There's already a mechanism in place for automatic global reset to Trial Level 80 for general/enduring (seasonal) characters.
For the same, please provide us the option to manually do it for our individual kids. Obvious warnings and protections in place to prevent unwarranted milking of any rewards (not that any Eterniumer would cheat).
Edit: This simple addition will be useful with the upcoming databasical coolmore FEER (Fastest Ever End Recorded). Of course, there will also be BEER (closely related to DEER) [etc.], but FEER will be:
I guess there's only one bulletpoint at this time.
AfterPostThoughtThing: BEER and DEER likely won't happen as they require, for the sake of veracity (if not Truth, Justice, and a previously American Way), one to be constantly liased to their digital device in concert with a BloodAlcoholConcentration meter. I've tried three different rigs with full regard for longstanding internet posting of stuff, and I can honestly say that the multi-needle penile shaft sensor is my least likely to wear again for the 93rd time.
EditosidamusNumeroTrois: The upcoming (heck, it's probably already available as fast as MF implements smart stuff!) potentiality to conceive of a mayhap useful process whereregarding one can substantially use their own thinking-thing to enable a selective choice procedure altogether inherently singular of their own specific desire to reset their otherwise free and replayable chartoonicanos to Trial Level 80 ("reset" ain't never the same thing as "advance", that for the one dummy...who, if they've made it this far, is.) is neato!!1!!!!!!!!!!! Also, if you are going to buy stuff, cut out the middleman and ! use! the! Official! Store! Both John Steinbeck and Danielle Steele have promised to reduce their salacious punctuation by a third if you do. Still negotiating with King James.
For the same, please provide us the option to manually do it for our individual kids. Obvious warnings and protections in place to prevent unwarranted milking of any rewards (not that any Eterniumer would cheat).
Edit: This simple addition will be useful with the upcoming databasical coolmore FEER (Fastest Ever End Recorded). Of course, there will also be BEER (closely related to DEER) [etc.], but FEER will be:
- A reasonably searchable display of fastest time information regarding the completion of every Trial Level. Including visual replay, with input statements.
Folks that buy their way instantly into the sunshine under the current paradigm still get their Vitamin D, but other players have a shot to prove that they are better.
I guess there's only one bulletpoint at this time.
AfterPostThoughtThing: BEER and DEER likely won't happen as they require, for the sake of veracity (if not Truth, Justice, and a previously American Way), one to be constantly liased to their digital device in concert with a BloodAlcoholConcentration meter. I've tried three different rigs with full regard for longstanding internet posting of stuff, and I can honestly say that the multi-needle penile shaft sensor is my least likely to wear again for the 93rd time.
EditosidamusNumeroTrois: The upcoming (heck, it's probably already available as fast as MF implements smart stuff!) potentiality to conceive of a mayhap useful process whereregarding one can substantially use their own thinking-thing to enable a selective choice procedure altogether inherently singular of their own specific desire to reset their otherwise free and replayable chartoonicanos to Trial Level 80 ("reset" ain't never the same thing as "advance", that for the one dummy...who, if they've made it this far, is.) is neato!!1!!!!!!!!!!! Also, if you are going to buy stuff, cut out the middleman and ! use! the! Official! Store! Both John Steinbeck and Danielle Steele have promised to reduce their salacious punctuation by a third if you do. Still negotiating with King James.