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Returning Player: Thoughts and Feedback.

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  • Coda
    Originally posted by Purplexity View Post
    ... Please please please overhaul this mind numbing process of buying and selling until you get the stats you want with high enough rolls to be useful. Hell, I'd gladly pay 50k+ gold per piece JUST for a guaranteed stat type.

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  • Purplexity
    Originally posted by abc127 View Post
    I actually think warrior is the most diverse build. You can go a few directions for dual-wield, and you absolutely can go all-defense tank - see Bukra and Odaal. You can also play shield with more attack and less defense if you want.

    Have to agree with that. I'm finally getting some drops that support a dps/tank style for warrior. Still extremely salty that Rylocke's got hit with the nerf hammer so hard, wasn't op at all but I found it a fun playstyle(group the entire map and watch them kill themselves on my 100% block)

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  • abc127
    I actually think warrior is the most diverse build. You can go a few directions for dual-wield, and you absolutely can go all-defense tank - see Bukra and Odaal. You can also play shield with more attack and less defense if you want.


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  • Coldet
    I was THAT bored and disillusioned from Jewel Crafting that I started grinding Trial Levels. Eventually that too became boring so I dropped back to what I really enjoy about the game and started my 5th account with 3 new Mages. Yup! Seriously!

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  • giecomo
    completely agree with both your points, zero build diversity and currently jewelry crafting is such an essential yet unfun part of an otherwise very fun game.

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  • JohnsonKorpo
    PREACH IT! Especially the jewelry crafting part.

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  • Purplexity
    started a topic Returning Player: Thoughts and Feedback.

    Returning Player: Thoughts and Feedback.

    First up. Build diversity is seriously lacking.


    Have 6/6 apprentice set? No? Farm trials until you do.


    Want to build full tank? Sorry, you won't have the damage to clear high level trials in time, grab a second weapon and get to it.

    Want put together a Rylocke's deflector build? Sorry, they nerfed that into the ground for reasons that are totally beyond me...

    Bounty Hunter.

    Giving a tentative pass here for diversity. Still haven't leveled up all the skills but the few different Skill/Set Gear combinations I've tried so far have had pleasing results, Ability rate is still the prime stat for all of them so far though.

    Jewelry Crafting.

    Please please please overhaul this mind numbing process of buying and selling until you get the stats you want with high enough rolls to be useful. Hell, I'd gladly pay 50k+ gold per piece JUST for a guaranteed stat type.

    Overall I'm liking the gameplay as much or more than when I left. Changing the way trials worked needed to happen to stop warriors being left in the dust.
    As for there only being 3 bosses in trials I'm guessing the developers just haven't figured out how to give the the other 3 pass/fail mechanics that retain their original flavour?