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FEEDBACK: Grinding CL points is clearly not my thing.

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  • Frisco
    You have way to much free time and/or a big wallet .

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  • adjacentengels
    Yeah, there are several games where I would get halfway through then restart because the end game wasn't as fun or you get OP too quickly or you want to try a different class/specialty. I've started Morrowind at least ten times for every time I've completed the game.

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  • Humus
    Originally posted by viettuan129 View Post
    Why did you play so much account?
    If you have one account for five warriors it's less cluttered and there is more room since you aren't storing gear for other classes, also you can dedicate all your resources like gems to the warrior and not split between the classes. Also when you make a new account it's usually more enjoyable since there is more of a challenge and you see how it is currently for new players.

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  • viettuan129
    Why did you play so much account?

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  • Primus
    @Coldet,having so many accounts may not allow you to focus on one properly,maybe you should try to focus on only one account and 5 characters then going after a whole legion of them.It is simple quality over quantity thing.

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  • FEEDBACK: Grinding CL points is clearly not my thing.

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Name:	PicsArt_12-31-10.37.09.jpg
Views:	337
Size:	143.3 KB
ID:	79304
    With 16 x level 70 Characters and a burning desire to start a 5th account one can easily surmise that grinding trials for CL points is just not my thing.