This gold AnB the mage character I made isn't doing too badly. The build so far I'm testing is arcanist set, the ripple staff set, illusionists sash and the fire lily and VotWS (hopefully the bolts BoM if I get it when I unlock it).

Here's the damage breakdown of TL111 and personally so far VotWS seems to be doing quite well. While people recommend ToP with fire lily, I think VotWS seems to be fine for now. Perhaps later I might see the effectiveness diminish and I'll consider giving ToP a go. The only other thing to be considered is the belt I'm using. Currently it's the illusionists sash but as I mentioned in here the clones seem to apply AL's debuff every other attack so for now the versatile belt is off the lineup despite the illusionists sash doing so poorly even if I try and time the blinks with the arcanist 6 set buff. (the only thing here left to see is whether the clones would somehow apply AL's buff on me, then it might be worth adding in the versatile belt despite the crippled rate of fire).
Haven't thought of a way to abuse dying to reset the free void ward for invincibility to massively benefit me yet so that's hanging around in my the back of my mind.
Here's the damage breakdown of TL111 and personally so far VotWS seems to be doing quite well. While people recommend ToP with fire lily, I think VotWS seems to be fine for now. Perhaps later I might see the effectiveness diminish and I'll consider giving ToP a go. The only other thing to be considered is the belt I'm using. Currently it's the illusionists sash but as I mentioned in here the clones seem to apply AL's debuff every other attack so for now the versatile belt is off the lineup despite the illusionists sash doing so poorly even if I try and time the blinks with the arcanist 6 set buff. (the only thing here left to see is whether the clones would somehow apply AL's buff on me, then it might be worth adding in the versatile belt despite the crippled rate of fire).
Haven't thought of a way to abuse dying to reset the free void ward for invincibility to massively benefit me yet so that's hanging around in my the back of my mind.