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Eternium - Pros and Cons

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    Eternium - Pros and Cons


    My main toon is a level 537 Champion. I have invested many hours of playing time and approximately $100. IMO, here are the pros and cons of this game.


    1. Diablo-like graphics and game play.
    2. Clean and intuitive menu and interface.
    3. Finger touch movement and attacks fluid.
    4. Robust crafting (weapons, armor) system. Ability to select attributes + enhancements for gear (e.g. socket gems, enchantments.)
    5. Huge variety of loot drops.
    6. Entertaining Story line.
    7. Daily quests (Level 70) that allow fair progression. Daily rewards.
    8. Trials that allow progression + chance of good gear drops.
    9. "Accelerator" consumables - especially +200% Greater Currency Booster and Gemstone Selection.
    10. Ability to purchase Gems for acceleration and progression.
    11. PVP - nice "change of pace" + rewards.
    12. Ability to change character's appearance (Dressing Room).


    1. Only three characters. Need a ranged weapon toon (archer). Maybe a hybrid character (ranger) with both ranged and melee weapons?
    2. More Acts in Story line.
    3. More end bosses. (Tie new bosses and new Acts together).
    4. More variety in toon armor appearances. Double the number of "cosmetic" skins - especially armor.
    5. Events - I rarely participate in them. I don't like starting new toons and repeatedly running low level areas.

    Finally devs, please keep producing new content... and I'll keep playing. Fun and entertaining "time sink!"
    Last edited by Kool Kat; 11-19-2021, 12:33 PM.

    By not participating in events particularly anb, you are missing chances to improve your character with items and champion levels. I am an average player and in 6 hours of silver I am over cl 1800 and have both cts which will go back to my main toon.


      Of the three classes - two of them (Mage and Bounty Hunter) are ranged attack. Requesting another ranged attack class seems a bit weird, though I think the idea of hybrid class probably has merit.


        Events?. I like them (ANB's & war supply).

        1. I want more Gold (very greedy I'm afraid) and CL. So I participate/ing? (As a non native speaker English grammar made my head spin) in them

        2. Anb has a LB also. ( Now we have 2 - normal vs anb LB).

        3. Say if I hv more than 2K CL (normal playing). How on earth am I able to increase the CL if not participate/participating (which grammar is correct?? With or without ing)​​​​ in events??. It almost took my lifetime to achieve '1 CL' without any events.

        Hv a nice day & thank you

        Sorry for my bad english especially the grammar. I love English Language and still learning it from time to time
        Last edited by TheExorcist; 11-20-2021, 02:08 AM.
        Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
        trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

        brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

        Hv a nice day


          Oh no, you are missing the party bro! ANB event is the most fun part. You get to restart the game yet you end up contributing to your main. It’s insanely innovative cool idea. No other games have ever figured this out.

