Hey there,
i started playing Eternium again after a long time (1 year?) at my android phone and i am glad to play again
2 days ago i saw the ANB event and started it without knowing what is awaiting me.
I read that ANB would be interesting and a short time event (because of the 6h gametime)
I first wanted to start bronze but hey Gold is okay too... (maybe i should read first and play after reading...)
Now I have 1h 15min left for my char and I think i have done a mass of wrong decisions like wrong items, playing too long in story mode, built wrong items and so on.
I want to know what I could do better.
1. Where shall i use gems and how much should i save for the next event?
I increased my inventar slot to max, opened a second companion and opened all skill slots but what else should i do or maybe which items should i buy etc?
2. I have now a mixed setup with exp at my gear and power because of fire lily. Should i build 2 setups? one for exp only and one for pushing?
I am playing 6 set of ELR epic, 2 set of gmc epic, fire lily epic and wind spirit rare, sash of igniter because of dfa
I read at mobile this is better than using frost beam, any opinions on that?
I am at trial 75 now champion 346
Is this okay for gold first time or better question which goal should i reach within 4 hours of playing?
Thanks for any advice and sorry of my english is not perfect but i cannot find any good german guides and many english guides are good but not easy for me to read
i started playing Eternium again after a long time (1 year?) at my android phone and i am glad to play again

2 days ago i saw the ANB event and started it without knowing what is awaiting me.
I read that ANB would be interesting and a short time event (because of the 6h gametime)
I first wanted to start bronze but hey Gold is okay too... (maybe i should read first and play after reading...)
Now I have 1h 15min left for my char and I think i have done a mass of wrong decisions like wrong items, playing too long in story mode, built wrong items and so on.
I want to know what I could do better.
1. Where shall i use gems and how much should i save for the next event?
I increased my inventar slot to max, opened a second companion and opened all skill slots but what else should i do or maybe which items should i buy etc?
2. I have now a mixed setup with exp at my gear and power because of fire lily. Should i build 2 setups? one for exp only and one for pushing?
I am playing 6 set of ELR epic, 2 set of gmc epic, fire lily epic and wind spirit rare, sash of igniter because of dfa
I read at mobile this is better than using frost beam, any opinions on that?
I am at trial 75 now champion 346
Is this okay for gold first time or better question which goal should i reach within 4 hours of playing?
Thanks for any advice and sorry of my english is not perfect but i cannot find any good german guides and many english guides are good but not easy for me to read