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BH on mobile is the most painful experience

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    BH on mobile is the most painful experience

    Precision is clearly not within the scope of my meaty sausage fingers. Avoiding karas shotgun attack which spreads out wider than 5 buses is extremely improbable so the only realistic way to avoid this is moving backwards so you backtrack all the way from whence you spawned and back to where the boss spawned, it's like a marathon. Even better the absolute top bestest part of playing BH on mobile is the specific case where you try and not tap the enemies when you're rounding them up to stack bombs on. Man so many times have I died because I tried to get a couple explosive aoes off to get some tracer stacks so they die easier when I use heatseekers which is what I expect and all that reality gives me is walking towards the massive crowd instead so I just commit die. Then I gotta round them all up again and risk doing the same thing again.

    I also can't tell whether I'm just complete garbage at farming or something but every AnB I can never farm any trial higher than 95 (I farm trials in multiples of 5), I always get stuck at 80-85 and that's the totality for the reason of my pathetic essence count. Maybe I just have problems rounding stuff up and using mag trap or something I dunno. ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶w̶h̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶i̶ ̶k̶e̶e̶p̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶c̶a̶v̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶d̶a̶r̶k̶ ̶c̶a̶v̶e̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶m̶u̶c̶h̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶8̶5̶ ̶9̶5̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶9̶0̶ ̶a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶m̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶c̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶d̶e̶s̶p̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶

    This character is the pinnacle of pain on mobile.

    I regret doing an AnB with them although I kinda wanted a BH without the regular extortionate prices of the inventory so it is what it is. I have finally remembered why I don't enjoy BH so much nor like them and the reason is because of my hardware. I'll be sticking with warrior and mage then.

    As a separate note I tried gold farming and ended up with millions farming SM so that was something new and fun to try and also using pythia, props to the person/people who made that. It's awesome and my crafts have been going well so far.

    Here's my current crafts so I'm gonna go ahead and make a pistol for my final build.
    Last edited by ; 11-06-2022, 03:25 PM.

    Look into my eyes and tell me this is fun
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      You can can turn on "resume auto attack after moving" in setting comnine with "auto attack when active skill", this will help you auto lock attack on enemies in range by active skill and kite them without tapping on the enemies. I also play BH on moblie and have the same problem as you are, after using that way it a lot easier to play.


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        Good advice however because I'm pretty much an amateur I still have both the auto attack settings on although the auto attack after moving seems to not work some times if the enemy is too far away despite the game actually showing me the next enemy and their hp bar yet my character does attack but that's another story for another thread.

        It isn't like I haven't thought of this one before but it massively slows farming speeds by allowing enemies to lose aggro on you which in turns raises the likely hood of a death or 2 which means you lose out on seconds. When a farming run is just 1 minute 30 an extra 10 seconds to 1 minute 40 is a 9% increase which over the course of multiple hours could be a couple extra runs for some better crafts. When it comes to pushing the seconds aren't so impactful however, losing aggro in this situation can result in extra minutes added to the run because enemies walk back and start spreading out everywhere meaning you're more likely to tap one of them rather than running to where you wanted which in turn makes you die more.

        Also while marginal per instance depending how far you move based on your taps, the fractions of seconds lost can start to add up in a run. What I mean specifically is the following. Consider the fact you have a big mob pack in a mag trap and instead of tapping them almost instantly after moving to stop yourself so that your positioning is exactly where you want instead you tapped a little too far and now you wasted a tiny bit of time walking a little further than you should and you lost time on stacking bombs or just damaging enemies to kill them to set off the chain of stickies. Now multiply this couple fractions of a second by the number of times you move before you can set off your chain of stickies and multiple that again by the number of mob packs you have to remove off this earth before you spawn the boss. Starts to add up quite a bit now.

      switching on the auto-attack options is a good tip indeed! You only need to be careful to select a target that is not on the opposite side of the pack, cause you'll run true the mobs. I'd suggest to start with some extra vitality until you get somewhat comfortable with the build - e.g. 1-1.5M toughness, and no extra life on hit. This will leave enough room for damage stats to get to 160+, even 170.

      If you die too much you can't concentrate on being efficient with the skill sequence, kiting, using ToS properly etc. Then later on you could switch to a pure glass cannon build, with enough toughness to survive ghosts Yes, they are the only thing that gets in the way of a 1hp build - we can deal with all the other attacks, arrows, even flames etc. that one-hit-kill us, but not ghosts :P

      Btw I'd suggest to use Mag traps, heatseakers and rapid fire. Mag traps are so much easier to use than SS, it feels like cheating : ) Check Romme's videos, he made 186 with this build on mobile (in season)
      Mage: Anba
      Bounty Hunter: Gemma


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        Auto attack is great but if you use it in such a way that you do not yourself carry out the precise sequence of actions as you want then you lose time which starts to add up. For example the following common situation.
        Run around and aggro mobs->mag trap->shoot enemies till dead and chain stickies wreck the mob pack

        At the last step if you decide that you'd rather let the auto attack start after you run to where you tap, depending on where you tap that can be lots of time lost. Personally despite having sausage fingers I think that being able to tap at just the right distance so as to not waste any time being as almost optimal as you'd like is very difficult. As if one were to thread the needle. A good example of this is karas shotgun spread, it's not easy at least for me to just use a single tap to get into the correct position (maintaining the same radius away from her) to avoid that attack.

