls item level and each attribute %. Even if crafting menu allowed you to select the attribute, RNG still kicks in for item level and attribute %s. Make the BoM crafting menu like the unique Belts menu where you pay Glory to open the different options that you want to craft.

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  • Benedicto
    If they only allow to use glory points to improve/reroll the stats of a level 77 BoM, just lucky enough I've found a way to legit "preserve" a crafted level 77 gear.....

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  • Add Re-Forge / Re-Roll Bracer of Mastery % bonus ?

    I (and many other players i believe) have already craft a Lot, lot, lot, lot anddddd lot of those BoM just to Aim 1 77s with % bonus i want (which is frostbeam)

    but never once did I get it... can you imagine how much time i (and other players) spend to gather the mats and gold...
    and then BOOMMM i just craft a 77s with frost nova and immolate.

    it's like it's not even about getting 77s anymore, it's beyond that levels
    we will face 3 RnG while crafting this BS of mastery which are :
    1. item level
    2. item bonus
    3. bonus % value
    isn't that a bit too much ???

    so can you (Please) do us a favor to add an option to reforge / re-roll the % mastery bonus ? i don't mind if it cost gems or glory or (insert here...)

    your mage Kurt
    Last edited by kurtcabage; 03-20-2021, 04:49 AM.