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Using Shockwave

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    Using Shockwave

    Hi, I’m a play for fun person. I have accounts in Eternim: one each for mages, warriors and bounty hunters.
    warriors is the one I’m newest to, and although I enjoy Fury style, I’ve just started looking at Defender style warrior. However, I have one big problem; I just don’t get or understand Shockwave .... I’m obviously not doing I right as my percentage of damage is normally at around 2 or 3%, (trial level 90, 2 to 3 minutes) whereas when I look at other player stats when they are available, they all seem to be 30 to 40 percent ...
    if I go with shockwave, what is the best way to use it?

    Don't use shockwave with Defender set. Shockwave matches up with warlord set. Are you mixing up SW - Shield Warrior with SW - shockwave ?


      Thanks for replying .. the leaderboards aren’t up at the moment so I can’t check, but yes, maybe I misunderstood .. probably explains why I’m not doing much with it ...
      mind you, I’ve played Warlord before and never thought of using Shockwave with that style of character ..
      however fact remains, I still cant use shockwave effectively ...
      maybe I’ll use leap instead


      • Turgeon
        Turgeon commented
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        To get high dmg with shockwave u need dmg over time And big crit

      Leap and shockwave is a good mix. Check out the pinned guide in warrior barracks.


        Thanks, by the sound of it Turgeon, I need to herd my opponents into a larger ‘mob’ sheepdog style to get more people with the shockwave ...
        im guessing a little additional fire damage is helpful too ..
        I’ll keep grinding and practising and experimenting


        • Stusmith50
          Stusmith50 commented
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          Parrying with warlord set triggers a mini whirlwind which holds the mob together. Leap lvl 10 is also needed so that moving around doesn't split the mob.
          Last edited by Stusmith50; 11-22-2020, 09:28 PM.

        First thing first, you need shockwave level 10. The effect at level 10 allows damage over time effects to greatly increase the damage your shockwaves do. You will also need vamparic blades for the grievous wounds effect. Grievous wounds applies a 6 second dot for 15% of the damage from your critical hits.

        Shockwave is fueled by 3 things:
        -Rending slash dot
        -Leap dot
        -grievous wounds dot
        Last edited by Romme; 11-23-2020, 04:30 AM.


          Thanks Romme .... so again it’s warlord, not defender
          thanks everyone


            Just had a quick go with Warlord amusing Shockwave ..
            wow, all of a sudden it’s 35% of my total damage
            thank you


            • Romme
              Romme commented
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              Yea its about 80% of mine. Make sure you get fire damage on your trinkets, belt, bracers. And shockwave bracers. Damage will sky rocket

            • Romme
              Romme commented
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              You also want 4 warlord and 2 fury

            Shocking! Just Shocking!

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Wave 03.gif
Views:	737
Size:	344.4 KB
ID:	185894


              Thanks again Romme ... just this minute tried the x4 warlord, x2fury ..
              forgetting percentage, it’s just shaved a minute off my time. ..
              well worth the effort

