as description says... recorded on razer2 phone full cpu settings ( FendyBt2 guess i was so excited to have full ratio, that i forgot i turned off fps display, while testing
sorry 'bout that lol
have a bunch i'm about to throw out, so... lol... after all about to taint an over 700+ day old mobile only account, with the evil darkside pc magick's)
so better make the most of it i guess, including a shadowplay v5 on the lenovo s145 labtop; shortly after the darkness corrupts my poor account
of course... sigh
what madness...
lastly... this is also itself, a tribute video to Nhat as i have found out recently that he has the original sabre character
(his account is much, much older than mine lol) and i am honored to run a char with the name of Nhat"s 1st ever char

lastly... this is also itself, a tribute video to Nhat as i have found out recently that he has the original sabre character
