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A little balance to the Bracers of Masteries?

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  • Arionthe
    Originally posted by MufasaGaming View Post
    I agree for the primary skills such frenzy should have a 1000% bonus to raise at least at 10% of overall damages..

    But % of damage from active skills can vary a lot with playstyle. For example, the exact same build / skills (Defender) i'll do 60% damage with whirlwind in a TL90 farming XP but 60% damage with shield slam while pushing TL120 so multiple bracers can be usefull.
    The main gist is as you said, asking for a bigger boost to normal attacks. The main active skill bracers should be closer together. bracers aren't meant to equalize skill output, just make them all viable choices depending on the situation (farm/push etc). Although for SW, my guess is DT bracer will always be push first choice while SW bracer is DW's only option for everything. Would like to see the choices being a little more competitive.

    I caution flat dmg boost like 10x to cleave/rs/frenzy because that can make them OP for farming (although everything is OP for farming).

    Something more along the line of 5x to cleave/rs/frenzy plus 100% dmg to elite/boss. This way 5x to normal mobs and 10x to elite/boss (note that 100% dmg to elite/boss only related to the normal attacks, not blanket 100% dmg boost to everything).

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  • MufasaGaming
    I agree for the primary skills such frenzy should have a 1000% bonus to raise at least at 10% of overall damages..

    But % of damage from active skills can vary a lot with playstyle. For example, the exact same build / skills (Defender) i'll do 60% damage with whirlwind in a TL90 farming XP but 60% damage with shield slam while pushing TL120 so multiple bracers can be usefull.

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  • Arionthe
    started a topic A little balance to the Bracers of Masteries?

    A little balance to the Bracers of Masteries?

    When looking at the new Gears write up, I noticed that the boost % wasn't that wildly apart for various skills. This actually makes some bracers a waste of game resource (to put it mildly).

    Consider the actual dmg breakdown of a pushing SW.
    TL 138
    Shield Slam 64%
    Deadly Throw 16%
    Whirlwind 12%
    Vial of WS 4%
    Whirling Storm 3%
    Frenzy 1%

    What's clear is that most of the damage comes from active skills (DT, WW), or procs (SS, VoWS, WS). Normal attacks barely made it to the board at 1%. So if a bracer of mastery is made to boost the normal attack, the boost HAS to be MASSIVE to make just the slightest difference.

    So from a player's perspective, should I wear a bracer that ups my 16% DT dmg by 100%? or my 1% frenzy dmg by 100%? Or the 64% SS by 100%? or .... Wait.. what? is this an actual question?

    Clearly the cost benefit analysis is so out of balance that no one would ever use bracers that boost skills/attacks with minuscule TL dmg contribution. Conversely, the mastery boost for those non-contributing skills must be significantly boosted in order to make a player actually take a pause and consider the choices.
