In Survive the Land what levels drop the highest gear?
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Survive the Land
I'm not sure about a specific level for highest level for gear but as far as legendaries go I think they start at 90 and drop rates increase higher you go for legendaries, stay within say 1-3 minutes on killing boss for level to keep time to kill as high as possible. The faster you kill the higher the gear I think?
According to LodWig's post on discord, highest chance is at Trial level 140 - it caps there, so no point going higher if you're just farming for gear drops. Also haven't seen any posting about any difference for StL vs normal ANB or season rates... I could be wrong...
If you kill the boss within the 10 minutes limit, then 1 of the item drop is calculated as 10 levels above the one you're running, so it's "boosted". But if you're running 140, then all 3 are already at "max chance" - so could do 130 for 1 at max chance and 2 slightly lower, if 140 isn't do able.
As with any farming run, only really worth it if you can clear in under 1 minute - quantity over quality, quicker runs mean more drops per hour, which also means more chances at the RNG for high level items... You're looking at a 2.8% drop chance for lvl77 at TL140 - if I'm reading his graphs correctly...
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