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Shield warrior dead?

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    Shield warrior dead?

    Really dont like to play warlord/fury on mobile. But to have a chance to make it to tl 130 next and try to gain a medel i guess i have start ejoying it.

    Thought devs would fix the dubbel tap so this extrem dps they put out would drop abit. Even if it would be dropped by 50% no shield.war would come close anyway. Surviability seems better also comparing shield.war

    Think blackguard need to be able to shield slam 30-45 times a minut and not just 15 to be able to compete a little bit atleast.
    Last edited by Johan Gustafsson; 08-14-2020, 03:45 AM.

    Shield warrior is not dead but he sure smells funny right need very high CL to be competitive with it.


      we are not dead..we just go on vacation to the "Bahamas"
      Joke aside.
      It's tough. Nevertheless "His Majesty Tempadin (Shield warrior King at the moment)" made it at The Warrior LB Trial 147. Follow by Deksing Trial 142, Arianny Trial 142 and Cathe Trial 141

      Thank you
      Last edited by TheExorcist; 08-16-2020, 05:16 AM.
      Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
      trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

      brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

      Hv a nice day


        It depends what your goal is. If you just want to get to TL 130 to have both CT and the Glory rewards, play what you enjoy. If you are looking to rank on the LB, SW will be more challenging for sure.

