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Is ANB worthly?

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  • Alessandro Ferrari
    Last edited by Alessandro Ferrari; 08-09-2023, 09:56 AM.

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  • Bali_Lenni
    commented on 's reply
    Whatever is most fun.
    Warrior is a great mobile build and also a good \ simple (Fury set with 6 gear pieces aka 6F) build to get going, with the added bonus, that it is a great farming build and therefore will still be very useful (to keep) even if you decide to play another build like mage. (I think Bounty Hunter does great farming as well, but never played it).

  • crossrulz
    Whatever you are most comfortable with.

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  • Alessandro Ferrari
    What is the best class to do this event?

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  • Bali_Lenni
    commented on 's reply
    Thank you WarriorSeven for untangling my little riddle-rhyme (spot on info there for new players btw \IMO) and appologies to @AlessandroFerrari for not being able to resist having a bit of language fun..... more so even, as there had not been any responses yet and I was counting on the great pool of helpful players for further illumination.
    Good luck & happy gaming

  • Wisp
    It has been said; of the greatness of ANB...
    As of all that it contributes to your Mains; crafting, experience, gold, gems and a new recyclable farmer.
    " The hardest part about ANB, is not playing! "

    Happy Hunting !

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  • crossrulz
    The experience boost is worth it. But the fun of the ANB is the challenge of trying to improve each time. Yes, there is the ranking against others, but trying to do better is the real goal.

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  • WarriorSeven
    commented on 's reply
    It is sometimes frustrating for a new player. But as Bali_Lenni says, you have to study as well! There is a LOT of published info on the game, must of it developed by very talented players who want to help us all succeed.

    To be good at this game, you must invest at least some of your time reading the many useful guides, especially those directed to new players -- and it will help tremendously in reducing some of the frustration. After awhile, much of the game becomes second nature to play.

    This game requires a fair amount of time investment by a player to get good at it -- and it does not happen overnight! It is free to play (the best out there, IMO), but the trade-off is the game requires some dedication by its players to learn about it, grow, and develop. If you cannot commit to this in the long haul (years, not days or even months!) you may be better off finding something else to do in your free time.

  • Bali_Lenni
    Well Whirly Worldly Worthy
    make it worth, not worse, your while
    read the guides & stay awhile...

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  • Alessandro Ferrari
    started a topic Is ANB worthly?

    Is ANB worthly?

    Is this event worthly to be done? I have finished it one time and no chance I can handle the trial to get the celestial item. A part from this, is the rest worthly?