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Insane difficulty of heroic mode

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    Insane difficulty of heroic mode

    So I have finally managed to go through the out of nowhere level in heroic mode.
    For me the difficulty of this level is cleary insane and I had to become champion level 16+ to pass it.
    In my opinion this kills the fun of a very good game which I howerwise was planning to recommend to friend.
    I also find it not ok that you reward player for giving five stars to the game and that I can't change my rating afterwards...

    check your build and gear, because heroic is not even close to insanely hard. Not even Legendary. I'm currently at 150 CL with a mid-geared BH, synergies at lvl 95 , only 1 skill (scattershot) at lvl 10 and no Maggie and, when I cleared Heroic, I was CL 80 with most of the points yet to allocate. Maybe you where expecting a hack n' slash like those RPG-said-to-be offered on the store with no difficulty at all. If I were you, I would give it another try and look for builds that fit each challenge.


      Originally posted by zaiphos View Post
      So I have finally managed to go through the out of nowhere level in heroic mode.
      For me the difficulty of this level is cleary insane and I had to become champion level 16+ to pass it.
      In my opinion this kills the fun of a very good game which I howerwise was planning to recommend to friend.
      I also find it not ok that you reward player for giving five stars to the game and that I can't change my rating afterwards...
      That level, specifically, is pretty tough, because you get all the monsters with their beefed-up life, and nowhere to hide. No one is joking when we reminisce about that level. You'll burn through several more levels now. For me, those levels that were the hardest to beat were frustrating (sure), but I also played better because I had to learn some technique or how to use a new skill. And it's a celebration when you complete it.

      I agree with Hades comments, too, about having different builds. That's a piece of advice I wish I had known and understood when I was new. Whether balancing gear, learning about jewelry, technique, differnet skills, one of the best things about those levels that take forever is playing differently.
      VOWO TOSO QEME 4656


        Heroic, even Elban becomes easier once you have 100k+ dps and 100+ Champion Points. You'll just have to grind a bit in trials or normal mode levels. Make sure all your skills are lvl 10, you are ofcourse lvl 70 and you craft some basic dps rings and neck.


          Thanks for your replies.
          As you may have noticed I did not post in the advice section but in the feedback section of the forum.
          I maintain that the difficulty of this level is insane. It is clearly not impossible, but insane in comparison to the dificulty of the previous (and next) levels. I was easily able to defeat monsters 5+ level above me in trial mode, but was getting mauled by monster my level in heroic difficulty.
          I was planning to recommend this game to some friends but I will not do it because of this. I also would probably change my review on google play to indicate this problem.


            Originally posted by zaiphos View Post
            Thanks for your replies.
            As you may have noticed I did not post in the advice section but in the feedback section of the forum.
            I maintain that the difficulty of this level is insane. It is clearly not impossible, but insane in comparison to the dificulty of the previous (and next) levels. I was easily able to defeat monsters 5+ level above me in trial mode, but was getting mauled by monster my level in heroic difficulty.
            I was planning to recommend this game to some friends but I will not do it because of this. I also would probably change my review on google play to indicate this problem.
            I too struggled at this point in the game. You have to invest some time in this game before it gets a little easier. Please don't be hesitant to dismiss your experience to date.
            Take some time to upgrade all your skills to the highest level possible, in the meantime make an alternative character whilst your main upgrades in skill levels.
            I've been playing for 50 days and trust me things get a whole lot easier once you have more than one character on the go and invest some time in upgrading skills and crafting some jewelry that is also interchangeable on characters... don't give up
            Agem VOYA QETO XAYE 7821


              Originally posted by zaiphos View Post
              Thanks for your replies.
              As you may have noticed I did not post in the advice section but in the feedback section of the forum.
              I maintain that the difficulty of this level is insane. It is clearly not impossible, but insane in comparison to the dificulty of the previous (and next) levels. I was easily able to defeat monsters 5+ level above me in trial mode, but was getting mauled by monster my level in heroic difficulty.
              I was planning to recommend this game to some friends but I will not do it because of this. I also would probably change my review on google play to indicate this problem.
              Have you ever played Diablo II or LoD in single player? Nightmare difficulty, the first walkthrough, can be a huge pain in the ass if you don't build your character proper and plan your strategies accordingly. IMHO, the only area of the game who could be compared in difficulty to Diablo's are trials; and I'm playing Eternium with probably the most buggy and squishy class (BH).
              Although now I'm focused on getting all the stars in Heroic (which I run almost AFK), what I've cleared so far in Legendary hasn't represented such a huge ser back as you describe it.

              You know what they say in this cases: don't hate the game, hate the play.


                Yes I have actually played both Diablo II and LoD in single player. And I fully agree that the difficulty of these games is probably much higher than the difficulty of eternium.
                My feedbackis not about the difficulty of the game in general but about the lack of progressivity.
                In nightmare mode in Diablo you could do some levelling, advance a bit in game, get stuck, do some levelling and so on...
                In eternium I reached the level "out of nowhere" and it was just plain impossible. So I did some levelling ... and it was still impossible. If I had not read on this forum that there was a level cap at 70 I would just have abandonned the game.
                I think it might be better to just put the level of all monster in heroic at 70 from the get go. That way players would know they have to do some massive levelling if they want to advance.


                  Originally posted by zaiphos View Post
                  Yes I have actually played both Diablo II and LoD in single player. And I fully agree that the difficulty of these games is probably much higher than the difficulty of eternium.
                  My feedbackis not about the difficulty of the game in general but about the lack of progressivity.
                  In nightmare mode in Diablo you could do some levelling, advance a bit in game, get stuck, do some levelling and so on...
                  In eternium I reached the level "out of nowhere" and it was just plain impossible. So I did some levelling ... and it was still impossible. If I had not read on this forum that there was a level cap at 70 I would just have abandonned the game.
                  I think it might be better to just put the level of all monster in heroic at 70 from the get go. That way players would know they have to do some massive levelling if they want to advance.
                  hey zaiphos, i wanted to call out one thing, and you might already get it. I think what you just said is a good articlulation of the frustration when you run into those levels (also, the first broken dragon is really hard, Oasis on legendary is really hard, and a few others)... The thing I (and I think a lot of us) challenge is that the whole of the game isn't worth playing for those hard levels. for most of us here, we think even with them, it's a pretty darn good game.

                  the encouragement is really to keep you going. Appreciate you hanging around in the forum long enough to have the conversation, whichever route you decide.
                  VOWO TOSO QEME 4656


                    I just beat Out of Nowhere on Heroic difficulty at level 51 on the first try - not Champion Level 51, Level 51. Then I came on here and read this post, and went back to make sure that's what I did, and yeah, I did. I noticed about halfway through the level, "Hey, this is a little tougher than usual. I'd better use some of my abilities." But it wasn't THAT tough. So I think this is just an issue of bad gear or setup. Or maybe the difficulty curve ramps up crazily at the higher levels. I'm not sure, as this is my first character. But that said, this is my first character. I'm no expert player here. I just read the FAQ, keep my Toughness high and stack up Life on Hit. Playing a BH with the three free minions and epic gear.