        I think a bit more vit instead of power has helped though since I can survive more different range of attacks and sometimes more than once from mobs which certainly helps with the mobbing phase.

        In terms of skill lineup that's exactly what I've been using. SS feels like better survivability but at the cost of mag trap is quite a bad trade I'd say yet at the cost of heatseekers is not particularly much better. I did have some fun with mag and frozen trap to slow magro down a ton so that I couple stack molten belt easier and I suppose it made the mobbing a little easier in this respect too but I'll have to change to heatseekers after watching a couple of romme's vids and seeing the strategy. Not the easiest thing to specifically target an enemy in a crowd much less to actually hit them if you target them.

      It is easy to avoid Kara's multiple sword attack. The secret is stay close to her, keep attacking and keep moving. When you attack her and you are too far away all you'll get are the shower of swords. When you are in close proximity, her attack pattern is something like 5 or 6 single shots, then a multi-shot. It is not difficult to side step the single swords and you'll see when her multi-sword attack is about to happen. Get out of the way then attack as soon as swords have been shot. Repeat until you finish her off in an explosion of goodies.
      It took me a long time (that old dog-new tricks thing) to learn this lesson. Now she is relatively easy to beat, up to about TL130, with minimal hero deaths.


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        Slowly getting this hang of this one, needs a little more practice so I don't get hit by the single blobs. Distance control is key.

      • bojck
        bojck commented
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        there's also a dirty trick against Kara - die every time she's about to summon an add. Repeat for 3.5 minutes to stack molten belt, then start fighting. If there are too many adds around, fight from a very long range, at the edge of the screen. Molten belt just gives you the win eventually, if you have enough time...

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        I'm still trying to find any reliable cue before they spawn their minions since I've noticed the minions actually hit me, big surprise I know. I wondered why I was seemingly randomly having 90% of my hp bar removed at times.

      This is so sad I gotta put out that much more dmg because I keep dying, it's like a chain if you die once how about 100000 times more.

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      Even better is that the other 2 here are also playing on mobile. I'm starting to think this small phone is creating all these problems because the range of my BH is actually outside my screen as in my character is shooting stuff and I see not a single enemy on my screen excluding of course the minimap.

      I have to keep telling myself that I only made a BH this time cus I needed one for the full experience of knowing all classes.


        Ok so after messing about and wasting like 30 minutes on 153 I give up on BH because it's ridiculous to even not die and a joke to get a single enemy to die even better fro that the tiny fart explosion deals like 1/2 the hp of the rest of the pack and you're still screwed.

        The amount of lich's, skybreakers whatever these fools are with TBD speed like projectiles flying all over my screen, it's not even possible to go back over your path rounding things up and you want me to be able to thread this needle where if my finger taps like 5mm out of place I die.

        I try and mostly remove the hp of a small pack first to get them ready for sticky chains and when I round stuff up I either die and if I miraculously I don't die and manage to somehow pull 1/4 of the map then it still doesn't matter because I can't even reach the first pack I almost killed since they're too far away. Even better when they're not far away all I can do hit and start killing full hp mobs that I rounded up because if I try and kill the initial group then everything loses aggro off me and now a section of the map is now a death zone which goes back to "when I round stuff up I die". Wait there's more though. Even better than this is when I do actually manage to kill the initial pack and my reward for that is a tiny pathetic fart explosion which doesn't even come close to killing the other mobs but even betterer than that is when it does kill a vortexed pack I always have that extra 1/3 of a pack hanging around some environment which didn't get sucked in.

        How do I just die rounding stuff up? Oh that's right, I tap and my character walks towards the pack instead of targeting the mob I wanted. And you tell me all about "heh, just turn on auto attack bro" what do you mean, if the enemy I have targeted is on the other side of the mob pack, how can I attack it without running into the crowd? The answer is you don't you need to change targets which requires a tap from my smarties tube fingers. But I hear you say just go round and do a lap of the pack. How much time does that waste and I lose a lot of aggro on multple mobs which start walking back creating death zones.

        I have never been more miserable trying to push trials with any other character and or build in this game. I spread vit around on my equipment and even then I still die in a single hit from those garbage lich balls or skeleton arrows. Those desolators too, that annoying set of triple rotating fire beams kill me in 3 ticks of damage so I even get the joy of being spawn killed.

        If you die and have your map created into a deathzone from mobs spread out everywhere, it's basically over. Good luck even being able to bounce back cus all I'm doing is glitching in an out of my darn coffin. The frustration is real.

        Not a single person can convince me that not having a bigger screen and or playing on pc gets you an advantage with BH and because of that I am in Spain without the S.
        Last edited by ; 11-13-2022, 08:52 PM.


        • Skyla
          Skyla commented
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          Good job on making it that far!

        • Guest's Avatar
          Guest commented
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          Thanks, I hope I stay top 50 at least.

        Everyone about to reply to that post: Lmao just don't die then Click image for larger version

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