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Bug or feature? (ELR Mage facing Garm at TL134 in ANB)

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  • Ozymandius
    It is a tough situation, but dying resets Garm's attack rotation back to the very beginning. So yes, you have to be able to dodge well enough to avoid at least some of Garm's initial attacks in order to ever see the blue circle. I would suggest practicing at lower trials to work on dodge skills or switching to DFA attacks which can grant some protection to get you past the initial attack phase.

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  • Medamanaman
    Originally posted by Bali_Lenni View Post
    Those 2 minutes - were they 2 minutes without circle before dying first time or was it minutes, but dying often within those 2 minutes ?
    I don't remember that, but considering the problem I have with Garm on my mobile at those levels, my Mage most likely will have died before those 2+ minutes without a blue circle.

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  • Bali_Lenni
    Those 2 minutes - were they 2 minutes without circle before dying first time or was it minutes, but dying often within those 2 minutes ?

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  • Bug or feature? (ELR Mage facing Garm at TL134 in ANB)


    in the past few months I encountered a nasty situation twice:

    for more than 2 minutes, there was no blue Healing Circle, so my Mage died/died/died/...

    Is this a bug?

    If it's a feature, then what can a (good?) player do to defeat Garm in such a situation?