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Is it better to farm ANB at the highest TL you can?

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    Is it better to farm ANB at the highest TL you can?

    SW 6DEF FL EoA WW Lib
    I was trying to figure out my optimum farming today and I found something that might need further testing. I've always heard that you should farm the highest TL you can with your farming gear. But is this actually true?

    I started off farming TL 135 optimized for gold harvesting and did three runs under 90s. This netted me 500,000 gold, 3 legendaries, 3 greater and 3 lesser books of learning, and 24 CL. I then changed gear set up for gold and experience and did TL 115 for three runs under 60s. And got 500,000 gold, 3 legendaries, 1 epic, 3 greater and 2 lesser books of learning, and 50 CL. They were all back to back and running the same boosters.

    The photos below show before and after each set and a collage of each set of gear.

    You're almost there, and you probably would have discovered it on your own with your correct, methodical approach! The "best" quality drops for farming are at Level 140.
    “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb


    • BCAIN
      BCAIN commented
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      I've always liked that proverb. My addition to it is "if you never stand up you'll never get knocked down but you're guaranteed to see a lot more A-holes!"

    • WarriorSeven
      WarriorSeven commented
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    Thank you sir. I've been using TL135 because I can't seem to get consistent times on 140. One run maybe almost 2 minutes and the next under one. Since I'm mainly just farming for gold and mats right now, it's just more efficient to run TL135.
    What's interesting is I decided to farm some XP earlier today and I got almost the exact same amount from TL 115 at 6,000% as I did on TL135 with 2500%.

    Next ANB I think I'm going mess around with a full BOFURI shield warrior build. I want to see how high of a level I can complete without initiating a single attack. LoL


    • BCAIN
      BCAIN commented
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      I'm mainly farming data. I put it here so that any of the experience players that wanted to chime in could. Once I get it all together I'm going to compile it and put it up in the newb section. It can be hard to find information in here and a lot of it can seem contradicting to newer players. A lot of the newest players don't even know that clearing speed affects your drops or that the faster you kill them the fewer you have to.
      So thank you for the information!
      Last edited by BCAIN; 10-11-2024, 06:03 PM. Reason: My hit post accidentally before I was done

    • WarriorSeven
      WarriorSeven commented
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      Discord has a lot of useful information, a bit better organized than here on the Forum and up-to-date as well. Here's the link, in case you haven't joined (for free):

    • BCAIN
      BCAIN commented
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      Thank you sir, but yes I've already on it. I just don't use it much. Sorry I haven't gotten back to the so just been really busy and now I'm going to have to wait for the next ANB

    This one shows all the drops from doing 8 runs in TL135 and TL140 in between 55 and 65 seconds. Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20241011_133840.jpg
Views:	483
Size:	145.4 KB
ID:	223553 *the gems indicate the number of books that dropped
    (I hope you like what I used for a zero LoL)


      Originally posted by WarriorSeven View Post
      You're almost there, and you probably would have discovered it on your own with your correct, methodical approach! The "best" quality drops for farming are at Level 140.
      Why are the drops in 140 considered the best?
      DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721

