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Thank You and be Safe

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    Thank You and be Safe

    I'd like to thank this entire community, players and developers, for making these trying times a little more bearable for me.

    I've just lost another uncle to COVID, as well as the husband of a friend who left behind his wife and four kids.

    Please be well and stay safe, all of you.

    My sympathies.


    • Turgeon
      Turgeon commented
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      I lost my father myself two years back wasnt due to covid but a tragic bike accident. Life can be hard but like my father was always saying live each day you never know when death will come.

    • TheExorcist
      TheExorcist commented
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      In my region 30 or so million people 2 million COVID 25K passed away. So sad. Luckily starting this month daily cases start to goes down drastically. Vaccine vaccine vaccine works wonders

    • Kristoff
      Kristoff commented
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      Turgeon My condolences to you as well.

      TheExorcist It's good that more people there are getting the vaccine.

    Kristoff you have my condolences.


    • Kristoff
      Kristoff commented
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      Thank you! It is most appreciated.

    Kristoff The effects of this pandemic will continue to be felt for a long time for those who lost someone close to them, and it sounds like you were hit especially hard. Be strong and stay safe.


    • Kristoff
      Kristoff commented
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      Thanks, Ozymandius ! Now one of my lovely cousins died just last night.

    I am sorry for that.Living in China is lucky .The closure of Wuhan in 2020 is a difficult decision for the Chinese government.


    • Kristoff
      Kristoff commented
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      Thank you. I appreciate your condolences.

    Kristoff I'm sorry for your family's continuing losses. This pandemic is a real killer, and yet still people stupidly refuse to acknowledge it is real or get vaccinated.


    • Kristoff
      Kristoff commented
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      Thank you. Unfortunately, in my uncle's case, his religion prohibited vaccination. He was also a minister, so he was expected to set an example for others to follow.

    • Turgeon
      Turgeon commented
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      Lets just do a small survey on who got their 2 vaccin alrdy!? Me im already vaccinated twice. What about youguyz?

    • Kristoff
      Kristoff commented
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      I'm vaccinated. Just waiting for a booster.

    Survey Turgeon.
    me? SELESAI (completed)
    Sinovac 2 dose.
    Politics aside. Strictly COVID purpose
    The gov very particular this vaccine thing they even remind people to attend the appointment date and don't be late
    Attached Files
    Last edited by TheExorcist; 10-06-2021, 01:27 AM.
    Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
    trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

    brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

    Hv a nice day


      I'm gotten both vaccines, and awaiting booster. No hesitation no doubt.

