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Got a few things...

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    Got a few things...

    Ok, so, here's the thing. For the last week and a half I have been out of data on my phone and only managing to get online when I've had Wi-Fi (don't have home internet so this was usually buses and local shops/library). I know you guys want us to be online, but can we PLEASE not limit character growth to online only? Had a real slow time of growing my characters for this period.

    I was wondering if there could be some kind of gold usage to speed up skills or open various character specific skill slots/inventory etc, cause one thing I've not found myself saying so far is "oh darn it, I need more gold" I know you'll probably be looking at about 5.5m gold to make a "perfect" ring, but I suppose that depends if you gonna use gold, or a few spare gems to ensure you get the stat you want rather than keep making them until you just happen to get the right stats.

    Perhaps a bit of clarification in certain skills too, one example, poison shots (BH) states it deals 150% damage. But, being "poison" (and testing it) this is DoT, is it 150% over (for example) 4 seconds? Is it 150% per second for 4 seconds? The stacks X times (depending on level) how does that work? Does it just add another X seconds to the end or each current stack? Does it increase the damage that happens over time? (Obviously only notable on bosses and such) etc.

    The hit box for mystery boxes seems a little... Erratic. Sometimes I'll click nowhere near it and it'll open, when other times I can be practically standing right on it tapping away like crazy and not getting a thing.

    Lastly, and IMHO most importantly. Can you implement some kind of auto-attack? Like when in gauntlets, you can be stood there not attacking at the end of a wave, but as soon as the next wave spawns, off you go, slaughtering all the way. And in certain situations where you have to move then manually initiate attacking again, like when fighting Elban, he goes up to use his devastate, you run away, then you have to either wait for him to finish and start wailing on you again, or try to tap him in the air, which can get messy if you miss, to take up the attack again. Plus, I've noted on numerous occasions, especially as bh, but plenty enough as mage also, even if you're in a fight, you activate a skill, then you just stand there like a pillock waiting for them to die of old age. Would be good to have a kind of auto-attack, say if there's an active (trying to kill you or otherwise actively hostile) enemy within X feet of you you automatically activate the last used click attack, like you already do in the gauntlet levels.
    Last edited by Automaton539; 02-01-2018, 11:33 PM.

    1) People will change the time on their device to do things faster.
    2) It's not like gems are hard to get (if you watch ads), I have around 9000 now. The devs need to get money somehow.
    5) Devs want you to actively play, if your character automatically attacks you can pay much less attention.


      Could add a specific timer into eternium for it to go by, rather than device time. Adds also mean data, and when you've only got a small data allowance then you can only watch so many of them, though I'm not saying I'm starving for gems, I'm just thinking of a use for the gold. As for the auto attack, as I said, half the time even when I'm in the middle of a fight and use an ability the bh just stops attacking. I'm only suggesting a kind of retaliation thing, not just standing there while someone wails on you, that's why I said perhaps to make it an attack enemies within X of player that are actively trying to cause harm to the player. Auto attack isn't uncommon in games such as this. Would still have to pay attention as numerous mob skills cause serious harm to you at higher levels, for example enemy multi shot slaughters me if I don't get away from it, thus still need to pay attention, just might be good to not have to worry so much about clicking back into the fight. I mean, my bh moves fast, I play at 150% view and have about a 4 - 5 inch screen, sometimes when you're moving around to dodge enemies it's near impossible to tap them to start your attack again, and when you're trying to do a trial quickly this becomes a serious problem as every tap that *isn't* on the enemy moves you and you have to try again to tap a teeny tiny skeleton on a teeny tiny screen with fat thumbs...


        Internal timer that's not synched to their server WILL get hacked. Period. Then the server has to figure out why there's this super powerful character all of a sudden.

        And just click to start attacking again. You just used your ability. The enemies might be dead. Or your character might run off in the wrong direction if they start auto-attacking. The pause after certain specials gives you the opportunity to choose your next move.
        Last edited by Rytrik; 02-04-2018, 12:31 AM.

