Here's how to craft a cheap push ring/necklace:
Sort rings based on quality for each stat, lets call the power rings p1, p2... p6.
Step 1 (greens):
Use 1 jbox for power (or 3 best power greens fused with best rubies available). 6 power greens fused without gemstones (p1, p3, p4), (p2, p5, p6)
Fuse (haste1, h2, h3 with trillion sapphires), (h4, h6, h7 no or trash gemstones), (h5, h8, h9)
Fuse (ability 1, a2, a3 with trillion amethysts), (vitality 1, v2, v3 with trillion emeralds), (a4, a5, v4 without)
Step 2 (blues):
Fuse blue p1, p2, p3 with radiant rubies
Fuse h1, h2, h3 with trillion/radiant sapphires
Fuse a, v, a/v with trillion/radiant amethysts/emeralds
Step 3 (purples): Fuse p, h, a/v with radiant rubies.
The result is as good as ephemeral firelily jewelry, and is very cheap to make. If low on gemstones, use radiants instead of trillions. For better quality use brilliants, and use teardrop/radiants for the rest of the greens (e.g. h4-h9).