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ANB - Crafting Mastery

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    ANB - Crafting Mastery

    I just figured out something kind of cool. You can use your ANB hero to raise your crafting level. It takes less materials. Plus, you have to sell everything, so you actually end up making gold.

    You have to be careful not to use all of the materials that you need to make stuff, but other than that it seems like a smart way to mastery level 50.

    Nope. I'm making for 44 and selling for 95-110.

    I ran completely out of silk cloth on my main character making the same item and salvaging the materials.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Crafting Mastery 1.PNG
Views:	680
Size:	149.4 KB
ID:	194013Click image for larger version

Name:	Crafting Mastery 2.PNG
Views:	652
Size:	210.2 KB
ID:	194014


      It's probably best for someone new that is only going to get so far and make so much in the ANB. I'm going to wait a few days before I make my push, so I'll probably get the resources built back up on my main character again. This has definitely been a good learning experience. The sad part is I played this game to level 10 a few years ago and never touched it again. I was clearing out apps on my phone recently and saw it. Oh well. I probably would have quit by now if I had played back then anyway. lol

