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Changing color of named items

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    I prefer the choice to have it. I too have suffered accidental sales and crashes.

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  • Adrian (Developer)
    These are very good suggestions and bug reports. We'll get them fixed. Thank you.

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  • Ivx
    Either new graphics or even more simply, make a small frame around the current picture of the item. That way the rarity system colour codes would be kept intact but they'd still be obviously different at first glance.

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  • multiforus
    How about just give each of the named items its own unique inventory tile graphics? So 'Albans Septer' would have its own cool mace rather than sharing the same graphic as an ordinary mace. Obviously this means that the Graphic Artist needs to make six or so (one for each named item) new inventory tile icons but it would certainly add to the wow factor of finding one of these extremely rare items. It would also make it very unlikely that someone accidently sells one.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by osoviejo View Post
    I like the idea of a distinctive visual indicator for named items. Not a fan of reverting to required confirmations of any kind. Option toggles would be okay, of course--no one is ever hurt by having a choice.
    So we need only Devs opinions, I am sure that there shoudn't be a lot of problems with named items but with some option to turn off/on notification (for more valuable items) can take a little more work.

    Where are you Devs?

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  • osoviejo
    I like the idea of a distinctive visual indicator for named items. Not a fan of reverting to required confirmations of any kind. Option toggles would be okay, of course--no one is ever hurt by having a choice.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Humus View Post
    Why would anyone want there to be a confirmation before selling a green item?
    It was your suggestion to make on/off button so ask yourself why? I just added some option to turn on only for legendary...etc.

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  • Humus
    Originally posted by Mohin View Post
    My suggestion is to add notifications like: On for all item / On for valuable item (items with gemstones, legendary, gemstones, all items which are equipped) / Off.
    Why would anyone want there to be a confirmation before selling a green item?

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Humus View Post
    Most people don't want this so a setting to turn notifications on or off is probably the best idea. I don't think making buyback last longer is a good idea because the game just crashes if you open it with too many things in there (it happened to me).
    My suggestion is to add notifications like: On for all item / On for valuable item (items with gemstones, legendary, gemstones, all items which are equipped) / Off.

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  • Humus
    Originally posted by SoulGaming2 View Post
    Also, when you sell stack of gemstones like 10 for example, rebuy back the item, it gives you only one gemstone
    I sold a stack of gemstones and when I bought it back I got them all back. Did it happen to you more than once?

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  • Humus
    Originally posted by Mohin View Post
    You add bayback great, you remove notifcation and now we can sell anything without even knowing that it was valuable.

    I will tell one more time to restore selling notifications for valuable items like gems, max jeweley, any item with gem, legendary items and any named item.

    ...Stupid buyback not showing me anything before selling, when I had notifications I always saw names. I agree that buyback is good direction (it should save items for longer than only until exit the game, for example until first fight when next time log in into the game, it will protect players which get crash) but we need more futures with which will tell us what we are a wrote above.
    Most people don't want this so a setting to turn notifications on or off is probably the best idea. I don't think making buyback last longer is a good idea because the game just crashes if you open it with too many things in there (it happened to me).

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by SoulGaming2 View Post
    Also, when you sell stack of gemstones like 10 for example, rebuy back the item, it gives you only one gemstone
    Good to know that :/

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  • SoulGaming2
    Also, when you sell stack of gemstones like 10 for example, rebuy back the item, it gives you only one gemstone

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  • Guest
    Guest started a topic Changing color of named items

    Changing color of named items

    You add bayback great, you remove notifcation and now we can sell anything without even knowing that it was valuable.

    I will tell one more time to restore selling notifications for valuable items like gems, max jeweley, any item with gem, legendary items and any named item.

    And here is the question if you can change the color of namaed items, you can make them darker or lighter nevermind but different from normal items. Somebody will ask why...because I found epic Mukraiser in my buyback (because I click the button by mistake and I saw the name). Stupid buyback not showing me anything before selling, when I had notifications I always saw names. I agree that buyback is good direction (it should save items for longer than only until exit the game, for example until first fight when next time log in into the game, it will protect players which get crash) but we need more futures with which will tell us what we are a wrote above.