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Automatic heal or different heal operation

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  • Tolimar
    Some excellent points, especially on auto-healing options. I play on iPad, just upgraded to the new, faster iPad Air. Definitely notice some faster in game performance, but still die a lot before I can finish drawing the < or w signs. What about linking healing potions and apples to the actual companion Healers? How effective are those companions anyway? Many times I have tried to open a Treasure Chest only to be told I am still in combat. So I trot back to find poor Marcus wailing away on some poor skeleton, hacking and slashing with no apparent damage. So I zap the poor skelly out of its misery and sometimes wish I could do the same to poor old Marcus. My BH is using the Havoc/Demo build with three Healers. Why not link the potions and apples to the Healers, and reduce the time between their use? Automatic healing would reduce the number of deaths incurred, which would boost player morale and create more of a sense of accomplishment in completing a Trial. I actually finished a Trial after dying 166 times! I was embarrassed, it was a joke! On the plus side for the developers, auto-healing would surely result in increased consumption of potions and apples, which would necessitate more farming for those items. As it is now, how many of us have at least one stash page full of potions and apples? Excellent post by Dat Kkm, whose English is surely better than my ability in his native tongue.

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  • Raingold
    Dat Kkm, I'd be happy to see a more efficient mode of healing.
    In the meantime, I find maximizing movement speed helps. In ANB, until my hero becomes strong, I craft better belt and pants with MS as often as I upgrade weapons (about every 5 levels). Plus, I use Fleet Foot ( Nimble Fighter and Pathfinder for BH) as long as necessary. It took a lot of practice to coordinate multiple abilities and cast the potion in time. I had to get better at managing mobs and running far enough to regain health or buy time for casting when necessary. Using Marcus to stun can help, Vortex helps. I also maximize toughness, such as with diamond and emerald brilliants. I still rarely draw a W apple symbol the game recognizes. It's frustrating.
    Good fortune to you.
    Last edited by Raingold; 05-16-2022, 06:34 PM.

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  • WarriorSeven
    I generally like the idea if it's made to be automatic at the "right" time. You certainly don't wanted to auto-proc an apple or potion when your life bar is high, for example.

    You want the AI to efficiently proc just when it's "needed", not too soon; not too late. Also, the trick is to program what is used first, fast heal or slow heal (as determined by AI, or maybe a user setting). I would also provide a choice to enable or disable this new feature (again, a user setting).

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  • Dat Kkm
    commented on 's reply
    Yup, I think only Warrior can use heal when play on phone, cuz they are tanky and won't be shocked dmg to dead by one hit, so they have time to drawn sign for heal. Mage and BH? Forget it, stop move just a second for cast heal mean suicide xD
    Last edited by Dat Kkm; 05-14-2022, 05:24 PM.

  • Dat Kkm
    commented on 's reply
    Thank for your advice.
    And about the problem u said. I think one more check box in setting will solve problem we have "auto attack after move/cast skil"l already, so now we have "auto heal" check box too :v
    Last edited by Dat Kkm; 05-14-2022, 05:13 PM.

  • Rt Sayochi Kun
    I do agree with the op. I usually go with a delicate build that I dont get one shot but health giving item system is so inconvient. i dont even use it tbh. i cant keep track of my health and food timers and food keys. they add so little health anyways so I consider a bit LoH in my build.

    some kind of automatic foods that slows you down when eaten would be a great give and take thing.

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  • Ozymandius
    I like the idea of making healing automatic, but it is a tricky situation. The manual method allows the player to choose whether to use a healing potion or to save it for a tougher fight (e.g., boss). Since it is on a timer with a fairly long countdown, it could automatically proc in situations when there are other option, such as retreating behind a rock or running to a healing spot on the map. Then you would be left without any way to use a potion when a tougher enemy appears.

    If you are being one shot in battles, there are more convenient options. Add more Toughness by increasing Vitality or Dodge on gear, through enchantments, or by socketing emeralds. You can also increase your movement speed to quickly move out of a bad situation, especially if you have ranged attacks that allow you to fight from a distance. You can also increase Recovery by adding Haste or Life on Hit to gear or socketing sapphires. I typically add some LOH on my BH to increase healing between battles while moving around the board rounding up mobs. In the long run, survival boils down to learning how many enemies your hero can manage and avoiding pulling mobs that are too much to handle.

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  • Dat Kkm
    started a topic Automatic heal or different heal operation

    Automatic heal or different heal operation

    I just think why don't we change the way how to use heal (apple & heath potion) from manual-use to automatic
    You know, the PC's users can use item just by press a button, but mobile's not. U cant keep moving, attaking, drawn sign to cast skill and heal at once. If the heal item can cast itself automatic, that is big help for mobile users (set a limit hp% to consume heal item)
    Hardly to use heal make it useless (or maybe just with me ?)
    And why don't try another way how heal working? Example is increase healing effects like "life regeneration" or "life on hit" rating instead of restore amount of hp.
    I never use heal before by my tend, almost is cast wrong sign ( Cast 2nd companion's sign but wrong to "<" symbol @@). All I do with this stuff is sell it when it reach to 100 piece and starting occupie more item slot -_-
    Sorry for my bad english!
    Last edited by Dat Kkm; 05-14-2022, 09:49 AM.