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trial 131 sw no ww (Blackgaurd's assault) mobile play

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    trial 131 sw no ww (Blackgaurd's assault) mobile play

    as description says... recorded on razer2 phone full cpu settings ( FendyBt2 guess i was so excited to have full ratio, that i forgot i turned off fps display, while testing sorry 'bout that lol have a bunch i'm about to throw out, so... lol... after all about to taint an over 700+ day old mobile only account, with the evil darkside pc magick's) so better make the most of it i guess, including a shadowplay v5 on the lenovo s145 labtop; shortly after the darkness corrupts my poor account of course... sigh what madness...

    lastly... this is also itself, a tribute video to Nhat as i have found out recently that he has the original sabre character (his account is much, much older than mine lol) and i am honored to run a char with the name of Nhat"s 1st ever char

    Makina "The Corpse Princess" - stalker bh
    Sabre - dw warrior
    Shadowiiix - arcanist mage

    Dang, I didn't need to see this.. shield warrior really makes trials cake. Nice fps, though.


      Originally posted by 13ft shadow View Post
      guess i was so excited to have full ratio, that i forgot i turned off fps display, while testing
      ty for the vids... was about to ask about that... you mean turn ON right? LOL...
      GEPU GANA HEPO 9200

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        Two Thumbs up to 13 ft Shadow

        Awesome technique indeed!!

        I will definately try to follow it. Erm hv a hell of a time with this Whirlwind kind of thing. More appropriate 4me to change weapon from axe or cleave to Blackguard and use BR SB and DT again
        Last edited by TheExorcist; 07-19-2019, 01:17 PM.
        Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
        trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

        brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

        Hv a nice day


          Originally posted by Reymon View Post
          Dang, I didn't need to see this.. shield warrior really makes trials cake. Nice fps, though.
          did you see what my loh was at?? lol definitely if ther built right, my sw still needs tuning
          TEHA ZONU WEFO 4599
          Makina "The Corpse Princess" - stalker bh
          Sabre - dw warrior
          Shadowiiix - arcanist mage


            Originally posted by FendyBt2 View Post

            ty for the vids... was about to ask about that... you mean turn ON right? LOL...
            lol nah, was testing play differences with some features turned off and just nvr remembered to turn fps display back on... ooopps lol, nxt 1 k
            TEHA ZONU WEFO 4599
            Makina "The Corpse Princess" - stalker bh
            Sabre - dw warrior
            Shadowiiix - arcanist mage


              Originally posted by 13ft shadow View Post

              did you see what my loh was at?? lol definitely if ther built right, my sw still needs tuning
              I had 500 less than that on my DW.

              Also, love the spin at the start of the video.


                Originally posted by TheExorcist View Post
                Two Thumbs up to 13 ft Shadow

                Awesome technique indeed!!

                I will definately try to follow it. Erm hv a hell of a time with this Whirlwind kind of thing. More appropriate 4me to change weapon from axe or cleave to Blackguard and use BR SB and DT again
                thnx much

                i nvr really ran whirlwind much, other than when it used to combo so nicely with shockwave idk... just nvr seemed to figure out how to run it right, like others do now i do still have my encrypted thats maxed lvl 70 just not celestial... i definitely notice the difference between encrypted and any weapon with no ww vs. full blackgaurd, personally... full blackgaurd doesn't offer the same defense encrypted does, but it does offer more dmg output... so basically full blackgaurd using BR, SB, and DT is going to do most dmg output for sw; but requires more skill... especially mobile and at high lvls... my hand and whole arm for that matters are soar after a trial 137 run, on the razer2 with sabre... then its smoke break time lmao
                TEHA ZONU WEFO 4599
                Makina "The Corpse Princess" - stalker bh
                Sabre - dw warrior
                Shadowiiix - arcanist mage


                  13 ft Shadow or anybody can reply:

                  to kill monsters (not bosses) you just frenzy the mob or alternate between frenzy and RS or Frenzy once at the beginning then follow by RS only or any other alternative? when playin SW without whirlwind

                  i know that if use Whirlwind skill we dont hv to use RS when mobbing..just all frenzy either with mob or bosses


                  When Battle raging with we need to wait for say 3 second for it to perform well or just click it then quickly follow by other skills?

                  Thank you
                  Last edited by TheExorcist; 07-20-2019, 12:22 PM.
                  Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
                  trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

                  brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

                  Hv a nice day


                    Join to the question about using Frenzy with/without RS.
                    Just watched this now. I changed all possible Vit to Damage stats and easily beat next TL138 despite of being slow, unaccurate and w/o any habit for this playstyle.


                      TheExorcist and Shilien so i am still perfecting my technique and can only speak to what i have learned so far but that said, with this style you want no archers, and little haste... most of your haste will come from the Frenzy attack speed bonus, and most importantly, BR.
                      to achieve this you want to use Frenzy and BR as mush (lol mush im gonna leave it ) as possible.. RS is insufficient in comparison to BR here, because most of ur dmg will come from SB, S and B, and DT... (so triggering these more often will net higher dps) RS will not trigger alacrity like Frenzy will... but Frenzy has a nice bleed stacking effect... so to answer ur question more directly, i go Frenzy heavy and just drop a single double tap for RS throughout to net some extra dps from the bleed stack... Frenzy is just to keep alacrity flowing, not so much about dmg hope this helps
                      TEHA ZONU WEFO 4599
                      Makina "The Corpse Princess" - stalker bh
                      Sabre - dw warrior
                      Shadowiiix - arcanist mage


                        Originally posted by Shilien View Post
                        Join to the question about using Frenzy with/without RS.
                        Just watched this now. I changed all possible Vit to Damage stats and easily beat next TL138 despite of being slow, unaccurate and w/o any habit for this playstyle.
                        congratz on taking 138 btw, tha 139 garm is going to be anything but cupcake on mobile phone i think lol
                        TEHA ZONU WEFO 4599
                        Makina "The Corpse Princess" - stalker bh
                        Sabre - dw warrior
                        Shadowiiix - arcanist mage


                          Thank you 13 ft shadow & Shileen

                          I will try to follow above recommendation etc etc
                          Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
                          trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

                          brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

                          Hv a nice day


                            Thanks for that video. I've been using the same technique for a while now and it works great. A question though, doesn't alacrity suffer from such a low haste?


                              13ft shadow how do you feel about your haste?
                              I counted that total minimum haste for my convenient playing with only Frenzy is base 1865 with +30% = 2486. Somebody wrote to have up to 5,8 h/s for SW is good, you convinced using BR, so for total 5,8 I need 2675 h/points.
                              x=1257, but if 1263 is the lowest border of 4,7 so why not add a couple of points above.
                              Finally will be trying this night this:
                              Click image for larger version

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