Hi everyone,
I really like this game and I love to play it in full immersive mod.
That said, I have a question/suggestion: what about make an "Attack ready" pop-up for ALL the attacks? It's quite impossible to keep in mind every countdown while playing in immersive. Maybe make the pop-ups appear right where the attacks are located in the ui? This way even if you don't read it cause you're in the middle of the action, with a little practice you will manage to know which attack is now ready to be used.
Anyway, why only a few attacks have their "ready" notification? Am I missing something?
I really like this game and I love to play it in full immersive mod.
That said, I have a question/suggestion: what about make an "Attack ready" pop-up for ALL the attacks? It's quite impossible to keep in mind every countdown while playing in immersive. Maybe make the pop-ups appear right where the attacks are located in the ui? This way even if you don't read it cause you're in the middle of the action, with a little practice you will manage to know which attack is now ready to be used.
Anyway, why only a few attacks have their "ready" notification? Am I missing something?