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Companion ability toggle

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    Companion ability toggle

    Basically - the option to turn off passive abilities that sometimes do more harm than good.

    Edit :

    I want companions to be less of an annoyance/stat stick at times and more of a defined tactic choice. That's why I suggest removing their passive aura in favor of them gaining more stats from you and also changing their usable abilities to be their cc ones:

    The general idea is:

    Class :

    - cc ability
    - main passive ability
    - ability boosting survivability


    Warrior - excels at tanking enemies
    ​​​​​​- charge on use - stays the same
    - removed passive aura in favor of tankiness, further increased by all player stats on gear except base armor value, weapon damage, shield block chance and the old new secondary stats(damage reflect, movement speed, exp) with each contributing a fixed amount (90 haste contributes twice as much as lets say 180 extra armor stat)
    - AoE taunt - stays the same
    - Passive heal for a % of max hp every few seconds

    ​​​​Mage - excels at contributing dps against a single enemy
    - stun spell stays the same, maybe making it stun fewer/one enemy in favor of more dps
    - removed aura in favor of more single target dps via frost blast
    - frost blast auto attack stays the same
    - blink added, same as the mage one, except it does no damage and is cast when the enemy is focus firing the mage, teleporting him away from enemies(checks to see if he will blink into more enemies which is to be avoided)

    Ranger - excels at contributing dps against multiple enemies

    - frost trap spell made baseline, immobilizes enemies
    - aura removed in favor of more AoE via multishot
    - multishot made baseline attack ability with a slightly larger cone(avoids pulling extra enemies)
    - go in stealth for up to 3 seconds if heavily focus fired, regen up to 100% hp while in stealth

    Healer E&M - excels at supporting by healing

    - vortex and silence field stay the same
    - auras removed for better scaling
    - healing made a baseline ability
    ​​​​- get a big shield when focus fired
    Last edited by Xatihr; 11-21-2017, 05:30 PM.



      Also welcome would be the ability to turn off aggro behavior. In my experience, there has never been a single case where I wanted a minion to take a whack at a mob (or mob cluster) that I didn't hit first.


        Originally posted by osoviejo View Post
        Also welcome would be the ability to turn off aggro behavior. In my experience, there has never been a single case where I wanted a minion to take a whack at a mob (or mob cluster) that I didn't hit first.
        When farming I generally want to aggro everything possible.


          Fair point. Although I'd say when the mission is aggro, I'm way better and faster at it than they are--not sure how much they actually contribute in that regard when I'm blowing through a map. In any case, if we're making toggles for minion abilities I think one for aggro would be useful.

