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Which set is best for trials?

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  • Ozymandius
    commented on 's reply
    +1 I find ELR set to be the most manageable for a newbie Mage. Just make sure you look at the posts to be sure that you are getting all of the synergy bonuses.

  • Wolfsgirl
    Much Obliged, Kind Sir

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  • Tin Man
    commented on 's reply
    ELR does both.

    Fire Lily ELR for experience farming is not as capable as a warrior but is quite capable. Critical Build ELR is top rankings but Fire Lily is good for the TL 140+.

  • Wolfsgirl
    So far I have been both farming and Pushing, was hoping to find a good set that can be used for both, but I am aware that I may need more than one set to progress further.

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  • Tin Man
    What you do not say is whether for farming trials for experience or pushing trials. I am assuming farming experience since you are already concerned about having pushed too high already, you have not.

    1. Have you looked at Bojck's ELR Mage Tutorials stickied to the top of the Mages' Quarters? His post covers all things Elemental Lord's Regalia including for farming and for pushing.
    2. The other viable option is Stormcaller Regalia Vestments, SCR or Zap. Can not say that there is much of a writeup for SCR on the Forum.

    SCR is not used for farming experience. ELR or Arcanist is used to farm experience before switching to SCR for pushing. Arcanist works well as a feeder for SCR since they have so much in common. Still, not many use Arcanist for experience farming. Heikki Gross , goes by Zinnu on Discord, is one of the architects for the SCR build but he has not been playing as much and others have taken the lead. Some of the current heavy users are not on the Forum. Heikki has some very good videos for both Arcanist and SCR.

    Since you are playing keyboard/mouse? ELR is the easiest to start out with as it also does not require Glory to unlock. You will want to unlock the Fire Lily even before the Bracer of Master for mages.

    The best resource? Cheat! Look at the leaderboard leaders and see what they are wearing.

    If you are at Trial Level (TL) 91? You will already be in Veteran league for Bronze #21 ANB that starts in a couple of days. Veteran league is a good place to hang out while you figure out what you want to do. You have access to both Celestial Transforms (CTs), can farm TL 105 and get the Glory from TLs 80 and 100. Contender league gets annoying very quickly since you are capped at TL 79. You will not get ranked in Master league until you beat TL 120+. What league you are placed in is set by the highest TL that you have ever cleared whether that is during ANBs or outside of ANBs.

    Enchantments vary, a bit, depending on what you are doing.

    Gemstones are completely dependent upon what you need.

    You can "mobile" craft on your laptop, I do, but that is not support by Making Fun so I will not mention it here.

    Jewelry is counterintuitive but the guides here can help you craft good jewelry easy enough.

    Go and conquer!

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  • Wolfsgirl
    started a topic Which set is best for trials?

    Which set is best for trials?

    I am a very new player, but I have a tendancy to progress quickly in all games I stick with as I tend to have a competitive streak. In less than 2 months I have progressed to trial 91, but am finding myself at something of a plateau. I am currently wearing a full set of lvl 71 Arcanist gear with lvl 71 Azure Carnival Cape, lvl 71 Illusionist's Sash, lvl 71 Gruesome light Bracer of Celerity, Charm of Qol and Talisman of the Pyromanic in 71, Level 72 Grand Magisters Weapons and lvl 70 jewlery that was dropped in Levels since I cannot seem to craft Jewlry for poor RNG and bad stats. But that's a question for a different Post.

    What I am trying to determine is:
    1. Which set is the best for trials, which weapons are the best for trials, which Cape, Belt and Bracer and which charms are best.
    2. Which attributes should I be creating them with?
    3. Which gems should I use?
    4. Which enchantments should be used?
    I spend anywhere from 2 to 8 hours playing each day since I have the time (I am retired and bored), I sometimes play the ANB, but fear that I have pushed myself into a much higher group than is feasible to gain any more medals during them. I am on an ASUS VivoBook SonicMaster Laptop with minimal access to mobile device for crafting. I use mouse and keyboard for firing skills and mouse for movement and keep auto fire and auto engage active during gameplay (if that helps determine replies). I tried to add a video to show my current gear, but it was too large to upload...oops!
    Last edited by Wolfsgirl; 02-15-2023, 10:05 PM. Reason: to add weapons currently used